Community Discussions and Support
Folder name corrupted

One folder now appears at the bottom of my folder list with its name corrupted to a string of capital I with grave accent. I cannot rename or fix it. (It actually occurs twice) When I click on it I can see the list of contents, as with any folder, and a correct count, and when I right-click I can see the folder information and the actual filname (FOL...--both PMM and PMI are there). I tried to reindex it, but that emptied the folder (I restored it from the backup). How can I return it to safe use?

One folder now appears at the bottom of my folder list with its name corrupted to a string of capital I with grave accent. I cannot rename or fix it. (It actually occurs twice) When I click on it I can see the list of contents, as with any folder, and a correct count, and when I right-click I can see the folder information and the actual filname (FOL...--both PMM and PMI are there). I tried to reindex it, but that emptied the folder (I restored it from the backup). How can I return it to safe use?

The first thing to try is to restart Pegasus Mail.

If that doesn't correct the name display in the folder list then create a new folder, copy the messages from the corrupted folder to the new one. Once you confirm the copied content you can delete the corrupted folder and then rename the new folder to the name of the corrupted one.

Note 1: If you had any filter rules with this folder as a destination you will need to reset them to the new folder even if you rename it to the same name.

Note 2: The corrupted folder may not delete from within Pegasus Mail so you may need to delete its PMM and PMI file. Do this with Pegasus Mail closed.

The first thing to try is to restart Pegasus Mail. If that doesn't correct the name display in the folder list then create a new folder, copy the messages from the corrupted folder to the new one. Once you confirm the copied content you can delete the corrupted folder and then rename the new folder to the name of the corrupted one. Note 1: If you had any filter rules with this folder as a destination you will need to reset them to the new folder even if you rename it to the same name. Note 2: The corrupted folder may not delete from within Pegasus Mail so you may need to delete its PMM and PMI file. Do this with Pegasus Mail closed.

Many thanks. I had already tried restarting, but the copying to a new folder worked. And the program did delete the old folder from the disk, though it crashed afterwards. But it has restarted OK.

Many thanks. I had already tried restarting, but the copying to a new folder worked. And the program did delete the old folder from the disk, though it crashed afterwards. But it has restarted OK.
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