This time there are three major changes in this version:
I've implemented a relocation of the default IER file cache location (if not having been customized previously) which will be applied automatically if confirmed on first launch after updating: The cache directory will now be a subdirectory of the respective Pegasus Mail user's new mail directory for ensuring that it will stay the same location when using Pegasus Mail on portable devices or networks. Please note that copying existing cached files to the new location may slow down the first Pegasus Mail launch after updating IER once for each Pegasus Mail user!
Next one is an extended menu option for changing Pegasus Mail's HTML renderer: It now offers additionally the option to use Pegasus Mail's internal RichText module as HTML renderer which may be helpful for a couple of Windows XP and Linux users: While BearHtml will be enabled by default if detecting MSHTML modules of IE versions below v8 they may now easily switch to the built-in renderer if regarding it to serve their requirements better. It should be capable of restoring itself even after updates trying to restore renamed files for applying these changes. Please note that switching to and from the built-in renderer will require a restart of Pegasus Mail which will be offered as an immediate option after selecting the respective switch.
Another important change is the migration of image processing from using the system's GDI+ interface to the favour of the open source FreeImage library (already coming with Pegasus Mail) which might speed up HTML rendering a little bit if loading embedded images.
This version also brings a slightly modified handling for the BearHtml related crash of the previous version for taking care of yet unknown reasons to cover.
Additionally it includes slightly modified help files for better readability and some adjustments with regard to required Windows versions and also fixes and removes some outdated URLs.
Then it fixes a workaround dealing with improper use of HTML 5 elements in supposedly IE 11 compatible messages which accidentally would hide images.
It as well fixes a charset issue affecting HTML text imported into Pegasus Mail's editor from external HTML files if containing non-ASCII characters in UTF-8 and local ANSI encoding.
And it finally works around an issue caused by invalid size formatting of embedded emoticons in notifications from Pegasus Mail's support forum.
Michael -- IERenderer's Homepage PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C