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CraigSpencer posted Aug 29 '13 at 8:07 pm

I have realized that Pegasus is behaving in a way that I find strange and don't understand.

When Pegasus is left loaded but not being used, its use of my CPU rises to 50% and there is lots of disk access. Then, if I do something with Pegasus the CPU usage drops to zero for a while. But when I stop using it, it soon goes back up to about 50%. This seems to go on indefinitely (longer than I have had the patience to watch it). Can this be normal?

It has occurred to me that Pegasus might be doing some sort of housekeeping. I do have a lot of mail in my mailbox. But I would think that would end eventually. The thought also has occurred to me that Pegasus might be infected with some sort of virus. However, I have not found any references to such by searching.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what is going on?

I am using Pegasus 4.63 on WinXP SP3.



[quote user="bobbiev"]

I want to save all of the messages in a folder to a file without all the header/raw info.  Can this be done?

 I am running the current version of Pmail on Win 7 32 bit.

Thanks, Bobbie


A solution is to use pdfCreator: select all the messages you want to save and then choose 'Print', as specific printer choose pdfCreator, choose 'Print significant headers only' , you can check or uncheck 'Collate' if you want one .pdf file for each message or a .pdf file including all the messages you selected.



Bob posted Aug 23 '13 at 3:43 am

I downloaded the latest version of IERenderer. For now, everything seems to be back to normal. I'll see what happens in the next day or so.


This isn't a solution, just an FYI about the notification message...

From the Pegasus Mail manual (pg 40):

Address overrides
Occasionally, you will need to mail to an address which Pegasus Mail cannot automatically detect as being of a particular type. If this happens, you may have to use an override - a special sequence of characters at the start of the address that forces Pegasus Mail to accept the address as a particular type. Overrides consist of two or three characters and a colon: the recognized overrides in Pegasus Mail for Windows are as follows:

PM: to force Pegasus Mail to treat the address as local.
IN: to force delivery via the system's Internet gateway.
MHS: to force delivery via MHS.
NB: to force delivery to a Pegasus Mail Noticeboard.

If you use an override, Pegasus Mail will not even attempt to parse the address, and will pass it unaltered to the appropriate transport after removing the override string. The NB override is the only way to send mail directly to a noticeboard.

bfluet posted Aug 21 '13 at 9:12 pm

There are reply related settings in Tools > Options > Outgoing mail > Messages and replies.  Perhaps one of those is different in the one identity that is not behaving as expected

craigt posted Aug 20 '13 at 10:56 pm

OK, thanks!  I was considering toying with the settings in pmail.ini to add a relative path to the file names therein but wasn't in the mood for the probable crashes and repairs.

Michael posted Aug 21 '13 at 7:54 pm

[quote user="inksi"]What we have done is to rename the IERenderer.dll and then provide a symlink to bearhtml.dll with the name IERenderer.dll so that bearhtml is called by default.[/quote]

I'm surpised you don't see any side effects of doing so. Instead you should rather rename or remove the file IERenderer.fff.

[quote user="inksi"]It would appear to be Wine not handling IERenderer correctly. It does not have a high priority despite a number of people having had issues. The workaround is not difficult but I suppose it does deprive Pegasus of some functionality. (?)[/quote]

It's actually an issue with WINE's IE support for embedding IE's rendering machine into other applications.

[quote user="inksi"]It would be good to see a specific Pegasus page on running under Wine, I cannot see that we are going to get a native Linux version ever and a little 'official' documentation on this issue could go a long way to demystifying it. Wine is not that complex but less capable users might balk at the issues mentioned above, either it will go or it won't would be the attitude of many.[/quote]

People using WINE could try to create a entry, AFAIK only a few people of PM's beta tester team are actually using WINE. IOW: I don't think WINE is officially supported other than on a voluntary basis.

denniss posted Aug 18 '13 at 1:21 am


Dummy that I am I failed to do a little research before pleading to the masses. The default printer was off line, which I found quite easily searching for "delay in opening message". Set the printer default to one that's available and problem solved. Sorry to waste bandwidth but perhaps it will help someone else to remember to look first and ask questions later.


NTxLS posted Aug 17 '13 at 3:16 am

Mr. Martin,

Thank you for this information as you well know, HELP file is my last resort . . by your suggestion that has been done and now the need is to see what takes place now. After following what is within there and now try it out.

Michael posted Aug 13 '13 at 10:40 pm

[quote user="Chris03"]Will PFS be supported soon?[/quote]

Since OpenSSL supports it and Pegasus Mail will switch from using CryptLib to OpenSSL it should be possible to implement it. But I can't tell whether it may happen soon or not - depending on what "soon" is supposed to mean anyway ...

HolyHarp posted Aug 12 '13 at 12:49 pm

After processing several mailing lists normally, I noticed that they had begun remaining in the queue.  I checked the and they were being sent (the SMTP flag was "T" designation).  I found the cause was that I had the PML files open in Notepad++  I closed Notepad and the queue processes the mailing lists completely and removes them from the queue.

caisson posted Aug 10 '13 at 3:42 am

Make the necessary adjustments with the window not maximized and check the option to retain desktop settings - Tools | Options | Basic settings.

Jerry Wise posted Aug 8 '13 at 7:29 pm

It sounds like you may have had improper or incomplete closure of winpm-32 and on restart some items were reset or rebuilt to default values. In order to perform one easy test close winpm-32 and rename state.pmj file to state.bak and on restart all will be at default sizes and locations. You will have to reset things and resize them.

The SMTP and POP settings are not stored in pmail.ini file any longer. They are stored in SMTP*.pnd and POP*.pnd files but are set and managed by Tools, Internet options and the tabs below with several for Receiving and also for Sending.

Were you possibly using dual monitors or experimenting with a viewing device of higher resolution or a CRT monitor and then also a new flat screen monitor of different resolution? Has your M$Windows been reset to different screen resolution?


It still sounds like a download controls issue.  Double check the download control settings in the POP3 host configuration.  Make sure the "Download only unread mail" is not checked and the "Default action for messages still present after filtering" is set to Download.

Also, enable internet session logging then check a log to see if an abnormal end to the connection is occurring.  Read the help file about internet session logging if you are unfamiliar with what gets logged and/or where to find the log files.


irelam posted Aug 11 '13 at 7:22 pm

A possible method would be to make the subject line  unique for each distribution list template file. Delivery failure messages always contain this important header.


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