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IER update

[quote user="TonyQuick"]To be clear, and you probably know this already, my users have their mailbox location set to .\MAILBOX, but the location is actually configurable and doesn't have to be under the user's home directory at all. When you look at the info in Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info...  you will see two mail box locations, "Home mailbox location:" and :New mailbox location:"  Hopefully, you're using the configuration information for the mailbox location and not just "MAILBOX"[/quote]

Thanks, Pegasus Mail maintains Registry entries keeping this information and provides a runtime access API for extension developers, these are the sources I'm using, no need to worry ;-)

<p>[quote user="TonyQuick"]<span style="font-size: 10pt;">To be clear, and you probably know this already, my users have their mailbox location set to .\MAILBOX, but the location is actually configurable and doesn't have to be under the user's home directory at all. </span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">When you look at the info in Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info...  you will see two mail box locations, "Home mailbox location:" and :</span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">New mailbox location:"  Hopefully, you're using the configuration information for the mailbox location and not just "MAILBOX"</span>[/quote]</p><p>Thanks, Pegasus Mail maintains Registry entries keeping this information and provides a runtime access API for extension developers, these are the sources I'm using, no need to worry ;-) </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

Since nobody (except for Martin Ireland) appears to have read (or at least told so) my final reply to the IER and thread I'm now opening an new thread here announcing my latest IER update solving at least the image display issue some people encountered with recent releases to get at least some more feedback, I hope - or should I say I'm afraid?

I can now at least tell that IER's image display issue has been solved after detecting a Windows "feature" I didn't ever expect to exist at all in combination with IE's special handling of long filenames with blank spaces that exclusively affects only MS browsers as far as I can tell. Whether the browser submenu issue has finally been fixed (some users just don't seeing it at all) I still can't tell for sure since the final tests still have to be done, but I have been redesigning its handling completely. If your'e interested in more details please take a look at IER's version history, I'll just provide a link to the ominious Windows feature here which even most people who encountered the image display issue very likely don't know having been struck by. Here's the download link, BTW ...

PS: Disabling 8.3 filenames on some systems (by sys-admins?) and using percent encoding (by me) for blanks in long filenames caused IE & IER to fail in loading images properly, to make a long story short ...

<p>Since nobody (except for Martin Ireland) appears to have read (or at least told so) my final reply to the <i>IER and</i> thread I'm now opening an new thread here announcing my latest IER update solving at least the image display issue some people encountered with recent releases to get at least some more feedback, I hope - or should I say I'm afraid? </p><p>I can now at least tell that IER's image display issue has been solved after detecting a Windows "feature" I didn't ever expect to exist at all in combination with IE's special handling of long filenames with blank spaces that exclusively affects only MS browsers as far as I can tell. Whether the browser submenu issue has finally been fixed (some users just don't seeing it at all) I still can't tell for sure since the final tests still have to be done, but I have been redesigning its handling completely. If your'e interested in more details please take a look at <a mce_href="/files/folders/community_add-ons_for_pegasus_mail/entry24145.aspx" target="_blank" href="/files/folders/community_add-ons_for_pegasus_mail/entry24145.aspx">IER's version history</a>, I'll just provide a <a mce_href="" target="_blank" href="">link to the ominious Windows feature</a> here which even most people who encountered the image display issue very likely don't know having been struck by. Here's the <a mce_href="/files/folders/24145/download.aspx" href="/files/folders/24145/download.aspx">download link</a>, BTW ...</p> <p>PS: Disabling 8.3 filenames on some systems (by sys-admins?) and using percent encoding (by me) for blanks in long filenames caused IE & IER to fail in loading images properly, to make a long story short ... </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

MIchael, I saw your post and apologize for not acknowledging and expressing appreciation for your efforts.  I know that's not what you're after but it's genuine so should be expressed. Thank you!

As for IER, I don't use email in a way that I would notice its benefits or shortcomings.  I had a brief intense interest in it when configuration options and VIEWER.PM utilization were added but that was my intellectual curiosity at play.

