The VERP address actually decodes to binary, and not a correct emailaddress. Is there a log somewhere where I can find out what the real
original VERP address was? Does Mercury figure these things out on its
The original message has these data in the Errors-to: line and if you are archiving all of your mail this line will be the original RCPT TO: address. In addition, the MercuryE/C log will also show this address as originally sent. Should be able to do a case insensitive string search to match the lower case string to a U/L case string.
Does Mercury figure these things out on its
I do not know but if you are blocking the bad addresses you'll know soon enough if it does. ;-)
<blockquote>The VERP address actually decodes to binary, and not a correct email
address. Is there a log somewhere where I can find out what the real
original VERP address was? Does Mercury figure these things out on its
own?</blockquote><p>The original message has these data in the&nbsp; Errors-to: line and if you are archiving all of your mail this line will be the original RCPT TO: address.&nbsp; In addition, the MercuryE/C log will also show this address as originally sent.&nbsp; Should be able to do a case insensitive string search to match the lower case string to a U/L case string.</p><blockquote><p>Does Mercury figure these things out on its
own?</p></blockquote><p>I do not know but if you are blocking the bad addresses you'll know soon enough if it does.&nbsp; ;-)