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irelam posted Mar 3 '14 at 4:55 pm

I'm sorry to say that if you re-indexed you may have emptied the folder and rewritten it. As such you are left with your PC backups.

If you want to be really sure, check the size of the folder file *.PMM for which-ever folder in your mail folder.  If it is really big you have a good chance of getting them back.  Run my utility Notsplit, available at this site at url address: It will place all the notes it finds, in your newmail directory (so make sure your newmail directory is empty before attempting to do this).

Let me know if you need assistance in running my utility



I can not offer any other explanation as to why Pegasus Mail can not see the address books, dlists, or rules if the files are in the appropriate mailbox directory.

If you were moving Pegasus Mail from one Win7 machine to another Win7 machine and the install on the first machine was to the default location of C:\PMAIL then you could copy the entire contents of C:\PMAIL from the old machine to the new machine.  You could then run the installer to make the appropriate registry entries (not necessary but adds ability to set Pegasus Mail as the default mail program). 

An alternative method would be to install Pegasus Mail on the new machine and then replace the entire content of the \MAIL folder with the content from the other machine.  Installation MUST be in the same location as it was on the old Win7 machine.  (Note to other readers:  This may not work if moving from a machine running WinXP). 

You might be best served to start from scratch but if the paths to the Pegasus Mail executable files and to the

mailboxes are the same in the vm as they were on the old machine then it might be worth a try to rename the existing \MAIL directory then copy \MAIL from the old

machine.  Do this with Pegasus Mail closed. IMPORTANT:  This WILL NOT work if the paths to the Pegasus Mail executable files and to the

mailboxes are not the same in the vm as they were on the old machine.

Note:  I do not have any experience with running a vm on a mac so can't say whether that has any impact on how this will work.


caisson posted Mar 12 '14 at 3:05 am

Just joking. The salient point is that Pmail, when set up to do so, will generate both a plain and fancy version of each message sent.

The obvious intent is that the recipient can then decide which version of those messages to display, provided that the program in use is capable of doing so.

Pmail has that capacity and will display either version, as selected, in emails that contain both formats. 


This is not necessary. In the original installation go to Addresses | User management and create new User(s).

This will create a new mailbox for each additional user. Start each from its own shortcut using the -MS command line switch to allow multiple instances to run

and the -I <username> switch applicable in each case.

irelam posted Feb 21 '14 at 11:51 pm

I guess the information on disabling blacklist checking in Bearhtml is irrelevant if you are using IERenderer. The phishing check, in both cases is able to be disabled via the menu item Tools/Options/Incoming Mail/Hyperlinks being unchecked.

Martin ("the other person") 

timmib posted Feb 25 '14 at 2:16 pm

I have a gmail account accessed as imap.  It does the same thing.  I presume the problem is on the google side as I've never had problems with the imap protocol before.  As you say, the actions in fact are reflected in the account regardless of the the warnings.  I don't believe it is the xfinity/comcast modem as the last time I used imap it was with another source and there were no problems.

Be well,


bfluet posted Mar 4 '14 at 9:48 pm

You say you have sent such large messages via Thunderbird and a web

interface which I find surprising for the facts mentioned by Martin but

it makes me wonder if an inadequate timeout setting in Pegasus Mail

could be breaking off the transmission before it has completed.


in mind that the timeout setting in the SMTP host configuration takes

precedence over the one in the General tab of Network configuration.


at the office we routinely exchange photos and large files with clients and vendors.  Our experience is that delivery of messages larger than 20MB is unreliable.  An image resizer, a zip utility and Dropbox are all utilized as appropriate.



When copying a simple installation's HIERARCH.PM file to a new installation, pmail will re-assign the unique ID of the primary mailbox.  It is a simple matter to do a find and replace on that unique ID.  


1) Delete the HIERARCH.PM file from the new installation, restart pmail, exit pmail and then look at the first line of the file, which will be something like:

 2,1,"5F242154:My mailbox","","My mailbox"

 2) Copy the old HIERARCH.PM file into the new installation.  A few lines from my old HIERARCH.PM file look like this:

 2,1,"56A33625:My mailbox","","My mailbox"

1,1,"1F533666:Tray1","56A33625:My mailbox","Tray1"

0,0,"1CF29095:0EFA:FOL132AA","1F533666:Tray1","Folder beneath Tray1"

0,0,"0E562976:3863:FOL031F0","56A33625:My mailbox","Folder In Mailbox - Not in Tray"

3) You would then find and replace each occurrence of 56A33625 with the new installation's unique ID for the mailbox (5F242154).

4) Save the HIERARCH.PM file into the new installation and restart pmail.

PaulW posted Feb 9 '14 at 12:33 pm

[quote user="bfluet"]

[quote user="PaulW"]WSSetup.dat contains the default base directory which (from the comments) are created upon initial PMail install.  This setting can only be altered manually and not through the program GUI.[/quote]

D'OH!  I did not think to look for a .dat or .ini associated with WSSETUP.  So let me ask this.  The registry entries in the problem PC contained UNC paths that match the one in the wssetup.dat file.  The registry entries in two other PCs contained mapped drive paths.  How would those mapped drive paths have been placed into the registry?  Would it have been from running winpm-32.exe using the mapped drive path without running or prior to running wssetup.exe?


My guess would be that either a full install or wssetup puts them in the registry.


Hi Chris,

[quote user="chriscw"]I was expecting to see some indication such as the first one or and x-envelope to field.[/quote]

Martin already explained.

[quote]Where should I be looking.[/quote]

Hmm ... you are using Mercury ... so have a look at the logs of coremdoule and maybe MercuryE(?).

But I wonder why you don't get an errormail. Is the user within your domain?

bye   Olaf

FJR posted Jan 30 '14 at 1:30 pm

How to migrate you may search the forum - there are plenty of describtions.

What do you mean by the emails not to copy? You may simply exclude those in the "Inbox". Don't copy files ending on "*.CNM"

All other emails are in mailfolders and in Pegasus these folders are files including all the emails of that folder.

bye    Olaf


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