    The browser submenu works for me
    So I'm as happy as can be.
    Upgrading IER you see
    Just isn't a priority.

Ok, that's embarrassing, but I'm posting it anyway.  I hope it provides a lighthearted moment for somebody.  [:)]

Brian Fluet

<p>MIchael, I saw your post and apologize for not acknowledging and expressing appreciation for your efforts.  I know that's not what you're after but it's genuine so should be expressed. Thank you! </p><p>As for IER, I don't use email in a way that I would notice its benefits or shortcomings.  I had a brief intense interest in it when configuration options and VIEWER.PM utilization were added but that was my intellectual curiosity at play. </p><p>    The browser submenu works for me     So I'm as happy as can be.     Upgrading IER you see     Just isn't a priority. </p><p>Ok, that's embarrassing, but I'm posting it anyway.  I hope it provides a lighthearted moment for somebody.  [:)]</p><p>Brian Fluet </p>

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]

    The browser submenu works for me
    So I'm as happy as can be.
    Upgrading IER you see
    Just isn't a priority.

Ok, that's embarrassing, but I'm posting it anyway.  I hope it provides a lighthearted moment for somebody.  [:)][/quote]

Thanks, Brian, it does. Since you're an "influencer" [;)] I'm glad you took notice!
[quote user="Brian Fluet"]<p>    The browser submenu works for me     So I'm as happy as can be.     Upgrading IER you see     Just isn't a priority. </p><p>Ok, that's embarrassing, but I'm posting it anyway.  I hope it provides a lighthearted moment for somebody.  [:)][/quote]</p>Thanks, Brian, it does. Since you're an "influencer" [;)] I'm glad you took notice!
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C


Is there a Silent install parameter for IERendererSetup.exe ?

<p>Michael:</p><p>Is there a Silent install parameter for <b>IERendererSetup.exe</b> ? </p>

[quote user="David H. Lipman"]Is there a Silent install parameter for IERendererSetup.exe ?[/quote]

Yes, that's how Pegasus Mail's installer uses it, why do you ask? It requires a couple of additional commandline parameters.

<p>[quote user="David H. Lipman"]Is there a Silent install parameter for <b>IERendererSetup.exe</b> ?[/quote]</p><p>Yes, that's how Pegasus Mail's installer uses it, why do you ask? It requires a couple of additional commandline parameters. </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

I scripted a process so I was looking if I would extend it.

    shell 'wget -N "" --no-check-certificate'
    run   'unzip  -j -o'

<p>I scripted a process so I was looking if I would extend it.</p><p> </p><p>    shell 'wget -N "" --no-check-certificate'     run   'unzip  -j -o'</p><p> </p>

[quote user="David H. Lipman"]I scripted a process so I was looking if I would extend it.[/quote]

OK, the commandline is <IERendererSetup /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES "[PMBaseDir]">, where [PMBaseDir] is the directory which WINPM-32.EXE is located in, e.g. "X:\PMAIL\Programs\".

&lt;p&gt;[quote user=&quot;David H. Lipman&quot;]I scripted a process so I was looking if I would extend it.[/quote]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;OK, the commandline is &amp;lt;IERendererSetup /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES &quot;[PMBaseDir]&quot;&amp;gt;, where [PMBaseDir] is the directory which WINPM-32.EXE is located in, e.g. &quot;X:\PMAIL\Programs\&quot;. &lt;/p&gt;
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C


Function Get_IERenderer()
    shell 'wget -N "" --no-check-certificate'
    if ($T1 <> $T2)=1
        del "C:\PMAIL\IN\MAILBOXP.LCK"
        shell 'unzip -j -o'
        shell 'IERendererSetup.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES C:\PMAIL '
        sleep 5
        run $cmd+" start /MIN C:\PMAIL\winpm-32.exe "

