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Add hostname to outbound *.101 messages possible?

I created the batch file (follows) and inserted DOS SET EMAILADD="%Internet Email Address" in the login script. If version 1.12 of the headers extension is used, the sending hostname is pasted to all outbound messages. I run the batch using ZENworks but could easily be done from any login script. etc.


echo header1=Received: from %COMPUTERNAME%>>U:\PMAIL\

<p>I created the batch file (follows) and inserted DOS SET EMAILADD="%Internet Email Address" in the login script. If version 1.12 of the headers extension is used, the sending hostname is pasted to all outbound messages. I run the batch using ZENworks but could easily be done from any login script. etc. </p><p> </p><p>@ECHO OFF echo [%EMAILADD%]>U:\PMAIL\ echo header1=Received: from %COMPUTERNAME%>>U:\PMAIL\ CLS @EXIT </p>

I need to be able to better track the sending workstation(s) on my LAN. I use Mercury/32 4.52, Pegasus Mail 4.31 NDS mode with Netware 6.5 SP6 servers. Having queues on all servers has made it much easier for me to perform maintenance on Mercury and I have much fewer issues with users because mail is always "sent" (instead of using Pegaus Mail in SMTP -> Mercury configuration).

I've tried using GRT's Headers extension with no success. I am needing to add the sending hostname / %COMPUTERNAME% (DHCP leases make the IP addresses unreliable) to all outbound messages. Is there some other extension / batch file / tool / Pegasus Mail - Mercury setting that will add another [Received: from] header (or [X-header]) to the messages?

<p>I need to be able to better track the sending workstation(s) on my LAN. I use Mercury/32 4.52, Pegasus Mail 4.31 NDS mode with Netware 6.5 SP6 servers. Having queues on all servers has made it much easier for me to perform maintenance on Mercury and I have much fewer issues with users because mail is always "sent" (instead of using Pegaus Mail in SMTP -> Mercury configuration).</p><p>  I've tried using GRT's Headers extension with no success. I am needing to add the sending hostname / %COMPUTERNAME% (DHCP leases make the IP addresses unreliable) to all outbound messages. Is there some other extension / batch file / tool / Pegasus Mail - Mercury setting that will add another [Received: from] header (or [X-header]) to the messages? </p>
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