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Brian Fluet posted Aug 28 '18 at 11:52 pm

I think you have done all you can do assuming your searches were of the entire mailbox.  If a copy to self filter or autofilter was at play then it might have ended up in a different folder.

rogert posted Aug 24 '18 at 4:28 pm

It occurs as soon as Pegasus opens up on the first email it attempts to download and it won't progress beyond that point.


Do you have over 700 messages in your new mail folder?  If so, the messages may be downloading but won't display until a folder refresh (close/open).

Have you created a session log and checked it for a failure during the dowload session? Don't post an entire log.  It contains your credentials, possibly encryped but easily decrypted.

New mail filters? Auto-filters?  Check to make sure you don't have any, especially auto-filters.

If you can send, send yourself a test message with a unique subject.  After a download,  do a header search of the entire mailbox for that subject.

Brian Fluet posted Aug 20 '18 at 4:33 am

Your logic is fine.  You just need to make the rule a new mail filtering rule, when folder is opened.  Each incoming message that isn't diverted by Spamhalter or Content Control get run through these rules.  All unread messages also get run through these filters each time the new mail folder is opened which is why I commented about not knowing the potential impact of the processing overhead by a list scan rule using a large list.


Can't re-enact your failure. I took a mail, once deleted whole date-header and once only the date and in both cases mail was visible in folder (!= inbox) where I copied it from IMAP-folder.

But - the way the missing date is put into PMI-file and how Pegasus will show this in folder seems to vary. Had two variants:

  • 204 Jan 4 204:20è
First Variant is shown in folderlist without date (indexing on date descending -> bottom of list), second with the date of the entry in index before the relevant one. What ever happens ... I think David should have an eye on that while developing Pegasus V5 with folders in a database..
The only mails i receive coming without header for date (and msgid) are statusmails from our tape library. But these mails are delivered to our Mercury and Mercury adds both if missing before sending the mail to me. As I remember there is a RFC saying a mailhost has to do that because those headers are essential.

cheers    Olaf

Michael posted Sep 10 '18 at 11:04 pm

[quote user="Greenman"]Reindexing - the folder must be closed before right-clicking the folder in the folder list and choosing the option to reindex. [/quote]

You may also try mbxmaint_ui.exe from Pegasus Mail's \program\ subdirectory with Pegasus Mail closed. You will need to know the respective folder's filename, though. For finding a folder's filename do a right-click on it in Pegasus Mail and select Folder information from the context menu.

sawbona posted Jan 15 '19 at 2:23 am



 Have you tried installing wine/Pegasus Mail on both partitions ...


No ...

Never got around to that. (my OP is a bit dated now ...)

I decided to run just Devuan with Wine for Pegasus Mail and a VM for whatever MS stuff I may need which (fortunately) is less and less each day.

I don't think I'll be doing any more experiments with other distributions so my twin Pegasus Mail installation is no longer needed. 

My rig's motherboard has an internal (undocumented) USB port from which I can select to boot from at F8. It contains a very small install of TinyCore Linux and it is my go to emergency installation in case of trouble with connectivity. browser and all the needed tools. It has worked fine up to now so a second Linux install makes little sense now. 


I still prefer Pegasus Mail to anything else even with all the quirks under PoL.


Indeed ...

I must confess that, because of Wine's shortcomings I looked at Sylpheed/Claws for a while but they don't not have and apparently won't ever have the functionality of Pegasus Mail.

eg: one is selective mail download. It is a deal breaker for me and probably the best plug-in Pegasus has.

It is a pity that Wine does not clean up it's act (Pegasus wise) a bit more.

















dgrahame posted Aug 7 '18 at 3:28 pm

Yup! That works! Once again, you've solved my problem immediately, Brian!

Was hoping there was an "in-house" solution in Pegasus, but your solution is actually just as fast.

Yes, the Ozarks are beautiful, especially on a motorbike (unless you're allergic to outdoor molds like me!).

Thanks for the instant help, Brian!




