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Opening mail messages

I have a strange problem
Recently had a computer problem and had to have the HD wiped clean and had to re-install Windows 10.

I eventually got all my passwords & bookmarks back

Whenever I check my mail most of the messages received I'm able to read but some messages are received but I cannot open. When I need to reply to the message I couldn't open, it appears so I'm able to see & read what was originally sent. I have been doing this just to read what I had missed

Originally when i try to open after a few seconds (it will try to open) it goes out and returns to the desktop. anyone have this problem? Is there any solution for me on what to do to solve?

I have a strange problem Recently had a computer problem and had to have the HD wiped clean and had to re-install Windows 10. I eventually got all my passwords & bookmarks back Whenever I check my mail most of the messages received I'm able to read but some messages are received but I cannot open. When I need to reply to the message I couldn't open, it appears so I'm able to see & read what was originally sent. I have been doing this just to read what I had missed Originally when i try to open after a few seconds (it will try to open) it goes out and returns to the desktop. anyone have this problem? Is there any solution for me on what to do to solve?

Assuming you're doing all this with Pegasus Mail, what did you do to setup Pegasus Mail in your recreated Windows 10 environment? Did you run Pegasus Mail's installer (which version?) and start from scratch? Did you do so and then copy over old data (i.e. your new mail and mailbox directory) from a backup? Or did you just copy over a Pegasus Mail backup to your new system? And if reusing any backup data, did you reinstall Pegasus Mail to the exact same location on Windows?

Assuming you're doing all this with Pegasus Mail, what did you do to setup Pegasus Mail in your recreated Windows 10 environment? Did you run Pegasus Mail's installer (which version?) and start from scratch? Did you do so and then copy over old data (i.e. your new mail and mailbox directory) from a backup? Or did you just copy over a Pegasus Mail backup to your new system? And if reusing any backup data, did you reinstall Pegasus Mail to the exact same location on Windows?
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