&lt;p&gt;FYI &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Function Get_IERenderer() &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;cls &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;GoThere(&quot;E:\STUFF\PMail&quot;) &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;$T1=GetFileTime(&quot;;) &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;shell &#039;wget -N &quot;; --no-check-certificate&#039; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;$T2=GetFileTime(&quot;;) &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;if ($T1 &amp;lt;&amp;gt; $T2)=1 &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;EndProc(&quot;WINPM-32.EXE&quot;) &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;del &quot;C:\PMAIL\IN\MAILBOXP.LCK&quot; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;shell &#039;unzip -j -o; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;shell &#039;IERendererSetup.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES C:\PMAIL &#039; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;sleep 5 &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;run $cmd+&quot; start /MIN C:\PMAIL\winpm-32.exe &quot; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;endif EndFunction&lt;/p&gt;

Moin Michael,

Now I've updated our network Pmail installation with IER Setup from a client machine to the server run properly without errors and also Pmail is showing all html mails as it should. Will further observe and report any weird behaviour. Thanks for your effort.

Gruss aus Rostock

&lt;p&gt;Moin Michael,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Now I&#039;ve updated our network Pmail installation with IER Setup from a client machine to the server run properly without errors and also Pmail is showing all html mails as it should. Will further observe and report any weird behaviour. Thanks for your effort. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Gruss aus Rostock &lt;/p&gt;


I'm curious how you handled the VIEWER.PM file.  My understanding is that the current IER will update the VIEWER.PM file located in the mailbox directory of the user from which it was installed when the one in the Pegasus Mail\Programs directory isn't accessible.  I'm assume your server installed Pegasus Mail\Programs is secured from users just like mine is so did you copy the resulting VIEWER.PM file to the \Programs directory or did you place a copy in each mailbox directory?


&lt;p&gt;Joerg,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I&#039;m curious how you handled the VIEWER.PM file.&amp;nbsp; My understanding is that the current IER will update the VIEWER.PM file located in the mailbox directory of the user from which it was installed when the one in the Pegasus Mail\Programs directory isn&#039;t accessible.&amp;nbsp; I&#039;m assume your server installed Pegasus Mail\Programs is secured from users just like mine is so did you copy the resulting VIEWER.PM file to the \Programs directory or did you place a copy in each mailbox directory?&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp; &lt;/p&gt;

Hi Brian,

The last time I updated the IER (v2.6.2.2) I described my problems with the here:

Nevertheless my update procedure was the same this time, of course after making a backup copy of the entire Pmail directory. But this time (v2.6.2.12 - how frequent Michael is updating his program? [:D]) we don't experience any crashes etc., at least nobody of my users have claimed anything this Monday morning - keeping fingers crossed.

I don't take care of the central, which resides in pmail\programs. It seems this file will be updated by single Pmail instances during day by day work. The last change date is of this morning, after users did start their work.

I don't restrict the access to Pmail\programs. All "Authenticated Domain Users" have "change" permissions. Due to security reasons this is not the best way, but since I was not able to solve the problem with our central address book ( I kept the permissions as they are.

Additional files reside in each user mailbox folder. My own looks like this:

1;.pdf;-;C:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro 11\NitroPDF.exe

and has not been updated for a long time.

In general I don't like to deal with again on each IER update. And I don't understand the functionality completely. I only install the IER update and check whether Pmail is able to open html mails without crashing. [;)]

