[quote user="herud"]
I have installed Mercury/32 Version 4.52 with the modules SMTP Server, SMTP Relay Client and POP3 Client under Windows Vista Premium Home, SP 1. Generally it works fine.
But every time I go on the option CONFIGURATION -> MANAGE LOCAL USERS mercury crashes.
I have tried to start mercury with the Windows-Options "Run programm with administration rights" or in the compatibility mode for "XP" but the result is always the same crash. I have run mercury under the administrator login, no changes.
I suspect there is a problem with either your setting on the mailbox directory in Configuration | Mercury core "Local mailbox directory path" or the rights to that directory. This should be something like c:\mercury\mail\~n and Mercury/32 needs all rights to that directory path.
In the event log under WINDOWS-PROTOCOLS -> APPLICATIONS there ist the following entry (in german):
"Fehlerhafte Anwendung mercury.exe, Version, Zeitstempel 0x00000000, fehlerhaftes Modul mercury.exe, Version, Zeitstempel 0x00000000, Ausnahmecode 0xc0000005, Fehleroffset 0x00057bb2, Prozess-ID 0x17d4, Anwendungsstartzeit 01c96a559ee4a9c0"
"incorrect application mercury.exe, version, time stamp 0x00000000, incorrect module mercury.exe, verion, timp stamp 0x00000000, exception code 0xc0000005, error offset 0x00057bb2, process-id 0x17d4, application start time 01c96a559ee4a9c0"
Has anybody an idea for eliminating this error or for a work-around ?
Great thanks in advance and a Happy New Year
Jochen from Würzburg in Germany