I had this happen to me too. However, the information provided in this post gave me an idea of how to fix the problem. I had one of my programmers write a few lines of code to get my mail folder useable again. I'll paste the code below in case it will help others with this. It did work for me!!
He created a bash file named pmail on one of our Linux servers. I'll give the instructions first, and then paste the code at the bottom. Here's the command line to run the script based on how it's written:
./pmail foldername.pmm 3000
For example, if you wanted to extract 3000 email from the folder named FOL06A16.PMM you would use the following command:
./pmail FOL06A16.PMM 3000
The script will output 2 files. One called new.FOL06A16.PMM
(new.FOL06A16.PMM) will exclude the last 3000 email in this case.
The second file will be named "lemails.PMM" which will include the last 3000 email in this case.
First, exist Pegasus before you start any of these procedures.
Next move the foldername.pmm (ie, FOL06A16.PMM) out of your Pegasus mail directory. You should have it as a backup and it must NOT be in this directory to accomplish the fix.
Next, move the lemails.PMM file into your Pegasus mail directory (usually C:\PMAIL\MAIL\[USER] )
Next Open up Pegasus, and you will see a new "empty" folder. Right click on it and click on "Reindex folder". Then click on the "empty" folder and click rename on top icon row to rename the folder to what you wish.
Now Close Pegasus and copy in the new.foldername.pmm (ie, new.FOL06A16.PMM) and rename it to its original name like FOL06A16.PMM.
Now Open Pegasus and you will see another "empty" folder. Right click on it and click on "Reindex folder". Then click on the "empty" folder and click rename on top icon row to rename the folder to what you wish (note: Do not name it the same as the other folder above).
Now Close Pegasus and then Open Pegasus. You should be all set now.
Note: Don't delete you're original folder file in case there are any errors.
Code below:
#convert new lines to"
~#@~" characters so that all emails will be on a single line
cat $1 | tr "\n" "
~#@~" > newpmail
#convert all control z chars to new line
cat newpmail | tr "\32" "\n" > newpmail2
#count the number of emails (lines)
filwc=`wc -l newpmail2 | cut -d" " -f1`
echo $filwc
origfile=`expr $filwc - $2`
echo $origfile
head -$origfile newpmail2 > new
cat new | tr "\n" "\32" > new.1
cat new.1 | tr "
~#@~" "\n" > new.$1
#put last emails into plast file
tail -$2 newpmail2 > plast$2
#convert new lines back to ctrl z chars
cat plast$2 | tr "\n" "\32" > plast$2.1
#convert ~#@~ back to new lines
cat plast$2.1 | tr "
~#@~" "\n" > lemails.PMM
#remove temp files
rm newpmail newpmail2 new new.1 plast$2 plast$2.1
Save the file as pmail
Make sure the execute permissions on the file are set (chmod 755 pmail)
Run the script: ./pmail [filename] [number of emails]
I hope this will help others, as I know how important it is to be able to be able to access past email.
Code written by Max Maksimov. If the code doesn't post correctly here, let me know and I will send the details to you.