Brian Fluet posted Aug 6 '18 at 5:34 pm

Here's what I know...

The folder list/hierarchy is stored in a file named HIERARCH.PM.  That file is updated when Pegasus Mail is shut down.  On startup, the file is verified then read to populate the folder list.  The piece that I don't understand is why the "locating folders" process time can range from almost instantaneous to a number of seconds.  If you don't use trays you might benefit from a rebuild of the HIERARCH.PM file but that isn't an option if you have trays (you lose the tray structure).

maxwelldm posted Jul 30 '18 at 3:15 am

Absolutely brilliant!  Fixed it perfectly.  And, probably more important, I understand exactly how it all works, (and why some folders disappeared).  Thank you so much.

Brian Fluet posted Jul 31 '18 at 12:12 am

I know Martin has spent time trying to figure out Edge and my last understanding was that Edge couldn't be invoked by Pegasus Mail so you can imagine my surprise that I was able to.  The questions now are why did it work, and why on only one of my two instances.

NickStick posted Jul 30 '18 at 1:18 pm

I tried to reply to that message from a different PC (Win 7 32bit).

It looks that in any way, Pegasus seems to not like at all replying to that message, it start behaving strange, slowing down, graphic appearance of parts of Pegasus (e.g. buttons) are affected/ disappearing and finally it goes freezing itself in a few clicks,

Even if I can discard the reply, Pegasus seems to remain unstable and it needs to be restarted.

Trying same thing with IErenderer turned off takes Pegasus to immediate crash.


I hope this can help.



You can add a directory to the Pegasus Mail folder list as an added mailbox so doing that with the restored mailbox directory should provide access to all of the restored folders and messages.  You can then copy what want from out of the added mailbox to My mailbox.

One thing to be aware of when copying or moving from an added mailbox is that you can't work at the folder level, you must work at the message level.  Standard Windows functions like select all (Ctrl+A) help to copy in bulk.


Brian, I'm so glad that you posted because seeing your icon triggered my aging memory!


already answered this current question of mine back in 2015!! That's exactly what got me using Word for strikethroughs in the first place!! And the solution is

still the same![quote user="Brian Fluet"]There is no way that I know of to create strikethrough from within Pegasus Mail but you don't need to attach a Word doc either.  You can copy the

content of a message to a Word doc, do your edits, then copy the contents of

the Word doc and paste it as formatted text into a new message or reply. 

The only caveat is that the recipient must view the HTML version unless you

turn off the "Generate multipart/alternative versions of richtext messages"

option so that only an HTML version is sent.[/quote]

I feel a bit foolish for having failed to check my old threads.[:$]

But allow me to reiterate my thanks to you, Brian! I'll be more careful to check my old questions

before I needlessly ask them again!!


Shades posted Jul 18 '18 at 12:05 pm



I use a batch file for all my mobile apps

--- My Batch ---

@echo off
Subst Z: .

 --- End of my batch ---

My shortcut (for Pegasus)

Z:\Mail\winpm-32.exe -z 32 -i UesrName

My Pmauil.cfg has


pmail.ini also refers to





FJR posted Aug 10 '18 at 12:54 pm

As Brian said, these are mailboxes (or System Wide Folder - they too have a leading 2).

The local mailbox normally will look like this

2,1,"203A1978:My Mailbox","","My Mailbox"

and normaly there will be entries for folders in the local mailbox starting with a leading 0 and pointing to "203A1978:My Mailbox". Be sure your entries are not for the local mailbox (have a look at STATE.PMJ -> Mailbox_IDs -> Default)

I assume you use IMAP and you named the IMAP-Mailbox "Davis". I don't know why or under which circumstances those entries are generated for the same mailbox (folders hierarchy of IMAP-mailboxes will not be saved in HIERARCH.PM) and I have one IMAP-Mailbox that has only one of those entries - but the others have hundreds. I remember that I deleted those entries (on closed Pegasus) some years ago ... but they come up again over the time :-)

Cheers    Olaf

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