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IMAP with Yahoo Mail

Apparently the Yahoo staff don't know about it though, as they literally said it's impossible without me giving them my phone number. :P 

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Apparently the Yahoo staff don't know about it though, as they literally said it's impossible without me giving them my phone number. :P </span></p>

Hi all,

 I just wanted to see if anyone can confirm that connecting to Yahoo Mail is only possible by enabling "Allow apps that use less secure sign-in" in the Yahoo Account Settings?


It seems daft, but... :S




<p>Hi all,</p><p> I just wanted to see if anyone can confirm that connecting to Yahoo Mail is only possible by<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> enabling "Allow apps that use less secure sign-in" in the Yahoo Account Settings?</span></p><p> </p><p>It seems daft, but... :S</p><p> </p><p>Regards,</p><p>Psider </p>

[quote user="Psider"] I just wanted to see if anyone can confirm that connecting to Yahoo Mail is only possible by enabling "Allow apps that use less secure sign-in" in the Yahoo Account Settings?[/quote]

Here's a post about a similar GMAIL (Google) issue, IOW: It's a known one that obviously doesn't only apply to YAHOO.

<p>[quote user="Psider"] I just wanted to see if anyone can confirm that connecting to Yahoo Mail is only possible by<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> enabling "Allow apps that use less secure sign-in" in the Yahoo Account Settings?</span>[/quote]</p><p><a mce_href="/forums/post/50174.aspx" target="_blank" href="/forums/post/50174.aspx">Here's a post</a> about a similar GMAIL (Google) issue, IOW: It's a known one that obviously doesn't only apply to YAHOO. </p>
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Based on my brief research it looks like Yahoo is the same as Gmail where you have two options.

1.  Allow less secure apps and not use two factor authentication.

2.  Use an application specific password (two factor authentication can be enabled).  I have never done this but found this Yahoo specific Lifewire article:

<p>Based on my brief research it looks like Yahoo is the same as Gmail where you have two options.</p><p>1.  Allow less secure apps and not use two factor authentication.</p><p>2.  Use an application specific password (two factor authentication can be enabled).  I have never done this but found this Yahoo specific Lifewire article:</p>

Not sure if it's because I "didn't" upgrade to the new fancy Yahoo mail but I have not seen the problem on either POP/SMTP or IMAP for my yahoo accounts (UK) no other settings at yahoo

Not sure if it's because I "didn't" upgrade to the new fancy Yahoo mail but I have not seen the problem on either POP/SMTP or IMAP for my yahoo accounts (UK) no other settings at yahoo

Thanks for the responses. I'll leave this open for a couple of days just to see if I get any useful information out of Yahoo.

(And I'm holding on to the Classic view for as long as possible because I just don't like the layout or colours of the new view. :S  )

<p>Thanks for the responses. I'll leave this open for a couple of days just to see if I get any useful information out of Yahoo. </p><p>(And I'm holding on to the Classic view for as long as possible because I just don't like the layout or colours of the new view. :S  )</p>

Huh, and I just stumbled on this Mozilla article discussing OAuth2, which makes some sense about why this is happening. 



<p>Huh, and I just stumbled on this Mozilla article discussing OAuth2, which makes some sense about why this is happening.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

Well, no useful information out of yahoo. Basically "it's impossible without setting up two factor authentication and setting app passwords".

Well, no useful information out of yahoo. Basically "it's impossible without setting up two factor authentication and setting app passwords".

You mentioned an "Allow apps that use less secure sign-in" option in your original post.  That should(?) allow Pegasus Mail to connect without 2 factor authentication or an app password.  It does with Gmail.

You mentioned an <span style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 13.3333px;">"Allow apps that use less secure sign-in" option in your original post.  That should(?) allow Pegasus Mail to connect without 2 factor authentication or an app password.  It does with Gmail.</span>
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