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Moving Pegasus to a "NEW" Computer

I went to the backups and found:


   "    "     "         ADDRESS0200.PMR

And 5 sets of different FOLO3DC3.PMI and PMM files

This is my last backup on 10/21/2018 before my computer got DOA and had the reformat done at Best Buy "Geek Squad". Thanks a lot for all your time and trouble.

Will any of this work to restore Pegasus?


I think I've been overlooked in this thread, it seems to have died without resolution. Not being ungrateful, just curious....  Thanks.

<p>I went to the backups and found:</p><p>PMAIL\ADMIN\ADDRESS0200.PM!</p><p>   "    "     "         ADDRESS0200.PMR</p><p>And 5 sets of different FOLO3DC3.PMI and PMM files</p><p>This is my last backup on 10/21/2018 before my computer got DOA and had the reformat done at Best Buy "Geek Squad". Thanks a lot for all your time and trouble.</p><p>Will any of this work to restore Pegasus?</p><p> </p><p>I think I've been overlooked in this thread, it seems to have died without resolution. Not being ungrateful, just curious....  Thanks. </p>

I feel stupid for having to write this but I just cannot seem to get Pegasus to work on a computer that had the HDD reformatted. I've re-installed on new computers before (using instructions I printed from Thomas Stephenson) but I am unsuccessful. He said "simply copy the c:\pmail\pmail directories and then install Pegasus over that on the new computer." Either something got screwed up by 'Geek Squad' when they did the service on my W7 computer or I am just completely lost. Either way I would like to reinstall Pegasus to the newly reformatted HDD. I have the PMM and PMI files that should be intact but what am I doing wrong?

I downloaded a copy of the latest PMail 4.73 (?) and installed it over the PMAIL directory that exists. If I could just recover my mail address list I'd be happy. Help! If anyone can shed a lot of light on this I would be most appreciative. I am somewhat lost without many of those addresses.  Thanks!


<p>I feel stupid for having to write this but I just cannot seem to get Pegasus to work on a computer that had the HDD reformatted. I've re-installed on new computers before (using instructions I printed from Thomas Stephenson) but I am unsuccessful. He said "simply copy the c:\pmail\pmail directories and then install Pegasus over that on the new computer." Either something got screwed up by 'Geek Squad' when they did the service on my W7 computer or I am just completely lost. Either way I would like to reinstall Pegasus to the newly reformatted HDD. I have the PMM and PMI files that should be intact but what am I doing wrong?</p><p>I downloaded a copy of the latest PMail 4.73 (?) and installed it over the PMAIL directory that exists. If I could just recover my mail address list I'd be happy. Help! If anyone can shed a lot of light on this I would be most appreciative. I am somewhat lost without many of those addresses.  Thanks!</p><p> </p>

An address book is stored as a .PMR/.PM! file pair.  Copy those files into the current home mailbox directory.

FWIW, to move a Pegasus Mail installation to a new PC...

  • Copy the entire \PMAIL directory to the same location on the new PC.  Default is C:\PMAIL.
  • Verify you have full control security permission to \PMAIL.
  • Manually run WINPM-32.EXE then immediately close Pegasus Mail.
  • Run the installer.
  • Exclude \PMAIL and all subdirectories from active AV scanning (optional but strongly recommended)

The purpose of the third step is to create a registry entry which the installer will see and will default to upgrading that instance.  Run the installer regardless of whether an upgrade or same version.  It will create the shortcuts and the other registry entries used by Pegasus Mail.

Note:  This will NOT work on Win10 if \PMAIL is inside of one of a \Program Files directories.

<p>An address book is stored as a .PMR/.PM! file pair.  Copy those files into the current home mailbox directory.</p><p>FWIW, to move a Pegasus Mail installation to a new PC... </p><ul><li> Copy the entire \PMAIL directory to the same location on the new PC.  Default is C:\PMAIL. </li><li>Verify you have full control security permission to \PMAIL. </li><li>Manually run WINPM-32.EXE then immediately close Pegasus Mail.</li><li>Run the installer. </li><li>Exclude \PMAIL and all subdirectories from active AV scanning (optional but strongly recommended) </li></ul><p>The purpose of the third step is to create a registry entry which the installer will see and will default to upgrading that instance.  Run the installer regardless of whether an upgrade or same version.  It will create the shortcuts and the other registry entries used by Pegasus Mail.</p><p>Note:  This will NOT work on Win10 if \PMAIL is inside of one of a \Program Files directories. </p>

My file pairs are PMM/PMI no ! anywhere. But afteralmost 10 days of trying to nurse this computer I  have had some luck with re-installing programs and changing settings but NOTHING works with Pegasus. I have no idea what you are talking about. All combinations of locations in which to install the Pegasus program fail. I am hopelessly lost and am not getting what has to be done. I'll attach a picture of what my file looks like:


<p>My file pairs are PMM/PMI no ! anywhere. But afteralmost 10 days of trying to nurse this computer I  have had some luck with re-installing programs and changing settings but NOTHING works with Pegasus. I have no idea what you are talking about. All combinations of locations in which to install the Pegasus program fail. I am hopelessly lost and am not getting what has to be done. I'll attach a picture of what my file looks like:</p><p> </p>

I'm confused.  The image indicates files of a new installation, or at least a new mailbox (the folder structure wasn't captured in the image so I can't tell).  Your original post indicated that you copied a previous instance and then ran the installer on top of it so it appears that something went haywire with that.  Either have a new installation or you're looking at the files of a newly created mailbox directory.

Is the ultimate goal to restore from a backup?  If so, what was the path to \PMAIL\PROGRAMS when the backup was made?

With the current instance running go to Help > About Pegasus Mail and click the "Info" button.  Report back the paths to the "WINPMAIL.EXE directory" and the "Home mailbox location".

<p>I'm confused.  The image indicates files of a new installation, or at least a new mailbox (the folder structure wasn't captured in the image so I can't tell).  Your original post indicated that you copied a previous instance and then ran the installer on top of it so it appears that something went haywire with that.  Either have a new installation or you're looking at the files of a newly created mailbox directory.</p><p>Is the ultimate goal to restore from a backup?  If so, what was the path to \PMAIL\PROGRAMS when the backup was made? </p><p>With the current instance running go to Help > About Pegasus Mail and click the "Info" button.  Report back the paths to the "WINPMAIL.EXE directory" and the "Home mailbox location". </p>

I copied these 3 lines:

 WINPMAIL.EXE directory: C:\PMAIL\Programs
Home mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin
New mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin

My original intent was (as I was sure I'd done before) to copy my address book and saved mail folders then install the new copy of PMail into that same folder, thereby putting those folders into the new version of Pmail. After saving those folders I would delete Pmail and install the new copy. If that will work, great. Other than simple things I am ashamed at how low my skill level is.

 Can this be done? Which folders (PMM/PMI) would be the one(s) containing my addresses which is most important. Sorry for being so slow....  And thank you for your time and patience.

<p>I copied these 3 lines:</p><p> WINPMAIL.EXE directory: C:\PMAIL\Programs Home mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin New mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin </p><p>My original intent was (as I was sure I'd done before) to copy my address book and saved mail folders then install the new copy of PMail into that same folder, thereby putting those folders into the new version of Pmail. After saving those folders I would delete Pmail and install the new copy. If that will work, great. Other than simple things I am ashamed at how low my skill level is. </p><p> Can this be done? Which folders (PMM/PMI) would be the one(s) containing my addresses which is most important. Sorry for being so slow....  And thank you for your time and patience. </p>

As best I understand, ou have the new installation in place with its Home and New mailbox directory being C:\PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN.  From here all you need to do is to copy the desired data files from the mailbox directory of your backup to the new home mailbox directory (C:\PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN). 

Be very careful in selecting the files to copy.  You don't want to copy in any configuration files or overwrite any existing files. 

In the downloads section of this site is a whitepaper that was created as a guide to getting Pegasus Mail mailbox data to a new PC.  The direct URL is below if you care to look at it for reference but the most common files retrieved are:

.CNM files are new message files

.PMM/.PMI file pairs are your folders

.PMR/.PM! file pairs are your address books.

 URL to whitepaper:

<p>As best I understand, ou have the new installation in place with its Home and New mailbox directory being C:\PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN.  From here all you need to do is to copy the desired data files from the mailbox directory of your backup to the new home mailbox directory (C:\PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN).  </p><p>Be very careful in selecting the files to copy.  You don't want to copy in any configuration files or overwrite any existing files.  </p><p>In the downloads section of this site is a whitepaper that was created as a guide to getting Pegasus Mail mailbox data to a new PC.  The direct URL is below if you care to look at it for reference but the most common files retrieved are: </p><p>.CNM files are new message files </p><p>.PMM/.PMI file pairs are your folders </p><p>.PMR/.PM! file pairs are your address books. </p><p> URL to whitepaper: </p>

Thanks, Brian. I'll look at this Thursday with more time and see if I can  slog through it. Again, I appreciate it.

Thanks, Brian. I'll look at this Thursday with more time and see if I can  slog through it. Again, I appreciate it.

Brian, this is hopeless. I printed that white paper and copied the addressbook files. Nothing. I must have lost them somewhere and the files exist but the content is gone. I appreciate your time in trying to fix my mess but it looks like there's nothing to work with! My problem but thanks, anyway!

