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No images in copy to self copies

When I include an image in my original message, the image is missing in the copy to self copy. All that's there is an outline of the image with a question mark inside.

When I include an image in my original message, the image is missing in the copy to self copy. All that's there is an outline of the image with a question mark inside.

Larry Hess CPA | Albuquerque NM

This is a known issue. There aren't any workarounds. When I was working I would place a copy of images in a directory on the server specifically for that that purpose and then include enough info in the email so that I could identify the image that I had included by what was in the copyself.

AFAIK, this is to be addressed in v5.

This is a known issue. There aren't any workarounds. When I was working I would place a copy of images in a directory on the server specifically for that that purpose and then include enough info in the email so that I could identify the image that I had included by what was in the copyself. AFAIK, this is to be addressed in v5.

The most frequently recommended workaround is a BCC to yourself with a filter rule to your copy-to-self folder: This way you might also achieve your "keep the read flag cleared" request satisfied (if the folder doesn't set it in this case as well but I don't think so) ...

The most frequently recommended workaround is a BCC to yourself with a filter rule to your copy-to-self folder: This way you might also achieve your "keep the read flag cleared" request satisfied (if the folder doesn't set it in this case as well but I don't think so) ...
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