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Any tricks for installing over an old version

Any "rough ideas" anyone could have will be proven wrong sooner or later anyway, so the answer is: No. There hasn't a been a single beta version after the current public release. Mercury v5 will be the first one to come within the next months, but don't hold your breath.

Any "rough ideas" anyone could have will be proven wrong sooner or later anyway, so the answer is: No. There hasn't a been a single beta version after the current public release. Mercury v5 will be the first one to come within the next months, but don't hold your breath.
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

I have Pegasus Mail 4.70 (About information copied below) and realized that there are newer versions so just downloaded the most recent, 4.73. It's been years since I've upgraded; I've been using Pegasus Mail for perhaps 20 years now! Are there any tricks I need to be aware of or should I just run the installation program with Pegasus Mail not opened? Thanks!
Pegasus Mail for Microsoft Windows
Copyright (C) 1992-2014, David Harris, all rights reserved
Electronic mail to

WinPMail version: Version 4.70 (Win32), Feb 27 2014, build ID 546
Language resources: Standard UK English resource set
Extension Manager version: 1.14
Operating mode: Standalone
User name and ID: Single-user mode, 0
Windows version: 6.2
Windows flag word: 0
WINPMAIL.EXE directory: C:\PMAIL\Programs
Home mailbox location: D:\MAIL
New mailbox location: D:\MAIL
TMP environment variable: C:\Users\Dilip\AppData\Local\Temp
TEMP environment variable: C:\Users\Dilip\AppData\Local\Temp
LAN-based SMTP support: N, N, N
NetWare MHS support: N, N, N
Built-in TCP/IP support: Enabled
  - WINSOCK version: WinSock 2.0
Commandline: -A
Active -Z options: 32768
PMR variable: (None)
PML variable: (None)
MAI variable: (None)
NB variable: (None)
Autofiltering folders: 0 (0 active, 0 inactive)
Last new mail count: 27529
Message size soft limit: 0 bytes
Message size hard limit: 0 bytes
Attachment size soft limit: 0 bytes
Attachment size hard limit: 0 bytes

<div>I have Pegasus Mail 4.70 (About information copied below) and realized that there are newer versions so just downloaded the most recent, 4.73. It's been years since I've upgraded; I've been using Pegasus Mail for perhaps 20 years now! Are there any tricks I need to be aware of or should I just run the installation program with Pegasus Mail not opened? Thanks!</div><div> </div><div>          Dilip </div><div> </div><div> </div><div>Pegasus Mail for Microsoft Windows</div><div>Copyright (C) 1992-2014, David Harris, all rights reserved</div><div>Electronic mail to</div><div> </div><div>WinPMail version: Version 4.70 (Win32), Feb 27 2014, build ID 546</div><div>Language resources: Standard UK English resource set</div><div>Extension Manager version: 1.14</div><div>Operating mode: Standalone</div><div>User name and ID: Single-user mode, 0</div><div>Windows version: 6.2</div><div>Windows flag word: 0</div><div>WINPMAIL.EXE directory: C:\PMAIL\Programs</div><div>Home mailbox location: D:\MAIL</div><div>New mailbox location: D:\MAIL</div><div>TMP environment variable: C:\Users\Dilip\AppData\Local\Temp</div><div>TEMP environment variable: C:\Users\Dilip\AppData\Local\Temp</div><div>LAN-based SMTP support: N, N, N</div><div>NetWare MHS support: N, N, N</div><div>Built-in TCP/IP support: Enabled</div><div>  - WINSOCK version: WinSock 2.0</div><div>  - WINSOCK path: WSOCK32.DLL</div><div>Commandline: -A</div><div>Active -Z options: 32768</div><div>PMR variable: (None)</div><div>PML variable: (None)</div><div>MAI variable: (None)</div><div>NB variable: (None)</div><div>Autofiltering folders: 0 (0 active, 0 inactive)</div><div>Last new mail count: 27529</div><div>Message size soft limit: 0 bytes</div><div>Message size hard limit: 0 bytes</div><div>Attachment size soft limit: 0 bytes</div><div>Attachment size hard limit: 0 bytes</div><div> </div>

