Community Discussions and Support
Cursor position when editing a saved email

I often start a reply to someone, then SAVE it to complete later.

When I click on the msg to continue and just start typing, the words go into the TO box instead of in the message area.

How can I prevent this from happening?

Thank you.


<p>I often start a reply to someone, then SAVE it to complete later.</p><p>When I click on the msg to continue and just start typing, the words go into the TO box instead of in the message area.</p><p>How can I prevent this from happening?</p><p>Thank you.</p><p>Lydia </p>

[quote user="kauricat"]How can I prevent this from happening?[/quote]

Click the proper place or TAB to it ... ? The developer cannot guess where you want to continue ...

<p>[quote user="kauricat"]How can I prevent this from happening?[/quote]</p><p>Click the proper place or TAB to it ... ? The developer cannot guess where you want to continue ... </p>
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