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Pegasus 4.73-639 help not working

The thread was about formatting of a screen involving visibility of a help entry. Other responses on this thread have itemised the problem and its solution.


<p>The thread was about formatting of a screen involving visibility of a help entry. Other responses on this thread have itemised the problem and its solution.</p><p>Martin </p>

When I click on Help>Specific Help or Help Index I get a tab on my taskbar but no document. I am using Win 10 1903 build 18362.356.

When I click on Help>Specific Help or Help Index I get a tab on my taskbar but no document. I am using Win 10 1903 build 18362.356.

Larry Hess CPA | Albuquerque NM

It sounds like the Help window is opening offscreen.  With only it and Pegasus Mail open, right click on the taskbar then select "Cascade windows".  This should bring it onscreen but will then require you to resize the main Pegasus Mail window.

It sounds like the Help window is opening offscreen.  With only it and Pegasus Mail open, right click on the taskbar then select "Cascade windows".  This should bring it onscreen but will then require you to resize the main Pegasus Mail window.

The windows with Help doesn't cascade. The only way I can demonstrate what's happening is this screenshot of the taskbar previews. The Help is the righthand preview. You can see that the only thing that's visible is a white horizontal bar.


<p>The windows with Help doesn't cascade. The only way I can demonstrate what's happening is this screenshot of the taskbar previews. The Help is the righthand preview. You can see that the only thing that's visible is a white horizontal bar.</p><p><img mce_src="" src="" align="left"> </p>

Larry Hess CPA | Albuquerque NM

You should try starting the help file using the following command, via drag and drop in Windows Explorer, or setup a shortcut link :

  wshowhelp.exe  winpm-32.phc   both of these files are in c:\pmail\programs   I don't think there is any alternative to this startup just yet.


<p>You should try starting the help file using the following command, via drag and drop in Windows Explorer, or setup a shortcut link :</p><p>  wshowhelp.exe  winpm-32.phc   both of these files are in c:\pmail\programs   I don't think there is any alternative to this startup just yet.</p><p>Martin </p>

Strangely, I couldn't find the executable. I did find the winpm-32.phc.

While my Pmail help system is working fine I missed very much the old help Microsoft manage to remove to improve IE usage. I have a help editor that can build help files in the four most common formats: HLP, CHM, HTML and PDF. Wouldn't HTML be a more suitable Microsoft independent format for a Pmail help file?

My tuppence of the day. [;)]

<p>Strangely, I couldn't find the executable. I did find the winpm-32.phc.</p><p>While my Pmail help system is working fine I missed very much the old help Microsoft manage to remove to improve IE usage. I have a help editor that can build help files in the four most common formats: HLP, CHM, HTML and PDF. Wouldn't HTML be a more suitable Microsoft independent format for a Pmail help file?</p><p>My tuppence of the day. [;)] </p>

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
IERenderer: AttachMenu:
PMDebug: BearHTML


    I sent you the Wshowhelp.exe (zipped).  It is much faster than the old Winhlp32.


<p>Euler,</p><p>    I sent you the Wshowhelp.exe (zipped).  It is much faster than the old Winhlp32.</p><p>Martin </p>

Martin had a typo.  The command would be

showhelp.exe winpm-32.phc

or drag-and-drop winpm-32.phc on showhelp.exe.

One might also consider creating a shortcut to manual.pdf.  I have found very little difference in content between the manual and the help file.  But the help from with Pegasus Mail should just work.  I haven't experienced any problems with it on the two Pegasus Mail installations I run on Win10 1809 so I'm hopeful we can figure out what the problem is for Larry.

<p>Martin had a typo.  The command would be</p><p>showhelp.exe winpm-32.phc</p><p>or drag-and-drop winpm-32.phc on showhelp.exe.</p><p>One might also consider creating a shortcut to manual.pdf.  I have found very little difference in content between the manual and the help file.  But the help from with Pegasus Mail should just work.  I haven't experienced any problems with it on the two Pegasus Mail installations I run on Win10 1809 so I'm hopeful we can figure out what the problem is for Larry. </p>


It wasn't a typo . I checked my PMail\Programs directory and I actually have both ShowHelp and WShowHelp.  I went looking for my help file in the w*.*  and only found the Phc help file, but I thought there was no program to display it. The reason for the investigation was that I don't often use the online help invoked by Pegasus Mail. I use the Manual.pdf file.  My copy of Pmail only seems to invoke the Help content from the Winpm-32.dat which is ancient. I don't know why Pegasus Mail menu doesn't invoke the (w)Showhelp program. 

Anyway, at least there is a solution. I checked the two versions of Showhelp (with Diff) and they are identical.



<p>Brian, </p><p>It wasn't a typo . I checked my PMail\Programs directory and I actually have both ShowHelp and WShowHelp.  I went looking for my help file in the w*.*  and only found the Phc help file, but I thought there was no program to display it. The reason for the investigation was that I don't often use the online help invoked by Pegasus Mail. I use the Manual.pdf file.  My copy of Pmail only seems to invoke the Help content from the Winpm-32.dat which is ancient. I don't know why Pegasus Mail menu doesn't invoke the (w)Showhelp program. </p><p>Anyway, at least there is a solution. I checked the two versions of Showhelp (with Diff) and they are identical.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>     Martin </p>

Forgive me, but how and wehre did you send it to me? If you wish, you can attach it to an email to me at LHHESSCPA@GMAIL.COM

Forgive me, but how and wehre did you send it to me? If you wish, you can attach it to an email to me at LHHESSCPA@GMAIL.COM

Larry Hess CPA | Albuquerque NM

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