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AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: Moving PMR address books doesn't work

Final comment in this regard. It seems the [Location of PMR System Address Books] entry in german pegasus.ini is without functionality. An added UNC path to a changed PMR location will not be processed by Pmail even if the new folder name doesn' exceed the 8.3 limits. Pmail is still searching its default Pmail\Programs for system's pmr files. What I didn't try is to connect a separate network drive (at each user's machine) to that new server share (e.g. \\server123\Pmail$\Programs\Address\) to avoid adding an UNC path to pegasus.ini. It would be a little bit over the top connecting a separate network drive for address books or put pmr files outside our Pmail environment to other existing network drives.

At the moment I keep it as it is, editable address books are in Pmail\Programs.

<p>Final comment in this regard. It seems the [Location of PMR System Address Books] entry in german pegasus.ini is without functionality. An added UNC path to a changed PMR location will not be processed by Pmail even if the new folder name doesn' exceed the 8.3 limits. Pmail is still searching its default Pmail\Programs for system's pmr files. What I didn't try is to connect a separate network drive (at each user's machine) to that new server share (e.g. \\server123\Pmail$\Programs\Address\) to avoid adding an UNC path to pegasus.ini. It would be a little bit over the top connecting a separate network drive for address books or put pmr files outside our Pmail environment to other existing network drives. </p><p>At the moment I keep it as it is, editable address books are in Pmail\Programs. </p>

We've got a central Pmail installation at a server share where all users have access to and where all users start their own Pmail session from. Until now our system address books reside in Pmail\programs. But to keep them editable by all users, I have to grant write permissions to Pmail\programs\.

To mitigate this security risk I would like to grant only READ permissions to Pmail\programs. B ut therefore I have to move the PMR files to another location. This is not the problem. The pegasus.ini contains an entry:

[Location of PMR System Address Books]

PMR = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\ADDRESSBOOKS\

which I have adapted to the new location. Unfortunately Pmail don't use the new location but still uses the old Pmail\programs folder (where copies of the pmr files still reside). Whenever I edit something in the address book, the changes will be made in the pmr files at the old location. Has anybody an clue?

<p>We've got a central Pmail installation at a server share where all users have access to and where all users start their own Pmail session from. Until now our system address books reside in Pmail\programs. But to keep them editable by all users, I have to grant write permissions to Pmail\programs\.</p><p>To mitigate this security risk I would like to grant only READ permissions to Pmail\programs. B ut therefore I have to move the PMR files to another location. This is not the problem. The pegasus.ini contains an entry:</p><p> [Location of PMR System Address Books]</p><p>PMR = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\ADDRESSBOOKS\</p><p>which I have adapted to the new location. Unfortunately Pmail don't use the new location but still uses the old Pmail\programs folder (where copies of the pmr files still reside). Whenever I edit something in the address book, the changes will be made in the pmr files at the old location. Has anybody an clue? </p>


I don't have a PMR= entry in my PEGASUS.INI.  I can't find any information about acceptable entries in PEGASUS.INI either.  At the very least, test using a short filename PMR = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\ADDRESS~\

I know for certain that you can control this using an environment variable on the machines whose user can have access to the system addressbooks. 

Variable = pmr

Value = h:\pm_pub_addrs (note short filenames & mapped drive.  I don't recall if I ever tested using a UNC path)

Set a variable of "pml" for public dlists.

<p>Joerg,</p><p>I don't have a PMR= entry in my PEGASUS.INI.  I can't find any information about acceptable entries in PEGASUS.INI either.  At the very least, test using a short filename PMR = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\ADDRESS~\ </p><p>I know for certain that you can control this using an environment variable on the machines whose user can have access to the system addressbooks.  </p><blockquote><p>Variable = pmr</p><p>Value = h:\pm_pub_addrs (note short filenames & mapped drive.  I don't recall if I ever tested using a UNC path) </p></blockquote><p>Set a variable of "pml" for public dlists. </p>

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]


I don't have a PMR= entry in my PEGASUS.INI.  I can't find any information about acceptable entries in PEGASUS.INI either.[/quote]

Our pegasus.ini came with the Fully German Version of Pmail. Maybe this differs a little bit from the standard english version. Here is the content of our (german) ini file:

************ pegasus.ini *******************************************

; Pegasus Mail initialization file.

