I have couple of local receiver addresses in Exclude - section, and in spamhalter log file there is message regarding of these addresses:
I 20170214 035036.021 MG00D28E Receiver excluded
So, I think it is for local receiver, but it is interesting, if Lukas can clear up this.
Edit: Actually, My addresses in exclude sections are remote addresses from Mercury point of view, because they are in our Exchange server. So, maybe exclude section is for to - addresses (local or remote), as you said..
<p>Hi!</p><p>I have couple of local receiver addresses in Exclude - section,&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 10pt;">&nbsp;and in spamhalter log file there is message regarding of these addresses:</span></p><p>I 20170214 035036.021 MG00D28E Receiver excluded</p><p>&nbsp;So, I think it is for local receiver, but it is interesting, if Lukas can clear up this.</p><p>:)</p><p>&nbsp;Jyrki<span style="font-size: 10pt;">&nbsp;</span></p><p>&nbsp;Edit: Actually, My addresses in exclude sections are remote addresses from Mercury point of view, because they are in our Exchange server. So, maybe exclude section is for to - addresses (local or remote), as you said..</p>