+1 is not valid. What is your actual timezone?
If it is one hour ahead of GMT it should be +0100
I am from Guam, where my time zone is +1000
Hawaii is -1000
What do you see under tools / options / advanced settings / SMTP timezone.
Shows format as (+xxxx or -xxxx)
Mine shows +1000 grayed out with auto checked.
What does yours have?? Seems Pegasus does let one enter +1, but not sure why it would allow that?
SMTP time zone This field only applies to mail sent using Internet mail transports other than
the Charon and Mercury gateways. It indicates your timezone relative to the rest of the world,
and should be entered as a 4 digit offset from Universal Standard Time (Greenwich Mean
Time). As an example, New Zealand is 12 hours ahead of GMT, so the correct value for New
Zealand would be +1200.
Auto If you check the Auto control (the default setting), then Pegasus Mail will ignore
whatever is entered in the SMTP Time Zone field, and will work out the time zone by
asking the Windows operating system. The main advantage of using the Auto setting is
that daylight savings compensations will be applied automatically, and the format of the
time zone field is guaranteed to be correct. We strongly recommend that you use this
So, I would check that setting, and if your timezone is 1 hour ahead of GMT, it should be +0100
Otherwise check on the auto, and try sending a message and see what it get from auto.
If it uses auto and gets +1 I think it is an OS issue of some type.
Hope that solves it.
+1 is not valid. What is your actual timezone?
If it is one hour ahead of GMT it should be +0100
I am from Guam, where my time zone is +1000
Hawaii is -1000
What do you see under tools / options / advanced settings / SMTP timezone.
Shows format as (+xxxx or -xxxx)
Mine shows +1000 grayed out with auto checked.
What does yours have?? Seems Pegasus does let one enter +1, but not sure why it would allow that?
SMTP time zone This field only applies to mail sent using Internet mail transports other than
the Charon and Mercury gateways. It indicates your timezone relative to the rest of the world,
and should be entered as a 4 digit offset from Universal Standard Time (Greenwich Mean
Time). As an example, New Zealand is 12 hours ahead of GMT, so the correct value for New
Zealand would be +1200.
Auto If you check the Auto control (the default setting), then Pegasus Mail will ignore
whatever is entered in the SMTP Time Zone field, and will work out the time zone by
asking the Windows operating system. The main advantage of using the Auto setting is
that daylight savings compensations will be applied automatically, and the format of the
time zone field is guaranteed to be correct. We strongly recommend that you use this
So, I would check that setting, and if your timezone is 1 hour ahead of GMT, it should be +0100
Otherwise check on the auto, and try sending a message and see what it get from auto.
If it uses auto and gets +1 I think it is an OS issue of some type.
Hope that solves it.