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[quote user="Shades"]

I may have missed something but why not just right_click & "Re-Send", it will need doing for each message but is quick enough



Sounds like it would have been a much better way for me to deal with the problem. Wish I had known about it. [:S] I never thought to right click there. Nevertheless, the alternate SMTP provider has been a really good solution, but thanks for the clue.

I've sent David a logfile of a failed session I just created. It appears to proceed normally, accepts all of my test message, but then ends with:

07:16:20.214: >> 550 Request failed; Mailbox unavailable<cr><lf>
07:16:23.520: << QUIT<cr><lf>
07:16:23.577: >> 221 Service Closing transmission<cr><lf>
07:16:23.580: [!] Warning: SSL connection improperly closed by remote host.

This seems to confirm my guess that AT&T downsized the size of their SMPT, and probably also their POP3, server farms, simply because most people use webmail these days. I doubt if AT&T has any interest in going back, and would really prefer that we all just give up and disappear. The alternate SMTP server turns out to be a really good solution for me, because I also use a non-AT&T POP3 server, so this means that I'm no longer dependent on my ISP for email services, making it much easier for me to change ISPs.


Andy~ posted Oct 29 '19 at 2:23 pm

Upgrading the server is what worked here. The old server was running XP (yes, I know...) and AIUI 1803 wouldn't allow the client PC to collect mail via the server (because SMBv1). So, assigned a newer server to host the mailboxes etc, and Pegasus has been fine since, despite upgrading to 1903.

Thanks for the assistance!

Joerg posted Apr 27 '20 at 2:00 pm

We know this behaviour that Pmail (as other programs) seems to be minimized and only visible on the task bar. Do you use an additional monitor for one of the notebooks? And maybe you've moved your Pmail window out of your first desktop to the second monitor? Then it would be "out of visibla range" in case your disconnect the additional monitor again.

In such case you could click on the taskbar Pmail area/icon as much as you want. But Pmail is maximizing outside of your desktop (where your additional monitor was).
Solution: Shift + Right click on Pmail taskbar symbol. Then choose "move". Then use your keyboard arrow buttons and move your Pmail window back into your main desktop. Depenging where your monitor was arranged, you have to move to the left or to the right to view the window again at your desktop.


A clean-up of the server mailbox before attempting to download is a good approach if web access isn't so cludgy as to make that impractical.  Beyond that. I think you approach is the best you can hope for. 

As for upgrading, it won't fix any existing problems.  They're almost always associated with configuration files which an upgrade won't touch other than to add entries it needs.  The only real way to clean house is to do a clean install including creating new mailboxes and then copying the data over from the previous mailboxes.

BTW, there is a file maintained by Pegasus Mail that keeps track of the messages downloaded.  When it gets corrupted, Pegasus Mail downloads all message again if you've left them on the server.  This happens occasionally on my flash drive installed pmail and I don't know why.  I now routinely web access the server and clean out the new mail.

lhhesscpa posted May 5 '18 at 12:25 am

I think I understand the issue now. In preview mode, if I select a message that has a gray box and click the Pegasus icon I get a list. I can see the image by selecting Load Remote Images. And Ctrl+Shft+U works but Ctrl+Shft+P does not.

Thanks to all who helped me through this. BTW, I've been a Pegasus user for many years and prefer it to any of the other ones I've tried. I can only hope there will be another version soon.

Kilmolin posted May 3 '18 at 3:42 pm

I should have added that I can easily manage without this feature.

Overall the template facility is excellent.

However I raise this issue so it can be fixed in a future release.

Greenman posted Apr 24 '18 at 1:38 pm

I suspect that you have a heirarchical folder system and that there are sub folders located off different trays that use the same folder name.




You will find that copying messages into accounts will not necessarily end up in the folder you thought it would go to. You need to eliminate duplicates (even though they are child items off different parents).

To fix it you would need to rename the above to  Accounts 2017 and Accounts 2018.

I'm sure your messages are there. You just need to look in all the child folders that may have the same name.


Thank you for the info. 

I'll access my backups and see what I can recover otherwise I'll just have to wrack my brains and try and recreate whatever it was I originally noted in the various annotations.   Lesson learned, store nothing too important in the annotations.


Brian Fluet posted Sep 22 '18 at 10:03 pm

Make sure your timeout of 200 is set in the General tab of Internet Options with 0 timeout set it each host configuration


have a timeout of 200 set in each host configuration (this setting overrides the one in the General tab)


Thanks Brian.

I am very pleased to say that I now have my data back, at least for my user, "kenneth" in the I:\PMAIL directory.

I copied the contents (files only) from the backup of two nights ago, and then the contents of the "kenneth" directory, and Pegasus started normally. So it must have been some sort of corruption of the file contents of I:\PMAIL and/or I:\PMAIL\kenneth. And it seems that Pegasus behaves better if a backup is not copied to a new directory, but rather into a directory in an identical location to the original, after renaming the original. This relates to your earlier comment.

Now I have carefully to examine the most recent version of the "kenneth" directory mail message and folder files collected today and hopefully restore them by copying them into the now usable "kenneth" directory.

I shall use your helpful comments in your recent post to help me to do that.

So thanks for your help.

Kenneth Spencer


Hi Michael,

  Just to let you know I have downloaded this document set already.  The format is extremely complex, and I really don't think I can cope with fathoming out what Microsoft is trying to achieve. I have obtained the pointers to the various sections of a DOCX file and I know the headers for PDF and ZIP files, as well as standard *.doc files. So I will try an experimental version of Mapipm to extract these files programatically.

I have located the blocks that contain the email message header lines and body content as well, so I may be able to re-constitute the original email message, or close to it.

That being said this will likely take some time.



If that works to satisfactions I will then work on other filetypes like *.XLS etc

irelam posted Apr 3 '18 at 7:27 pm

Noticeboards are a really useful feature in a shared network environment. In my case, before I retired, in my office environment, a user could get a mail from an external company, and a copy of that message would be put in the relevant folder (eg;Company name) for everyone authorised to see the message, and act on it. Where it differs from regular folders is that the feature requires that permissions be set up by the administrator for people (P.M userid) to be able to access a particular folder structure for read and/or write access. This allows for temporary access to others while a person is absent from work due to illness or vacation etc.

It is the same kind of thing as OS file access control on a network drive. The only real difference IMHO is that granting and removing access is a simple text file rather than the insanely complex system dreamed up by Microsoft.

For single users like myself at present it becomes a simple filing system to access messages quickly.  The only real difference between regular messages and noticeboard messages is that for noticeboards the messages remain individually kept as *.CNB rather than *.CNM in a folder. This is just like viewing messages in a NewMail display.   No compressing/indexing folders is ever required.

All that being said, I have not tested it out in Windows 10 32/64 bit modes.

Let me know if I can be of any help.



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