Brian A
<P>I had this happen to me too.&nbsp; However, the information provided in this post gave me an idea of how to fix the problem.&nbsp; I had one of my programmers write a few lines of code to get my mail folder useable again.&nbsp; I'll paste the code below in case it will help others with this.&nbsp; It did work for me!!&nbsp;</P>
<P>He created a bash file named pmail on one of our Linux servers.&nbsp; I'll give the instructions first, and then paste the code at the bottom.&nbsp; Here's the command line to run the script based on how it's written:</P><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>
<P align=left>./pmail foldername.pmm 3000</P>
<P align=left>For example, if you wanted to extract 3000&nbsp;email from the folder named FOL06A16.PMM &nbsp;you&nbsp;would use the following command:</P>
<P align=left>./pmail FOL06A16.PMM 3000</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">The script will output 2 files. One called new.FOL06A16.PMM</P>
<P align=left>(new.FOL06A16.PMM)&nbsp;will exclude the last&nbsp;3000 email in this case.</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">The second file will be named "lemails.PMM" which will include the last 3000 email in this case.</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">First, exist Pegasus before you start any of these procedures.&nbsp;</P>
<P align=left>Next&nbsp;move the foldername.pmm (ie, FOL06A16.PMM) out of your Pegasus mail directory.&nbsp; You should have it as a backup and it must NOT be in this directory to accomplish the fix.</P>
<P align=left>Next, move the lemails.PMM file into your Pegasus mail directory (usually C:\PMAIL\MAIL\[USER] )</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">Next Open up Pegasus, and you will see a new "empty" folder. Right click on it and click on "Reindex folder".&nbsp; Then click on the "empty" folder and click rename on top icon row to rename the folder to what you wish.</P>
<P align=left>Now Close Pegasus and copy in the new.foldername.pmm (ie, new.FOL06A16.PMM) and rename it to its original name like FOL06A16.PMM.&nbsp; </P>
<P align=left>Now&nbsp;Open Pegasus and you will see another "empty" folder.&nbsp; Right click on it and click on "Reindex folder".&nbsp; Then click on the "empty" folder and click rename on top icon row to rename the folder to what you wish (note:&nbsp; Do not name it the same as the other folder above).</P>
<P align=left>Now Close Pegasus and then Open Pegasus.&nbsp; You should be all set now.</P>
<P align=left>Note:&nbsp; Don't delete you're original folder file in case there are any errors.</P>
<P align=left>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</P>
<P align=left>Code below:</P>
<P align=left>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</P>
<P align=left>#!/bin/bash</P>
<P align=left>#convert new lines to" </FONT><U><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#008000 size=2>~#@~</U></FONT><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>" characters so that all emails will be on a single line</P>
<P align=left>cat $1 | tr "\n" "</FONT><U><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#008000 size=2>~#@~</U></FONT><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>" &gt; newpmail</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">#convert all control z chars to new line</P>
<P align=left>cat newpmail | tr "\32" "\n" &gt; newpmail2</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">#count the number of emails (lines)</P>
<P align=left>filwc=`wc -l newpmail2 | cut -d" " -f1`</P>
<P align=left>echo $filwc</P>
<P align=left>origfile=`expr $filwc - $2`</P>
<P align=left>echo $origfile</P>
<P align=left>head -$origfile newpmail2 &gt; new</P>
<P align=left>cat new | tr "\n" "\32" &gt; new.1</P>
<P align=left>cat new.1 | tr "</FONT><U><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#008000 size=2>~#@~</U></FONT><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>" "\n" &gt; new.$1</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>
<P align=left>#put last emails into plast file</P>
<P align=left>tail -$2 newpmail2 &gt; plast$2</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>
<P align=left>#convert new lines back to ctrl z chars</P>
<P align=left>cat plast$2 | tr "\n" "\32" &gt; plast$2.1</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">#convert ~#@~ back to new lines</P>
<P align=left>cat plast$2.1 | tr "</FONT><U><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#008000 size=2>~#@~</U></FONT><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>" "\n" &gt; lemails.PMM</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">#remove temp files</P>
<P align=left>rm newpmail newpmail2 new new.1 plast$2 plast$2.1</P>
<P align=left>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">Save the file as pmail</P>
<P align=left>Make sure the execute permissions on the file are set (chmod 755 pmail)</P>
<P align=left>Run the script: ./pmail [filename] [number of emails]</P>
<P align=left>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</P>
<P align=left>I hope this will help others, as I know how important it is to be able to be able to access past email.</P>
<P align=left>Code written by&nbsp; Max <FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>Maksimov.&nbsp; If the code doesn't post&nbsp;correctly here, let me know and I will send the details to you.&nbsp;</FONT></P>
<P align=left mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>
<P align=left><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>Brian A&nbsp;</FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2>&nbsp;</P></FONT></FONT>