I checked all 4 boxes (have before), changed the username passwords. However, it unchecks the last box upon reboot. It also unchecks the Compliance limit checks as well. I can recheck them all and they stay till I reboot.
I guess I just paste the information out of the Mercurys.log here, as I cannot see how to attach a file. I just clipped off a bit on the end as it grows remarkably fast!
The first clip is from the original relay that showed up in the logs yesterday evening. It is just a few lines. Below that I put an more current one since turning on everything:
T 20080616 105023 485051a6 Connection from
T 20080616 105024 485051a6 EHLO []
T 20080616 105025 485051a6 MAIL FROM:<ter.fenikshof@compaqnet.be>
T 20080616 105026 485051a6 RCPT TO: <asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 105028 485051a6 DATA - 23 lines, 831 bytes.
T 20080616 105029 485051a6 QUIT
T 20080616 105029 485051a6 Connection closed with, 6 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105056 485051a7 Connection from
T 20080616 105057 485051a7 EHLO X6858.x.pppool.de
T 20080616 105059 485051a7 MAIL FROM:<linrrfvmet@rrfv.de>
T 20080616 105100 485051a7 RCPT TO: <asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 105102 485051a7 DATA - 32 lines, 1859 bytes.
T 20080616 105103 485051a7 QUIT
T 20080616 105103 485051a7 Connection closed with, 7 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105211 485051a8 Connection from
T 20080616 105211 485051a8 EHLO mta21.charter.net
T 20080616 105211 485051a8 MAIL FROM:<nick@nixonaia.com> SIZE=11571
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 DATA - 333 lines, 11571 bytes.
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 QUIT
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105448 485051a9 Connection from
T 20080616 105450 485051a9 EHLO 204.Red-88-3-182.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net
T 20080616 105452 485051a9 MAIL FROM:<dwvillakaterinam@villakaterina.gr>
T 20080616 105457 485051a9 RCPT TO: <asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 105500 485051a9 DATA - 48 lines, 1409 bytes.
T 20080616 105502 485051a9 QUIT
T 20080616 105502 485051a9 Connection closed with, 14 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105531 485051aa Connection from
T 20080616 105532 485051aa EHLO 68-188-242-5.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com
T 20080616 105532 485051aa MAIL From:<bonnermbvshrmu@bagi.com>
T 20080616 105532 485051aa RCPT To:<ken@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 105532 485051aa DATA - 51 lines, 1524 bytes.
T 20080616 105532 485051aa QUIT
T 20080616 105532 485051aa Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 110246 485051ab Connection from
T 20080616 110247 485051ac Connection from
T 20080616 110247 485051ad Connection from
T 20080616 110250 485051ab HELO Nb47e.n.pppool.de
T 20080616 110251 485051ac HELO Nb47e.n.pppool.de
T 20080616 110251 485051ad HELO Nb47e.n.pppool.de
T 20080616 110254 485051ab MAIL FROM:<lbadham@wilcoxtravel.com>
T 20080616 110255 485051ac MAIL FROM:<lbadham@wilcoxtravel.com>
T 20080616 110255 485051ad MAIL FROM:<lbadham@wilcoxtravel.com>
T 20080616 110257 485051ab RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 110257 485051ac RCPT TO:<ken@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 110257 485051ad RCPT TO:<reid@reidprographics.com>
T 20080616 110311 485051ab DATA - 44 lines, 1628 bytes.
T 20080616 110311 485051ac DATA - 43 lines, 1607 bytes.
T 20080616 110311 485051ad DATA - 44 lines, 1614 bytes.
T 20080616 110316 485051ab QUIT
T 20080616 110316 485051ab Connection closed with, 30 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 110317 485051ac QUIT
T 20080616 110317 485051ac Connection closed with, 30 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 110317 485051ad QUIT
T 20080616 110317 485051ad Connection closed with, 30 sec. elapsed.
Current SMTP Log:
T 20080617 141146 4857c5de Connection from
T 20080617 141146 4857c5de HELO otto.northcottweb.com
T 20080617 141146 4857c5de MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141146 4857c5dd EHLO mx.localdomain
T 20080617 141147 4857c5dd MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141147 4857c5de RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
E 20080617 141148 4857c5de Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141148 4857c5de Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141148 4857c5dd RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
E 20080617 141148 4857c5dd Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141148 4857c5dd Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141149 4857c5df Connection from
T 20080617 141149 4857c5df EHLO california.beyond.co.za
T 20080617 141149 4857c5df MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141150 4857c5e0 Connection from
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df DATA - 74 lines, 2416 bytes.