&lt;p&gt;Hi Brian,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The last time I updated the IER (v2.6.2.2) I described my problems with the here: &lt;a mce_href=&quot;/forums/post/51071.aspx&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; title=&quot;; href=&quot;/forums/post/51071.aspx&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Nevertheless my update procedure was the same this time, of course after making a backup copy of the entire Pmail directory. But this time (v2.6.2.12 - how frequent Michael is updating his program? [:D]) we don&#039;t experience any crashes etc., at least nobody of my users have claimed anything this Monday morning - keeping fingers crossed.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I don&#039;t take care of the central, which resides in pmail\programs. It seems this file will be updated by single Pmail instances during day by day work. The last change date is of this morning, after users did start their work. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I don&#039;t restrict the access to Pmail\programs. All &quot;Authenticated Domain Users&quot; have &quot;change&quot; permissions. Due to security reasons this is not the best way, but since I was not able to solve the problem with our central address book (&lt;a mce_href=&quot;/forums/thread/50998.aspx&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; title=&quot;; href=&quot;/forums/thread/50998.aspx&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;) I kept the permissions as they are.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Additional files reside in each user mailbox folder. My own looks like this:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;1;.dat;-;W:\Apps\Fentun\fentun.exe 1;.vcs;-;\\marsrv4\pmail$\programs\pmical.exe 1;.ics;-;\\marsrv4\pmail$\programs\pmical.exe 1;.pdf;-;C:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro 11\NitroPDF.exe&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;and has not been updated for a long time.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In general I don&#039;t like to deal with again on each IER update. And I don&#039;t understand the functionality completely. I only install the IER update and check whether Pmail is able to open html mails without crashing. [;)] &lt;/p&gt;

Hi Brian,

The last time I updated the IER (v2.6.2.2) I described my problems with the here:

Nevertheless my update procedure was the same this time, of course after making a backup copy of the entire Pmail directory. But this time (v2.6.2.12 - how frequent Michael is updating his program? [:D]) we don't experience any crashes etc., at least nobody of my users have claimed anything this Monday morning - keeping fingers crossed.

I don't take care of the central, which resides in pmail\programs. It seems this file will be updated by single Pmail instances during day by day work. The last change date is of this morning, after users did start their work.

I don't restrict the access to Pmail\programs. All "Authenticated Domain Users" have "change" permissions. Due to security reasons this is not the best way, but since I was not able to solve the problem with our central address book ( I kept the permissions as they are.

Additional files reside in each user mailbox folder. My own looks like this:

1;.pdf;-;C:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro 11\NitroPDF.exe

and has not been updated for a long time.

In general I don't like to deal with again on each IER update. And I don't understand the functionality completely. I only install the IER update and check whether Pmail is able to open html mails without crashing. [;)] Then I forget it.

Hi Brian, The last time I updated the IER (v2.6.2.2) I described my problems with the here: Nevertheless my update procedure was the same this time, of course after making a backup copy of the entire Pmail directory. But this time (v2.6.2.12 - how frequent Michael is updating his program? [:D]) we don&#039;t experience any crashes etc., at least nobody of my users have claimed anything this Monday morning - keeping fingers crossed. I don&#039;t take care of the central, which resides in pmail\programs. It seems this file will be updated by single Pmail instances during day by day work. The last change date is of this morning, after users did start their work. I don&#039;t restrict the access to Pmail\programs. All &quot;Authenticated Domain Users&quot; have &quot;change&quot; permissions. Due to security reasons this is not the best way, but since I was not able to solve the problem with our central address book ( I kept the permissions as they are. Additional files reside in each user mailbox folder. My own looks like this: 1;.dat;-;W:\Apps\Fentun\fentun.exe 1;.vcs;-;\\marsrv4\pmail$\programs\pmical.exe 1;.ics;-;\\marsrv4\pmail$\programs\pmical.exe 1;.pdf;-;C:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro 11\NitroPDF.exe and has not been updated for a long time. In general I don&#039;t like to deal with again on each IER update. And I don&#039;t understand the functionality completely. I only install the IER update and check whether Pmail is able to open html mails without crashing. [;)] Then I forget it.

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I'm curious how you handled the VIEWER.PM file.  My understanding is that the current IER will update the VIEWER.PM file located in the mailbox directory of the user from which it was installed when the one in the Pegasus Mail\Programs directory isn't accessible.  I'm assume your server installed Pegasus Mail\Programs is secured from users just like mine is so did you copy the resulting VIEWER.PM file to the \Programs directory or did you place a copy in each mailbox directory?[/quote]

Just for avoiding any confusion about this: The IER setup doesn't modify any VIEWER.PM file at all. IER itself attempts to modify the one in Pegasus Mail's ... \programs\... directory first and doesn't do anything else if succeeding. If it fails it modifies the one in the mailbox of the user who just started his Pegasus Mail instance. This is not connected to the installation in any kind, just to the user instance start-up and will be repeated anytime another user launches his account.

