Anyone know of a way to automatically remove a header, either with Mercury or within Pegasus Mail? I'm using MercD to retrieve mail from hosted mailboxes and that host is running SpamAssassin which is adding an X-Ham-Report header which contains text content from the message. It's making header searches very frustrating. Here's an example:
X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software,
running on the system "",
has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has
been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If
you have any questions,
see root\@localhost for details. Content preview: Search Products | Trade
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samples page. CLICK HERE Wishing you best of business, ...
<p>Anyone know of a way to automatically remove a header, either with Mercury or within Pegasus Mail?&nbsp; I'm using MercD to retrieve mail from hosted mailboxes and that host is running SpamAssassin which is adding an X-Ham-Report header which contains text content from the message.&nbsp; It's making header searches very frustrating.&nbsp; Here's an example:</p><p>X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software,
&nbsp;running on the system "",
&nbsp;has NOT identified this incoming email as spam.&nbsp; The original message has
&nbsp;been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email.&nbsp; If
&nbsp;you have any questions,
&nbsp;see root\@localhost for details.&nbsp; Content preview:&nbsp; Search Products | Trade
&nbsp;Center | My Alibaba | ! Forgot Password? Inquiry about your product You got
&nbsp;1 order inquiry notification from our customer about your product. Click the
&nbsp;button below and login with your valid email to view the customer inquiry
&nbsp;samples page. CLICK HERE Wishing you best of business, ...