> I managed to crash Pegasus 4.x recently by trying to send two large
> image files (10MB). Message was that it was "filtering" I believe,
> but PMail just stalls.
> I moved all old files to another folder, reinstalled current release
> and have tried to reinstate the old file structure. No dice.
> any advice for restoring my old file folders and filing trays?
> especially my address books.
> Please let me know if you need any additional information to
> diagnose the problem.
Move all of the *.CNM files out of the new mail directory and try again. It should now open normally. You can then put the messages back one at a time until you find the problem message.
It's probaby going to be a really large message. If you are using content control then I'd recommend that you set a limit on the message size so you are not scanning these large files with encoded attachments.
1. Use Tools | Spam and content controls | Content control...
2. Select and edit the control definition
3. Select the "Message tests" tab.
4. Enter 8000 in "Check at most this many bytes in each message"