Since I finally detected the real reason behind the image display failure issue I could have dropped all this, but IMO it could very well become a future security issue once again (due to some major company's wisdom [;)]) to only allow loading of images using their proper filename extensions. And the purpose of adding media file types and mime types to VIEWER.PM is to force Pegasus Mail to pass on embedded media files with their proper filename extensions attached when extracting those files from messages for IER and BearHtml.

And with reagard to the crash Joerg encountered: I was able to duplicate it during my tests for modifying the implementation of all this so I could fix it - but I don't remember the details anymore.

BTW: Does anyone of you know anyone who encountered the missing browser context menu issue? I'm still waiting for someone to confirm or deny its further existance after putting lots of efforts into trying to fix it without being able to ever duplicate it ...

&lt;p&gt;[quote user=&quot;Brian Fluet&quot;]I&#039;m curious how you handled the VIEWER.PM file.&amp;nbsp; My understanding is that the current IER will update the VIEWER.PM file located in the mailbox directory of the user from which it was installed when the one in the Pegasus Mail\Programs directory isn&#039;t accessible.&amp;nbsp; I&#039;m assume your server installed Pegasus Mail\Programs is secured from users just like mine is so did you copy the resulting VIEWER.PM file to the \Programs directory or did you place a copy in each mailbox directory?[/quote]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Just for avoiding any confusion about this: The IER setup doesn&#039;t modify any VIEWER.PM file at all. IER itself attempts to modify the one in Pegasus Mail&#039;s ... \programs\... directory first and doesn&#039;t do anything else if succeeding. If it fails it modifies the one in the mailbox of the user who just started his Pegasus Mail instance. This is not connected to the installation in any kind, just to the user instance start-up and will be repeated anytime another user launches his account. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Since I finally detected the real reason behind the image display failure issue I could have dropped all this, but IMO it could very well become a future security issue once again (due to some major company&#039;s wisdom [;)]) to only allow loading of images using their proper filename extensions. And the purpose of adding media file types and mime types to VIEWER.PM is to force Pegasus Mail to pass on embedded media files with their proper filename extensions attached when extracting those files from messages for IER and BearHtml.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;And with reagard to the crash Joerg encountered: I was able to duplicate it during my tests for modifying the implementation of all this so I could fix it - but I don&#039;t remember the details anymore.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;BTW: Does anyone of you know anyone who encountered the missing browser context menu issue? I&#039;m still waiting for someone to confirm or deny its further existance after putting lots of efforts into trying to fix it without being able to ever duplicate it ... &lt;/p&gt;
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

I had forgotten that VIEWER.PM updated on start of Pegasus Mail after doing the IER update.  [:$]



&lt;p&gt;I had forgotten that VIEWER.PM updated on start of Pegasus Mail after doing the IER update.&amp;nbsp; [:$] &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I had forgotten that VIEWER.PM updated on start of Pegasus Mail after doing the IER update.  [:$][/quote]

Honestly, I wouldn't even have tried to let it do the installer (I'm sure it would be possible) because this would have been a nightmare to debug ...

&lt;p&gt;[quote user=&quot;Brian Fluet&quot;]I had forgotten that VIEWER.PM updated on start of Pegasus Mail after doing the IER update.&amp;nbsp; [:$][/quote]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Honestly, I wouldn&#039;t even have tried to let it do the installer (I&#039;m sure it would be possible) because this would have been a nightmare to debug ... &lt;/p&gt;
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

Thanks for the update. I don't check for updates to Pegasus often since it has been mostly stable for us. I found the update for IERenderer on Friday (Nov 1) and installed it on a network installation of Pegasus 3.73.639.  The first thing I noticed was that with my default browser set to Edge, I could open links from emails in the browser normally. I opened several emails and everything looked good.

