Community Discussions and Support
Support For Euro Symbol €

Pegasus converts the € symbol to EUR e.g.
€25.00 is changed to EUR25.00
341 Million people use the Euro! - Can this be fixed?

£ and $ work fine

Pegasus converts the € symbol to EUR e.g. €25.00 is changed to EUR25.00 341 Million people use the Euro! - Can this be fixed? £ and $ work fine

£ and $ work fine

€ works fine for me as well. What MIME character set do you have enabled by default on Tools => Options => Advanced settings? ISO-8859-1 doesn't contain €, you should use UTF-8 for all languages (ISO-8859-15 would do as well but possibly cause issues on the receiver's end).

[quote="pid:53670, uid:28437"]£ and $ work fine[/quote] € works fine for me as well. What _MIME character set_ do you have enabled by default on _Tools => Options => Advanced settings_? ISO-8859-1 doesn't contain €, you should use UTF-8 for all languages (ISO-8859-15 would do as well but possibly cause issues on the receiver's end).
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C
edited Apr 3 '22 at 12:19 am

€25.00 is changed to EUR25.00

Could it be that you have perhaps an auto correction rule which convert the € to EUR ?

[quote="pid:53670, uid:28437"]€25.00 is changed to EUR25.00[/quote] Could it be that you have perhaps an auto correction rule which convert the € to EUR ?

Pegasus v4.81 Beta

UTF-8 Fixed the problem!

Thanks Michael.

(Good Suggestion PM-1)

UTF-8 Fixed the problem! Thanks Michael. (Good Suggestion PM-1)

Could it be that you have perhaps an auto correction rule which convert the € to EUR ?

It's a built-in rule from the time when Pegasus Mail didn't support newer charsets and especially not UTF-8 (actually enabled using the linked-in module ICONV.dll coming with Pegasus Mail).

[quote="pid:53673, uid:29380"]Could it be that you have perhaps an auto correction rule which convert the € to EUR ?[/quote] It's a built-in rule from the time when Pegasus Mail didn't support newer charsets and especially not UTF-8 (actually enabled using the linked-in module ICONV.dll coming with Pegasus Mail).
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C
edited Apr 3 '22 at 5:00 pm
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