; Angepasst fuer das deutsche Sprachmodul v4.x
; Der folgende Eintrag sorgt dafuer, dass Pegasus Mail immer in
; deutscher Sprache startet. Wenn Sie Pegasus Mail in Englisch
; oder anderen Sprachen starten wollen, kommentieren Sie die Zeile
; "Set Language=DE" mit einem Semikolon am Zeilenanfang aus.

[WinPMail 32-bit]
Set Language=DE

[Location of PMR System Address Books]
;PMR = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\ADDRESSBOOKS\
[Systemwide Folders]
PublicTree = "Public Folders", "\\\\MARSRV9\\MAILBOXES$\\PUBLIC"
Root = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\NB

Set MsgSizeSoftLimit = 0
Set MsgSizeHardLimit = 0
Set AttmtSizeSoftLimit = 0
Set AttmtSizeHardLimit = 3500000


At least the [limits] are working properly from this ini. Insofar it should be processed by Pmail.

I will test the shorter file name ...

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]<p>Joerg,</p><p>I don't have a PMR= entry in my PEGASUS.INI.  I can't find any information about acceptable entries in PEGASUS.INI either.[/quote]</p><p>Our pegasus.ini came with the Fully German Version of Pmail. Maybe this differs a little bit from the standard english version. Here is the content of our (german) ini file:</p><p>************ pegasus.ini ******************************************* </p><p>; Pegasus Mail initialization file. ; Angepasst fuer das deutsche Sprachmodul v4.x ; ; Der folgende Eintrag sorgt dafuer, dass Pegasus Mail immer in ; deutscher Sprache startet. Wenn Sie Pegasus Mail in Englisch ; oder anderen Sprachen starten wollen, kommentieren Sie die Zeile ; "Set Language=DE" mit einem Semikolon am Zeilenanfang aus. [WinPMail 32-bit] Set Language=DE [Location of PMR System Address Books] ;PMR = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\ADDRESSBOOKS\ [Systemwide Folders] PublicTree = "Public Folders", "\\\\MARSRV9\\MAILBOXES$\\PUBLIC" [Noticeboards] Root = \\marsrv9\Pmail$\Programs\NB [Limits] Set MsgSizeSoftLimit = 0 Set MsgSizeHardLimit = 0 Set AttmtSizeSoftLimit = 0 Set AttmtSizeHardLimit = 3500000 </p><p>********************************************************************  </p><p>At least the [limits] are working properly from this ini. Insofar it should be processed by Pmail.</p><p>I will test the shorter file name ... </p>

This is all I have in the PEGASUS.INI file on our shared install is:

 [Systemwide Folders]
PublicTree = "Public Folder", "\\\\WINSERV03\\MAIL\\PUBLIC FOLDERS"
Root = \\winserv03\mail\N_Boards
[WinPMail 32-bit environment]

On my flash drive install it's almost empty containing only

[Systemwide Folders]

I don't edit it manually so something must add the entries (pconfig maybe?).  I wish I could find documentation.

<p>This is all I have in the PEGASUS.INI file on our shared install is:</p><blockquote><p> [Systemwide Folders] PublicTree = "Public Folder", "\\\\WINSERV03\\MAIL\\PUBLIC FOLDERS" [Noticeboards] Root = \\winserv03\mail\N_Boards [WinPMail 32-bit environment] ; PMUSER=%USERNAME%</p></blockquote><p>On my flash drive install it's almost empty containing only </p><blockquote><p>[Systemwide Folders]</p></blockquote><p>I don't edit it manually so something must add the entries (pconfig maybe?).  I wish I could find documentation. </p>

Mapped drive and short file name works partially, but let Pmail crashing every time I would like to edit an address book entry. But the file access permissions for the new server share are OK.

I don't like to solve it by using an environmetal variable which has to be set on each single user machine. Central settings for all of our users are preferred. [;)]   I will play a little bit more ...

<p>Mapped drive and short file name works partially, but let Pmail crashing every time I would like to edit an address book entry. But the file access permissions for the new server share are OK.</p><p>I don't like to solve it by using an environmetal variable which has to be set on each single user machine. Central settings for all of our users are preferred. [;)]   I will play a little bit more ... </p>

If you haven't, check the Security tab in the properties of the mapped drive to insure appropriate permissions are showing.

If you haven't, check the Security tab in the properties of the mapped drive to insure appropriate permissions are showing.