Until Monday morning...

Some users were getting a run-time error 217 at 06E6C532, after which Pegasus would close.  (Actually, only one person recorded the address, the others only reported the error number). All of the users who reported this error have no in the PMAIL folder, and they would not have write access to the Pegasus programs folder.

A few noticed that HTML formatted emails cannot be scrolled with the mouse wheel. (Actually, that's happening on my computer too.)

Replying to and printing HTML formatted emails is very slow at times, causing the Pegasus title bar to show Not Responding for several seconds.

I had to revert IERenderer back to (that's the version we were using before) for now. 

Also, not sure if it matters, but I was unable to use the installer on my network installation and had to use InnoUnpacker to extract the files and copy them into the Pegasus programs folder.

Not sure what information I can provide to help track down the problems, but will do what I can.



&lt;p&gt;Thanks for the update. I don&#039;t check for updates to Pegasus often since it has been mostly stable for us.&amp;nbsp;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 10pt;&quot;&gt;I found the update for IERenderer on Friday (Nov 1) and installed it on a network installation of Pegasus 3.73.639.&amp;nbsp; The first thing I noticed was that with my default browser set to Edge, I could open links from emails in the browser normally. I opened several emails and everything looked good.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 10pt;&quot;&gt;Until Monday morning...&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Some users were getting a run-time error 217 at 06E6C532, after which Pegasus would close.&amp;nbsp; (Actually, only one person recorded the address, the others only reported the error number). All of the users who reported this error have no in the PMAIL folder, and they would not have write access to the Pegasus programs folder.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;A few noticed that HTML formatted emails cannot be scrolled with the mouse wheel. (Actually, that&#039;s happening on my computer too.)&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Replying to and printing HTML formatted emails is very slow at times, causing the Pegasus title bar to show Not Responding for several seconds.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 13.3333px;&quot;&gt;I had to revert IERenderer back to (that&#039;s the version we were using before) for now.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 13.3333px;&quot;&gt;Also, not sure if it matters, but I was unable to use the installer on my network installation and had to use InnoUnpacker to extract the files and copy them into the Pegasus programs folder.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 13.3333px;&quot;&gt;Not sure what information I can provide to help track down the problems, but will do what I can.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;Regards,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 10pt;&quot;&gt;Tony&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

[quote user="TonyQuick"]Some users were getting a run-time error 217 at 06E6C532, after which Pegasus would close.  (Actually, only one person recorded the address, the others only reported the error number). All of the users who reported this error have no in the PMAIL folder, and they would not have write access to the Pegasus programs folder.[/quote]

They shouldn't need to have as I wrote in a previous reply. I though I had already taken care of such cases, maybe I have to look at it again. It might take a while because I'm currenty migrating the code to a more recent version of my programming environment for bringing it all to Windows 10 and future support of pure 64bit environments.

[quote user="TonyQuick"]A few noticed that HTML formatted emails cannot be scrolled with the mouse wheel. (Actually, that's happening on my computer too.)[/quote]

There might already be a fix in my current test code due to the above mentioned migration attempts :-)

[quote user="TonyQuick"]Replying to and printing HTML formatted emails is very slow at times, causing the Pegasus title bar to show Not Responding for several seconds.[/quote]

This is an issue I don't have any ideas about regarding my code since it doesn't only depend on IER, so I have three questions to begin with:

