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Messages to my Main folder from added mailbox NMF?

NEVERMIND!  I found a filter that I meant to be temporary that I hadn't removed.  I apologize for this post.

NEVERMIND!  I found a filter that I meant to be temporary that I hadn't removed.  I apologize for this post.

I have 56 messages in my Main folder that do not contain my address anywhere in the headers.  They are all addressed to one of my associates whose mailbox I will add to my folder list as an added mailbox.  It appears that his unread mail is ending up in my Main folder.  I have asked him if he remembers receiving some of them and he doesn't.  

I'm posting to the list and the community forum because I believe this to be a serious problem if it can be confirmed.

I have some cleaning up to do before I can test to see if I can duplicate.  I may have broken my test conditions though because before figuring out that the messages weren't mine I went through all of my identities and, in a few of them, turned on the option to allow read mail to stay in the NMF.
<div>I have 56 messages in my Main folder that do not contain my address anywhere in the headers.  They are all addressed to one of my associates whose mailbox I will add to my folder list as an added mailbox.  It appears that his unread mail is ending up in my Main folder.  I have asked him if he remembers receiving some of them and he doesn't.  </div><div> </div><div>I'm posting to the list and the community forum because I believe this to be a serious problem if it can be confirmed.</div><div> </div><div>I have some cleaning up to do before I can test to see if I can duplicate.  I may have broken my test conditions though because before figuring out that the messages weren't mine I went through all of my identities and, in a few of them, turned on the option to allow read mail to stay in the NMF.</div>
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