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]If you haven't, check the Security tab in the properties of the mapped drive to insure appropriate permissions are showing.

The permissions of the share and the security permissions of the folder were OK. But one of the systems address book PMR file itself had no write permissions [*-)] No idea who has set this [:$]

Now I will give the move of PMR files another try ...

<p>[quote user="Brian Fluet"]If you haven't, check the Security tab in the properties of the mapped drive to insure appropriate permissions are showing. [/quote]</p><p>The permissions of the share and the security permissions of the folder were OK. But one of the systems address book PMR file itself had no write permissions [*-)] No idea who has set this [:$]</p><p>Now I will give the move of PMR files another try ... </p>

Just a reminder, all the Pegasus Mail files are in 8.3 filename format, and the public folders are read-only by design as they were intended to be built and maintained by administrators for a 



<p>Just a reminder, all the Pegasus Mail files are in 8.3 filename format, and the public folders are read-only by design as they were intended to be built and maintained by administrators for a </p><p>company.</p><p>Martin </p>

[quote user="irelam"]Just a reminder, all the Pegasus Mail files are in 8.3 filename format, and the public folders are read-only by design as they were intended to be built and maintained by administrators for a 


Thanks Martin. This will be forgotten often since this limitation is gone with Windows for such a long time. It's time that Pmail will be brought to a level which represents the current state of Windows software programming. Otherwise we lost more and more users and the great Mercury/Pmail community decreases. And finally only idealists (like us [:D]) are remaining. That would be a pity. - Ok, only a little thought by the way.

Could you confirm that the [Location of PMR System Address Books] entry in pegasus.ini works since Brian doesn't have such an entry in his pegasus.ini?


[quote user="irelam"]Just a reminder, all the Pegasus Mail files are in 8.3 filename format, and the public folders are read-only by design as they were intended to be built and maintained by administrators for a <p>company.[/quote]</p><p>Thanks Martin. This will be forgotten often since this limitation is gone with Windows for such a long time. It's time that Pmail will be brought to a level which represents the current state of Windows software programming. Otherwise we lost more and more users and the great Mercury/Pmail community decreases. And finally only idealists (like us [:D]) are remaining. That would be a pity. - Ok, only a little thought by the way.</p><p>Could you confirm that the [Location of PMR System Address Books] entry in pegasus.ini works since Brian doesn't have such an entry in his pegasus.ini? </p><p> </p>

I don't have anything relevant in my pegasus.ini, only a pointer to my noticeboard system. Nothing in my Pmail.ini also. Neither do I have a PMR system variable. So my address books are found by default. But a system variable PMR=  is suggested in the Pegasus Mail, especially in a shared network when you want the system address book will be intended as read-only, and the personal address books are created by the individual users.  See "Creating distribution lists" in the help file that deals with both distribution lists and address books


<p>I don't have anything relevant in my pegasus.ini, only a pointer to my noticeboard system. Nothing in my Pmail.ini also. Neither do I have a PMR system variable. So my address books are found by default. But a system variable PMR=  is suggested in the Pegasus Mail, especially in a shared network when you want the system address book will be intended as read-only, and the personal address books are created by the individual users.  See "Creating distribution lists" in the help file that deals with both distribution lists and address books</p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Martin </span></p>

Our system address books are also find by default and without setting a system's variable at each user's machine. Per default the system's pmr files are situated in pmail\programs at the server share. But our system's address books should not be 'read only' but editable by each local user. Read only causes to Pmail crashes in case a user tries to edit and save an entry.

After finding out the missing write permissions of one pmr file, I will try to create a new pmr folder in 8.3 format outside the default path tomorrow. Then I will test the changed path with pegasus.ini. Maybe the additional pegasus.ini entry is a speciality of the full german version. Will see ...

<p>Our system address books are also find by default and without setting a system's variable at each user's machine. Per default the system's pmr files are situated in pmail\programs at the server share. But our system's address books should not be 'read only' but editable by each local user. Read only causes to Pmail crashes in case a user tries to edit and save an entry.</p><p>After finding out the missing write permissions of one pmr file, I will try to create a new pmr folder in 8.3 format outside the default path tomorrow. Then I will test the changed path with pegasus.ini. Maybe the additional pegasus.ini entry is a speciality of the full german version. Will see ...</p>
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