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df QUIT
T 20080617 141150 4857c5e0 EHLO shoutcast.radioromeos.gr
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141151 4857c5e0 MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141151 4857c5e1 Connection from
T 20080617 141151 4857c5e1 EHLO sauron4.uol.com.br
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e2 Connection from
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e2 EHLO web1.dmv.org
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e2 MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=3303
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e1 MAIL FROM:<a.reis.ma.sspam@uol.com.br> SIZE=6169
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 Connection from
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 EHLO anchor-bounce-2.mail.thus.net
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 DATA - 73 lines, 2325 bytes.
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 QUIT
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e4 Connection from
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e4 EHLO bilva.ukisp.net
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e3 DATA - 109 lines, 3479 bytes.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e1 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e3 QUIT
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e3 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
E 20080617 141153 4857c5e1 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e1 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 DATA - 109 lines, 3303 bytes.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 QUIT
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e4 MAIL From:<> SIZE=3018
T 20080617 141154 4857c5e4 RCPT To:<asap@reidprographics.com>
E 20080617 141154 4857c5e4 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141154 4857c5e4 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141155 4857c5e5 Connection from
T 20080617 141155 4857c5d4 Connection closed with, 31 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141155 4857c5e5 HELO ns55.hiwit.net
T 20080617 141156 4857c5e5 MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141156 4857c5e6 Connection from
T 20080617 141156 4857c5e6 EHLO lnn020.dotnetltd.co.nz
T 20080617 141157 4857c5e6 MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141157 4857c5e5 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
E 20080617 141157 4857c5e5 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141157 4857c5e5 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 DATA - 74 lines, 2259 bytes.
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 QUIT
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141203 4857c5e7 Connection from
T 20080617 141203 4857c5e7 EHLO idealhost.com
T 20080617 141203 4857c5e7 MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141204 4857c5e7 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
E 20080617 141204 4857c5e7 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141204 4857c5e7 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141207 4857c5e8 Connection from
T 20080617 141207 4857c5e8 EHLO host1624.vps.masterhost.ru
T 20080617 141207 4857c5e8 MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e9 Connection from
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e9 HELO cali.aspectgroup.co.uk
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e8 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e9 MAIL FROM:<>
E 20080617 141209 4857c5e8 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141209 4857c5e8 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 DATA - 74 lines, 2297 bytes.
T 20080617 141210 4857c5ea Connection from
T 20080617 141210 4857c5ea EHLO touchtone-s1.candidhosting.com
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 QUIT
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141210 4857c5ea MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141211 4857c5eb Connection from
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ec Connection from
T 20080617 141211 4857c5eb EHLO mailrelay1.ilimburg.nl
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ec EHLO zoloft.inserve.se
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ea RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141211 4857c5eb MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ec MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=3573
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ea DATA - 74 lines, 2242 bytes.
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ea QUIT
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ea Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ed Connection from
T 20080617 141212 4857c5eb RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ed EHLO relay66.s-web.de
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ec RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ee Connection from
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ed MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=4062
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ef Connection from
T 20080617 141213 4857c5eb DATA - 115 lines, 3769 bytes.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ee EHLO mx02.laplink.com
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ef EHLO timina.uponeits.com
T 20080617 141213 4857c5eb QUIT
T 20080617 141213 4857c5eb Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5f0 Connection from
E 20080617 141213 4857c5ec Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5f0 EHLO admin.moltenpixel.co.uk
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ec Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ee MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141214 4857c5f0 MAIL FROM:<>
T 20080617 141214 4857c5ef MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=4351
T 20080617 141214 4857c5ed RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141214 4857c5f0 RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141214 4857c5ee RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
E 20080617 141215 4857c5f0 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5f0 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ed DATA - 119 lines, 4062 bytes.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ef RCPT TO:<asap@reidprographics.com>
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ee DATA - 110 lines, 3496 bytes.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ee QUIT
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ee Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
E 20080617 141215 4857c5ef Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ef Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
<p>I checked all 4 boxes (have before), changed the username passwords. However, it unchecks the last box upon reboot. It also unchecks the Compliance limit checks as well. I can recheck them all and they stay till I reboot.</p><p>I guess I just paste the information out of the Mercurys.log here, as I cannot see how to attach a file. I just clipped off a bit on the end as it grows remarkably fast!</p><p>The first clip is from the original relay that showed up in the logs yesterday evening. It is just a few lines. Below that I put an more current one since turning on everything:</p><p>T 20080616 105023 485051a6 Connection from
T 20080616 105024 485051a6 EHLO []
T 20080616 105025 485051a6 MAIL FROM:&lt;ter.fenikshof@compaqnet.be&gt;
T 20080616 105026 485051a6 RCPT TO: &lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 105028 485051a6 DATA - 23 lines, 831 bytes.
