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Spell checker crashes Pegasus?

[quote user="blackdog69"]The only 4.73 I found is Mercury? Can I use that in Windows 7 , 32 bit?

This link will get you Pegasus Mail 4.73 

<p>[quote user="blackdog69"]The only 4.73 I found is Mercury? Can I use that in Windows 7 , 32 bit? [/quote]</p><p>This link will get you Pegasus Mail 4.73 </p><p><a style="font-size: 10pt;" href=""></a> </p>

I just loaded Pegasus 4.63, I have windows 7 professional 32 bit, and now every time I choose spell checker Pegasus immediately crashes? Please help.

I just loaded Pegasus 4.63, I have windows 7 professional 32 bit, and now every time I choose spell checker Pegasus immediately crashes? Please help.

[quote user="blackdog69"]I just loaded Pegasus 4.63, I have windows 7 professional 32 bit, and now every time I choose spell checker Pegasus immediately crashes? Please help.

Pegasus Mail 4.63 is pretty old, please use the most recent version (4.73). And please don't use all capitalized characters, this won't speed up replies nor provide any kind of premium service to anyone, rather the contrary.

<p>[quote user="blackdog69"]I just loaded Pegasus 4.63, I have windows 7 professional 32 bit, and now every time I choose spell checker Pegasus immediately crashes? Please help. [/quote]</p><p>Pegasus Mail 4.63 is pretty old, please use the most recent version (4.73). And please don't use all capitalized characters, this won't speed up replies nor provide any kind of premium service to anyone, rather the contrary. </p>
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The only 4.73 I found is Mercury? Can I use that in Windows 7 , 32 bit?

The only 4.73 I found is Mercury? Can I use that in Windows 7 , 32 bit?

The most recent version of Pegasus Mail is available on the Pegasus Mail website at  

The most recent version of Pegasus Mail is available on the Pegasus Mail website at  

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]The most recent version of Pegasus Mail is available on the Pegasus Mail website at  [/quote]

I replied yesterday with the full URL to the download, but the knee-jerk anti-spam mechanisms kicked in and my post has to be approved. Surely there is a way for URL's to be whitelisted? Otherwise, the delay in displaying the message gives an impression of tardiness.

<p>[quote user="Brian Fluet"]The most recent version of Pegasus Mail is available on the Pegasus Mail website at  [/quote]</p><p>I replied yesterday with the full URL to the download, but the knee-jerk anti-spam mechanisms kicked in and my post has to be approved. Surely there is a way for URL's to be whitelisted? Otherwise, the delay in displaying the message gives an impression of tardiness.</p>
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