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Pegasus suddenly started having Pop3 and SMTP errors this morning

[quote user="Melissa2011B"] Pegasus suddenly started having Pop3 and SMTP errors this morning. No changes were made to the settings. I use SSL for 3 identities of email addresses, covering 2 hosts. 

 It was working one minute and not the next. I spent about 90 minutes on the phone with tech support at one of the hosts and we were unable to resolve it.

 But I noticed that the problem wasn't happening in Mailwasher, which I use ahead of Pegasus, to view incoming emails and delete spams, so they don't download in Pegasus.

 So I finally tried shutting down and restarting Pegasus, and it started working again. But an hour later, it stopped working, and I shut it down and restarted it, and it worked again.

It started happening while IDrive online backup was running, this morning, and I'm wondering if that may have botched up a Pegasus file - like if it tried backing up a Pegasus file while Pegasus may have been checking email? [/quote]

We know that Pegasus Mail doesn't cope well with simultaneous access of its file by itself and by AV, backup, or sync products but it's difficult to know for certain whether iDrive caused or contributed to the problem.  You don't mention capturing any internet session logs.  Keep those in mind as a tool for trying to determine the cause of POP3 or SMTP failures.

[quote user="Melissa2011B"] Or maybe restarting the PC might help? [/quote] 

A cold boot has been known to work wonders.

[quote user="Melissa2011B"] <span style="font-size: 10pt;">Pegasus suddenly started having Pop3 and SMTP errors this morning. No changes were made to the settings. I use SSL for 3 identities of email addresses, covering 2 hosts.</span><span style="font-size: 10pt;"> </span><p> It was working one minute and not the next. I spent about 90 minutes on the phone with tech support at one of the hosts and we were unable to resolve it.</p><p> But I noticed that the problem wasn't happening in Mailwasher, which I use ahead of Pegasus, to view incoming emails and delete spams, so they don't download in Pegasus.</p><p> So I finally tried shutting down and restarting Pegasus, and it started working again. But an hour later, it stopped working, and I shut it down and restarted it, and it worked again.</p><p>It started happening while IDrive online backup was running, this morning, and I'm wondering if that may have botched up a Pegasus file - like if it tried backing up a Pegasus file while Pegasus may have been checking email? <span style="font-size: 10pt;">[/quote]</span></p><p>We know that Pegasus Mail doesn't cope well with simultaneous access of its file by itself and by AV, backup, or sync products but it's difficult to know for certain whether iDrive caused or contributed to the problem.  You don't mention capturing any internet session logs.  Keep those in mind as a tool for trying to determine the cause of POP3 or SMTP failures.</p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">[quote user="Melissa2011B"] </span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Or maybe restarting the PC might help? </span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">[/quote] </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">A cold boot has been known to work wonders.</span></p>

Pegasus suddenly started having Pop3 and SMTP errors this morning. No changes were made to the settings. I use SSL for 3 identities of email addresses, covering 2 hosts. 

 It was working one minute and not the next. I spent about 90 minutes on the phone with tech support at one of the hosts and we were unable to resolve it.

 But I noticed that the problem wasn't happening in Mailwasher, which I use ahead of Pegasus, to view incoming emails and delete spams, so they don't download in Pegasus.

 So I finally tried shutting down and restarting Pegasus, and it started working again. But an hour later, it stopped working, and I shut it down and restarted it, and it worked again.

It started happening while IDrive online backup was running, this morning, and I'm wondering if that may have botched up a Pegasus file - like if it tried backing up a Pegasus file while Pegasus may have been checking email?

Or maybe restarting the PC might help?



<p>Pegasus suddenly started having Pop3 and SMTP errors this morning. No changes were made to the settings. I use SSL for 3 identities of email addresses, covering 2 hosts.<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> </span></p><p> It was working one minute and not the next. I spent about 90 minutes on the phone with tech support at one of the hosts and we were unable to resolve it.</p><p> But I noticed that the problem wasn't happening in Mailwasher, which I use ahead of Pegasus, to view incoming emails and delete spams, so they don't download in Pegasus.</p><p> So I finally tried shutting down and restarting Pegasus, and it started working again. But an hour later, it stopped working, and I shut it down and restarted it, and it worked again.</p><p>It started happening while IDrive online backup was running, this morning, and I'm wondering if that may have botched up a Pegasus file - like if it tried backing up a Pegasus file while Pegasus may have been checking email?</p><p>Or maybe restarting the PC might help?</p><p> </p><p> </p>
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