T 20080616 105029 485051a6 QUIT
T 20080616 105029 485051a6 Connection closed with, 6 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105056 485051a7 Connection from
T 20080616 105057 485051a7 EHLO X6858.x.pppool.de
T 20080616 105059 485051a7 MAIL FROM:&lt;linrrfvmet@rrfv.de&gt;
T 20080616 105100 485051a7 RCPT TO: &lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 105102 485051a7 DATA - 32 lines, 1859 bytes.
T 20080616 105103 485051a7 QUIT
T 20080616 105103 485051a7 Connection closed with, 7 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105211 485051a8 Connection from
T 20080616 105211 485051a8 EHLO mta21.charter.net
T 20080616 105211 485051a8 MAIL FROM:&lt;nick@nixonaia.com&gt; SIZE=11571
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 DATA - 333 lines, 11571 bytes.
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 QUIT
T 20080616 105212 485051a8 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105448 485051a9 Connection from
T 20080616 105450 485051a9 EHLO 204.Red-88-3-182.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net
T 20080616 105452 485051a9 MAIL FROM:&lt;dwvillakaterinam@villakaterina.gr&gt;
T 20080616 105457 485051a9 RCPT TO: &lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 105500 485051a9 DATA - 48 lines, 1409 bytes.
T 20080616 105502 485051a9 QUIT
T 20080616 105502 485051a9 Connection closed with, 14 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 105531 485051aa Connection from
T 20080616 105532 485051aa EHLO 68-188-242-5.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com
T 20080616 105532 485051aa MAIL From:&lt;bonnermbvshrmu@bagi.com&gt;
T 20080616 105532 485051aa RCPT To:&lt;ken@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 105532 485051aa DATA - 51 lines, 1524 bytes.
T 20080616 105532 485051aa QUIT
T 20080616 105532 485051aa Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 110246 485051ab Connection from
T 20080616 110247 485051ac Connection from
T 20080616 110247 485051ad Connection from
T 20080616 110250 485051ab HELO Nb47e.n.pppool.de
T 20080616 110251 485051ac HELO Nb47e.n.pppool.de
T 20080616 110251 485051ad HELO Nb47e.n.pppool.de
T 20080616 110254 485051ab MAIL FROM:&lt;lbadham@wilcoxtravel.com&gt;
T 20080616 110255 485051ac MAIL FROM:&lt;lbadham@wilcoxtravel.com&gt;
T 20080616 110255 485051ad MAIL FROM:&lt;lbadham@wilcoxtravel.com&gt;
T 20080616 110257 485051ab RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 110257 485051ac RCPT TO:&lt;ken@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 110257 485051ad RCPT TO:&lt;reid@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080616 110311 485051ab DATA - 44 lines, 1628 bytes.
T 20080616 110311 485051ac DATA - 43 lines, 1607 bytes.
T 20080616 110311 485051ad DATA - 44 lines, 1614 bytes.
T 20080616 110316 485051ab QUIT
T 20080616 110316 485051ab Connection closed with, 30 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 110317 485051ac QUIT
T 20080616 110317 485051ac Connection closed with, 30 sec. elapsed.
T 20080616 110317 485051ad QUIT
T 20080616 110317 485051ad Connection closed with, 30 sec. elapsed.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Current SMTP Log:</p><p>T 20080617 141146 4857c5de Connection from
T 20080617 141146 4857c5de HELO otto.northcottweb.com
T 20080617 141146 4857c5de MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141146 4857c5dd EHLO mx.localdomain
T 20080617 141147 4857c5dd MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141147 4857c5de RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
E 20080617 141148 4857c5de Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141148 4857c5de Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141148 4857c5dd RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
E 20080617 141148 4857c5dd Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141148 4857c5dd Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141149 4857c5df Connection from
T 20080617 141149 4857c5df EHLO california.beyond.co.za
T 20080617 141149 4857c5df MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141150 4857c5e0 Connection from
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df DATA - 74 lines, 2416 bytes.
