I am using Pegasus Ver 4.72.572, Feb 19 2016, build 572.
When I create a filter to force an incoming mail into a particular folder, I often just hit <Enter> or a letter key to accept the default options:
L - to get started with the message in front of me
<Enter> - "Examine the message's sender and recipient addresses"
F - for "From"
M - for "Move" and L - for "Select a mail folder"
<Enter> - to select the folder I'm in
<Enter> - for "Finish"
This selects for me the following headers:
From, Reply to, CC and Sender
Is there some way to NOT have it include CC? At the moment, I have to edit the rule and remove that tick mark.
Thank you.
<Enter> - for "Close"
<p>I am using Pegasus Ver 4.72.572, Feb 19 2016, build 572.</p><p>When I create a filter to force an incoming mail into a particular folder, I often just hit &lt;Enter&gt; or a letter key to accept the default options:&nbsp; </p><p>L - to get started with the message in front of me
</p><p>&lt;Enter&gt; - "Examine the message's sender and recipient addresses"</p><p>&nbsp;F - for "From"</p><p>&nbsp;M - for "Move" and L - for "Select a mail folder"</p><p>&lt;Enter&gt; - to select the folder I'm in</p><p>&lt;Enter&gt; - for "Finish"</p><p>This selects for me the following headers:</p><p>From, Reply to, CC and Sender</p><p>Is there some way to NOT have it include CC? At the moment, I have to edit the rule and remove that tick mark.</p><p>Thank you.</p><p>Lydia
</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&lt;Enter&gt; - for "Close"</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>