It should just upgrade over the older version, but it can't hurt to backup first,

I would  zip C:\PMAIL\Programs & D:\MAIL just incase

 I've upgraded this way since (IIRC) v2.xx with no problems

<p>It should just upgrade over the older version, but it can't hurt to backup first, </p><p>I would  zip C:\PMAIL\Programs & D:\MAIL just incase</p><p> I've upgraded this way since (IIRC) v2.xx with no problems </p> 

I always just run the installer.  If upgrading on the same system and choose upgrade.

When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings.

I always just run the installer.  If upgrading on the same system and choose upgrade. When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings.

[quote user="chriscw"]When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings.[/quote]

This will only work if Pegasus Mail or its user directories weren't installed to any kind of ...\Program Files\... subdirectory on pre-VISTA versions. Otherwise Windows wil prevent Pegasus Mail from writing to its required configuration (and mail) files after installation.

<p>[quote user="chriscw"]When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings.[/quote]</p><p>This will only work if Pegasus Mail or its user directories weren't installed to any kind of ...\Program Files\... subdirectory on pre-VISTA versions. Otherwise Windows wil prevent Pegasus Mail from writing to its required configuration (and mail) files after installation. </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

[quote user="idw"]

[quote user="chriscw"]When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings.[/quote]

This will only work if Pegasus Mail or its user directories weren't installed to any kind of ...\Program Files\... subdirectory on pre-VISTA versions. Otherwise Windows wil prevent Pegasus Mail from writing to its required configuration (and mail) files after installation.[/quote]

Also, in Dilip's specific case, it would only work if the if them mailboxes are located in D:\MAIL on the new machine.

[quote user="idw"]<p>[quote user="chriscw"]When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings.[/quote]</p><p>This will only work if Pegasus Mail or its user directories weren't installed to any kind of ...\Program Files\... subdirectory on pre-VISTA versions. Otherwise Windows wil prevent Pegasus Mail from writing to its required configuration (and mail) files after installation.<span style="font-size: 10pt;">[/quote]</span></p><p>Also, in Dilip's specific case, it would only work if the if them mailboxes are located in D:\MAIL on the new machine.</p>

Wow, that had to be the easiest upgrade I've ever made! I backed up and then ran the executable - it did a fast and quick update. Thanks for the reassurances!

Wow, that had to be the easiest upgrade I've ever made! I backed up and then ran the executable - it did a fast and quick update. Thanks for the reassurances!

[quote user="chriscw"]I always just run the installer.  If upgrading on the same system and choose upgrade.

When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings.

Perhaps I should have started by saying that all my Pegasus installations, both work ones connecting to a mail server with the mailboxes on the server and home ones conneting directly to my email provider and having their mailboxes in c:\Pmail\Mail, have been in c:\Pmail.  The point that I was making is that the installer does not overwrite your existing settings.

<p>[quote user="chriscw"]I always just run the installer.  If upgrading on the same system and choose upgrade. When moving to a new system I copy my PMail tree to the new system, then run winpm32.exe to check its ok, then run the installer as a fresh install and it ofers to make shortcuts and set Pegasus as my default mailer etc which I accept but don't ask for a new mailbox.  This seems to preseve all the settings. [/quote]</p><p>Perhaps I should have started by saying that all my Pegasus installations, both work ones connecting to a mail server with the mailboxes on the server and home ones conneting directly to my email provider and having their mailboxes in c:\Pmail\Mail, have been in c:\Pmail.  The point that I was making is that the installer does not overwrite your existing settings. </p>

I don't notice any real differences in Pegasus Mail so far. Is there any rough idea when the next big release will be out?

I don't notice any real differences in Pegasus Mail so far. Is there any rough idea when the next big release will be out?
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