Mercury/32 v4.91 (November 2022)
Version 4.91 corrects a problem with producing self-signed certificates and certificate signing requests; what's more, many more options are now available using the "Advanced" page in the certificate creator. As well as this, a rare problem that could cause crashes on mail receipt has been fixed, and problems displaying help on some systems have been corrected. We apologize for the delay in releasing v4.91 — this was caused by problems tracking down a rogue issue introduced by an external module, which has now been fixed as well. Along with these changes and corrections, v4.91 also contains the following additions and updates:
- Aliasing fixes A rare problem that could result in aliases not being correctly saved on some systems has been fixed.
- Standalone certificate creator V4.91 includes a standalone application, tcpcerts.exe that can be run outside Mercury to create SSL certificates and CSRs. The program will be installed in the same directory as MERCURY.EXE.
Killfiles for autoforwarding When you have automatic forwarding enabled for a user, you can now create a file called FORWARD.KFL in that user's mailbox directory containing sender addresses that should not result in messages being autoforwarded.
Significant improvements to redistribution 'Redistribution' is the process of taking an incoming message and sending it to someone else — for instance, when forwarding, or sending mail to a mailing list. Mercury v4.91 contains significant improvements in the way redistribution is performed, especially with regards to autoforwarding. These changes should make it easier and more reliable to redistribute mail to sites that use anti-spam measures such as SPF or DMARC.
-- David --
Mercury/32 v4.91 (November 2022)
Version 4.91 corrects a problem with producing self-signed certificates and certificate signing requests; what's more, many more options are now available using the "Advanced" page in the certificate creator. As well as this, a rare problem that could cause crashes on mail receipt has been fixed, and problems displaying help on some systems have been corrected. We apologize for the delay in releasing v4.91 — this was caused by problems tracking down a rogue issue introduced by an external module, which has now been fixed as well. Along with these changes and corrections, v4.91 also contains the following additions and updates:
- _Aliasing fixes_ A rare problem that could result in aliases not being correctly saved on some systems has been fixed.
- _Standalone certificate creator_ V4.91 includes a standalone application, tcpcerts.exe that can be run outside Mercury to create SSL certificates and CSRs. The program will be installed in the same directory as MERCURY.EXE.
- _Killfiles for autoforwarding_ When you have automatic forwarding enabled for a user, you can now create a file called FORWARD.KFL in that user's mailbox directory containing sender addresses that should not result in messages being autoforwarded.
- _Significant improvements to redistribution_ 'Redistribution' is the process of taking an incoming message and sending it to someone else — for instance, when forwarding, or sending mail to a mailing list. Mercury v4.91 contains significant improvements in the way redistribution is performed, especially with regards to autoforwarding. These changes should make it easier and more reliable to redistribute mail to sites that use anti-spam measures such as SPF or DMARC.
-- David --