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df QUIT
T 20080617 141150 4857c5e0 EHLO shoutcast.radioromeos.gr
T 20080617 141150 4857c5df Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141151 4857c5e0 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141151 4857c5e1 Connection from
T 20080617 141151 4857c5e1 EHLO sauron4.uol.com.br
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e2 Connection from
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e2 EHLO web1.dmv.org
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e2 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt; SIZE=3303
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e1 MAIL FROM:&lt;a.reis.ma.sspam@uol.com.br&gt; SIZE=6169
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 Connection from
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 EHLO anchor-bounce-2.mail.thus.net
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 DATA - 73 lines, 2325 bytes.
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e3 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 QUIT
T 20080617 141152 4857c5e0 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e4 Connection from
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e4 EHLO bilva.ukisp.net
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e3 DATA - 109 lines, 3479 bytes.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e1 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e3 QUIT
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e3 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
E 20080617 141153 4857c5e1 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e1 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 DATA - 109 lines, 3303 bytes.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 QUIT
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e2 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141153 4857c5e4 MAIL From:&lt;&gt; SIZE=3018
T 20080617 141154 4857c5e4 RCPT To:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
E 20080617 141154 4857c5e4 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141154 4857c5e4 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141155 4857c5e5 Connection from
T 20080617 141155 4857c5d4 Connection closed with, 31 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141155 4857c5e5 HELO ns55.hiwit.net
T 20080617 141156 4857c5e5 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141156 4857c5e6 Connection from
T 20080617 141156 4857c5e6 EHLO lnn020.dotnetltd.co.nz
T 20080617 141157 4857c5e6 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141157 4857c5e5 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
E 20080617 141157 4857c5e5 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141157 4857c5e5 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 DATA - 74 lines, 2259 bytes.
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 QUIT
T 20080617 141158 4857c5e6 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141203 4857c5e7 Connection from
T 20080617 141203 4857c5e7 EHLO idealhost.com
T 20080617 141203 4857c5e7 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141204 4857c5e7 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
E 20080617 141204 4857c5e7 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141204 4857c5e7 Connection closed with, 1 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141207 4857c5e8 Connection from
T 20080617 141207 4857c5e8 EHLO host1624.vps.masterhost.ru
T 20080617 141207 4857c5e8 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e9 Connection from
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e9 HELO cali.aspectgroup.co.uk
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e8 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141208 4857c5e9 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
E 20080617 141209 4857c5e8 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141209 4857c5e8 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 DATA - 74 lines, 2297 bytes.
T 20080617 141210 4857c5ea Connection from
T 20080617 141210 4857c5ea EHLO touchtone-s1.candidhosting.com
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 QUIT
T 20080617 141210 4857c5e9 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141210 4857c5ea MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141211 4857c5eb Connection from
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ec Connection from
T 20080617 141211 4857c5eb EHLO mailrelay1.ilimburg.nl
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ec EHLO zoloft.inserve.se
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ea RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141211 4857c5eb MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141211 4857c5ec MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt; SIZE=3573
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ea DATA - 74 lines, 2242 bytes.
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ea QUIT
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ea Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141212 4857c5ed Connection from
T 20080617 141212 4857c5eb RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ed EHLO relay66.s-web.de
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ec RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ee Connection from
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ed MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt; SIZE=4062
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ef Connection from
T 20080617 141213 4857c5eb DATA - 115 lines, 3769 bytes.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ee EHLO mx02.laplink.com
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ef EHLO timina.uponeits.com
T 20080617 141213 4857c5eb QUIT
T 20080617 141213 4857c5eb Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5f0 Connection from
E 20080617 141213 4857c5ec Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5f0 EHLO admin.moltenpixel.co.uk
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ec Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141213 4857c5ee MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141214 4857c5f0 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
T 20080617 141214 4857c5ef MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt; SIZE=4351
T 20080617 141214 4857c5ed RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141214 4857c5f0 RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141214 4857c5ee RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
E 20080617 141215 4857c5f0 Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5f0 Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ed DATA - 119 lines, 4062 bytes.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ef RCPT TO:&lt;asap@reidprographics.com&gt;
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ee DATA - 110 lines, 3496 bytes.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ee QUIT
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ee Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.
E 20080617 141215 4857c5ef Closed by GrayWall.
T 20080617 141215 4857c5ef Connection closed with, 2 sec. elapsed.