Hi -
Sorry to re-open an old thread, but I'm having a similar issue with auto-replies, and changing ISP's isn't an option...
I've been using the same ISP for 14 yrs, and it does relay as long as "any" validly formatted e-mail address is in the MAIL FROM field when sending an outgoing message - just apparently not when the MAIL FROM field is empty (<>) as I've found out recently when attempting to use auto-reply.
Hoping to get more insight into why the MAIL FROM <> response doesn't contain a valid user.
Based on the help file info - MercuryC / Forced SMTP sender - it sounds like we should be able to always have a valid MAIL FROM user sent to the outgoing server for validation.
I've tried changing various settings, including adding various headers via outgoing rules for the AutoReply message that don't appear to be included by default in auto-replies ( Return-Path:, From:, Resent-from:, X-AutoForwarded: ) as well as adding the forced smtp sender, etc.
I guess my expected behavior, for auto-replies, would be for MercuryC to use either the "receiving" mail account name as the "MAIL FROM<>" account when sending the auto-reply, or use the postmaster / forced smtp sender account in the MAIL FROM<> field.
Is there something I am missing / some way to cause MercuryC to always populate the MAIL FROM, and / or any way to add the MAIL FROM user via outgoing rules (it's not a header, but is typically taken from the Return-Path or From field I believe).
Oh - and i can include a full connection log from my server to my ISP for an auto-reply if needed, but the relevant issue field is the same as Dave shows above - the empty MAIL FROM:<> response
22:25:28.265: << MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=676<cr><lf>
Thanks for any help anyone can give.