Brian, this is hopeless. I printed that white paper and copied the addressbook files. Nothing. I must have lost them somewhere and the files exist but the content is gone. I appreciate your time in trying to fix my mess but it looks like there's nothing to work with! My problem but thanks, anyway!

No need to give up yet.  I'm suspicious that you have two instance on the new HD, the files you copied, and the one resulting from the new installation.  Confirming or ruling that out would help. 

You can undo the new installation start from scratch if that is of interest.  If so, it will be important to know whether there is anything important there that needs to be recovered. 

Here's what I would need to know in order to figure out how best to proceed:

1.  What is the source that you are trying to restore from (eg: backup to CD or DVD, backup to external usb device,...)

2.  In that source, what are the subirectories of \PMAIL\MAIL

3.  If only \PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN exists, use a text editor to open the PMAIL.INI file contained within and find the entry "Working home mailbox location".  Tell me the path associated with that entry.

4.  What is of value in the new install that needs to be maintained.

<p>No need to give up yet.  I'm suspicious that you have two instance on the new HD, the files you copied, and the one resulting from the new installation.  Confirming or ruling that out would help.  </p><p>You can undo the new installation start from scratch if that is of interest.  If so, it will be important to know whether there is anything important there that needs to be recovered.  </p><p>Here's what I would need to know in order to figure out how best to proceed:</p><p>1.  What is the source that you are trying to restore from (eg: backup to CD or DVD, backup to external usb device,...) </p><p>2.  In that source, what are the subirectories of \PMAIL\MAIL</p><p>3.  If only \PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN exists, use a text editor to open the PMAIL.INI file contained within and find the entry "Working home mailbox location".  Tell me the path associated with that entry. </p><p>4.  What is of value in the new install that needs to be maintained. </p>

Brian, your optimism spurred me to do some checking. I found a backup on my external drive that looks like this (there are 2-3 entries cut off at the bottom). And this is the working home location: Working home mailbox location    = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin




<p>Brian, your optimism spurred me to do some checking. I found a backup on my external drive that looks like this (there are 2-3 entries cut off at the bottom). And this is the working home location: Working home mailbox location    = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin</p><p>  </p><p> </p><p> </p>

What you posted looks like a backup that was made immediately after installation, berfore the mailbox was used.  I only shows the default files.  There aren't any folder files (other than the default ones) and no new message files or address book files.   There isn't anything useful there unless there is another directory in C:\PMAIL\MAIL besides \ADMIN. 

In your original post you indicated that you had followed instructions from Thomas Stephenson that detailed copying the previous installation files and then installing over top.  Where did the files come from that you copied? 

<p>What you posted looks like a backup that was made immediately after installation, berfore the mailbox was used.  I only shows the default files.  There aren't any folder files (other than the default ones) and no new message files or address book files.   There isn't anything useful there unless there is another directory in C:\PMAIL\MAIL besides \ADMIN.  </p><p>In your original post you indicated that you had followed instructions from Thomas Stephenson that detailed copying the previous installation files and then installing over top.  Where did the files come from that you copied?  </p>

This is Thomas's advice:

You mail is located in c:\pmail\mail and it's all of the files and
folders you need.  The c:\pmail\new version should be just the program
files and I really did'nt think it should be 9 MB.

That said, folders are PMM/PMI file pairs and you could in fact simply
copy the the c:\pmail\mail directories and then install the program to
the c:\pmail directory on the new system.

Where the files  came from I don't remember as it was many years ago.

I checked my PMAIL backups on the external drive and they DO contain a PMAIL\ADMIN\ADMIN file. My backups  go back as far as August as they were setup to automatically backup PMAIL and 'documents' every week. Is that usable?

<p>This is Thomas's advice:</p><p><i>You mail is located in c:\pmail\mail and it's all of the files and folders you need.  The c:\pmail\new version should be just the program files and I really did'nt think it should be 9 MB. That said, folders are PMM/PMI file pairs and you could in fact simply copy the the c:\pmail\mail directories and then install the program to the c:\pmail directory on the new system.</i></p><p>Where the files  came from I don't remember as it was many years ago.</p><p>I checked my PMAIL backups on the external drive and they DO contain a PMAIL\ADMIN\ADMIN file. My backups  go back as far as August as they were setup to automatically backup PMAIL and 'documents' every week. Is that usable? </p>

A file structure of PMAIL\ADMIN\ADMIN is unusual.  What you are looking for is the directory in the most recent PMAIL backup that contains the PMM/PMI folder files and the PMR/PM! address book files. 

A file structure of PMAIL\ADMIN\ADMIN is unusual.  What you are looking for is the directory in the most recent PMAIL backup that contains the PMM/PMI folder files and the PMR/PM! address book files. 
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