  1. Is this a new issue as compared to IER
  2. Can you figure out a common pattern of such messages?
  3. If you can, would it be possible to get sample messages to duplicate it?
One hint, though: As messages being printed, forwarded or being replied to must be dealt with by Pegasus Mail's built-in HTS/TER module the printer comes into play (which doesn't matter for IERs display). Could there be some kind of printer access issue be involved, i.e. the respective machine's Windows default printer not being connected to the network? There's a pretty simple test for this issue: Simply change the respective machine's default Windows printer temporarily to Generic / Text Only for testing and you'll immediately see its effects.
&lt;p&gt;[quote user=&quot;TonyQuick&quot;]Some users were getting a run-time error 217 at 06E6C532, after which Pegasus would close.&amp;nbsp; (Actually, only one person recorded the address, the others only reported the error number). All of the users who reported this error have no in the PMAIL folder, and they would not have write access to the Pegasus programs folder.[/quote]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;They shouldn&#039;t need to have as I wrote in a previous reply. I though I had already taken care of such cases, maybe I have to look at it again. It might take a while because I&#039;m currenty migrating the code to a more recent version of my programming environment for bringing it all to Windows 10 and future support of pure 64bit environments. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;[quote user=&quot;TonyQuick&quot;]A few noticed that HTML formatted emails cannot be scrolled with the mouse wheel. (Actually, that&#039;s happening on my computer too.)[/quote]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;There might already be a fix in my current test code due to the above mentioned migration attempts :-) &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;[quote user=&quot;TonyQuick&quot;]Replying to and printing HTML formatted emails is very slow at times, causing the Pegasus title bar to show Not Responding for several seconds.[/quote]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is an issue I don&#039;t have any ideas about regarding my code since it doesn&#039;t only depend on IER, so I have three questions to begin with:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ol&gt;&lt;li&gt;Is this a new issue as compared to IER &lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 13.3333px;&quot;&gt;;/span&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 13.3333px;&quot;&gt;Can you figure out a common pattern of such messages?&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 13.3333px;&quot;&gt;If you can, would it be possible to get sample messages to duplicate it?&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ol&gt;&lt;div&gt;One hint, though: As messages being printed, forwarded or being replied to must be dealt with by Pegasus Mail&#039;s built-in HTS/TER module the printer comes into play (which doesn&#039;t matter for IERs display). Could there be some kind of printer access issue be involved, i.e. the respective machine&#039;s Windows default printer not being connected to the network? There&#039;s a pretty simple test for this issue: Simply change the respective machine&#039;s default Windows printer temporarily to &lt;i&gt;Generic / Text Only&lt;/i&gt; for testing and you&#039;ll immediately see its effects. &lt;/div&gt;
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I found that the users who are getting the run-time errors are not using the default home mailbox location. They actually do have a but it's in their home mailbox folder which is MAILBOX, not PMAIL. (You may be wondering why? These are users who have worked here a long time and at one point in time we were having space issues on the volume where the home directories are stored.)

Strangely, I'm not seeing the scrolling issue this morning.  Not sure what to make of that... 

Regarding the printing and reply issues, it may well be a network printer issue. I haven't been able to reproduce it on my machine which has a directly attached printer, and the users who reported the problems have their default printer set to a shared printer.  When I looked at their stations today, I'm not seeing the issue there either.

So, it appears I only have the issue with the non-default home mailboxes at this point.





&lt;p&gt;I found that the users who are getting the run-time errors are not using the default home mailbox location. They actually do have a but it&#039;s in their home mailbox folder which is MAILBOX, not PMAIL. (You may be wondering why?&amp;nbsp;These are users who have worked here a long time and at one point in time we were having space issues on the volume where the home directories are stored.)&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Strangely, I&#039;m not seeing the scrolling issue this morning.&amp;nbsp; Not sure what to make of that...&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 10pt;&quot;&gt;Regarding the&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 13.3333px;&quot;&gt;printing and reply issues&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size: 10pt;&quot;&gt;, it may well be a network printer issue. I haven&#039;t been able to reproduce it on my machine which has a directly attached printer, and the users who reported the problems have their default printer set to a shared printer.&amp;nbsp; When I looked at their stations today, I&#039;m not seeing the issue there either.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;So, it appears I only have the issue with the non-default home mailboxes at this point.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Regards,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Tony&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
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