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Sending local mail using MercuryS server and MercuryE client

The username and password from the session are just Base64 encoded, not encrypted, so anyone using a Base64 decoder can read it...

Good to hear it worked with msendto.exe! 


<p>The username and password from the session are just Base64 encoded, not encrypted, so anyone using a Base64 decoder can read it...</p><p>Good to hear it worked with msendto.exe! </p><p>/Rolf </p>

I would like to be able to send e-mail from a script that has been called by Mercury's Global Filtering to a user account on my LAN.  Can I do this without having to go outside of my LAN (e.g. for DNS lookup)?  Currently I have been using blat as a command-line mail sending application from within my script.  A typical blat line is (I have manufactured this example to protect the innocent (me)):

C:Mercury/blat $Msg_File -to Gordon@localhost. -from Gordon@localhost. -subject "Script Notification" -server localhost -port 25 -u Gordon@localhost -pw password -debug -log C:/MERCURY/blat.log -timestamp

The blat log shows the following exchange with MercuryS:

2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)------------Start of Session-----------------
Blat v2.6.2 w/GSS encryption (build : Feb 25 2007 12:06:19)
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 220 Computer ESMTP server ready.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> EHLO delta2
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250-Delta Hello Computer; ESMTPs are:
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250-TIME
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250-SIZE 0
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250 HELP
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Sending C:/MERCURY/TestMessage.txt to Gordon@localhost
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Subject: SMTP_Test
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Login name is Gordon@localhost
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> AUTH LOGIN
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> R29yZG9uTmV3QDEyNy4wLjAuMQ==
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> [edited: password removed]
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 501 Authentication failed - bad user or password.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): The SMTP server did not accept Auth LOGIN PASSWD value.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> QUIT
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 221 Delta Service closing channel.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)-------------End of Session------------------

I am absolutely sure that I am using the correct password for the account Gordon.

Maybe this is a blat issue, though I have used it successfully with external servers.

Is MercuryS happy with an address like Gordon@localhost or does it insist upon using DNS.  I have also tried to use instead of localhost, but the result is the same.

So my question is, why is MercuryS rejecting the login.

Note that Connection Control lists as a valid connection source.

Thank you


&lt;p&gt;I would like to be able to send e-mail from a script that has been called by Mercury&#039;s Global Filtering to a user account on my LAN.&amp;nbsp; Can I do this without having to go outside of my LAN (e.g. for DNS lookup)?&amp;nbsp; Currently I have been using blat as a command-line mail sending application from within my script.&amp;nbsp; A typical blat line is (I have manufactured this example to protect the innocent (me)):&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;C:Mercury/blat&amp;nbsp;$Msg_File -to&amp;nbsp;&lt;a mce_href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost.&quot; href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost.&quot;&gt;Gordon@localhost.&lt;/a&gt; -from&amp;nbsp;&lt;a mce_href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost&quot; href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost&quot;&gt;Gordon@localhost&lt;/a&gt;. -subject&amp;nbsp;&quot;Script Notification&quot;&amp;nbsp;-server localhost -port 25 -u&amp;nbsp;&lt;a mce_href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost&quot; href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost&quot;&gt;Gordon@localhost&lt;/a&gt; -pw&amp;nbsp;password -debug -log C:/MERCURY/blat.log -timestamp&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The blat log shows the following exchange with MercuryS:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)------------Start of Session----------------- Blat v2.6.2 w/GSS encryption (build : Feb 25 2007 12:06:19) 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 220&amp;nbsp;Computer ESMTP server ready. 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;putline&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt; EHLO delta2 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 250-Delta Hello Computer; ESMTPs are: 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 250-TIME 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 250-SIZE 0 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 250 HELP 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Sending C:/MERCURY/TestMessage.txt to &lt;a mce_href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost&quot; href=&quot;mailto:Gordon@localhost&quot;&gt;Gordon@localhost&lt;/a&gt; 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Subject: SMTP_Test 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Login name is &lt;a mce_href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@; href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@;&gt;Gordon@localhost&lt;/a&gt; 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;putline&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt; AUTH LOGIN 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;putline&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt; R29yZG9uTmV3QDEyNy4wLjAuMQ== 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;putline&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt; [edited: password removed] 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 501 Authentication failed - bad user or password. 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): The SMTP server did not accept Auth LOGIN PASSWD value. 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;putline&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt; QUIT 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;getline&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 221 Delta Service closing channel. 2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)-------------End of Session------------------&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I am absolutely sure that I am using the correct password for the account Gordon.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Maybe this is a blat issue, though I have used it successfully with external servers.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Is MercuryS happy with an address like &lt;a mce_href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@; href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@;&gt;Gordon@localhost&lt;/a&gt;&amp;nbsp;or does it insist upon using DNS.&amp;nbsp; I have also tried to use instead of localhost, but the result is the same.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;So my&amp;nbsp;question is, why is MercuryS rejecting the login.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Note that Connection Control lists as a valid connection source.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Thank you&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Gordon &lt;/p&gt;

As the AUTH fails, make sure you are sending exactly the same username as in your auth file. In this exemple you are sending GordonNew@

Note that the password now is publicly known - you will need to replace it.

Furthermore there is a command line mail client included with Mercury called msendto.exe 


&lt;p&gt;As the AUTH fails, make sure you are sending exactly the same username as in your auth file. In this exemple you are sending&amp;nbsp;&lt;span class=&quot;Apple-style-span&quot; style=&quot;font-family: -webkit-monospace; white-space: pre-wrap; &quot;&gt;GordonNew@;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Note that the password now is publicly known - you will need to replace it.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Furthermore there is a command line mail client included with Mercury called msendto.exe&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;/Rolf&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

Rolf - How did you find GordonNew@  I don't see it in what I posted.  Also, I am not clear how I have exposed the real password.  Have you decoded some of the server transaction in some way?

Thank you for the tip about msendto.exe.  I wasn't aware of this.

Thank you


Edited .... Oh, I now see the GordonNew@ in the html, but I don't see the password (no real ones, anyway).  Have I missed something?


&lt;P&gt;Rolf - How did you find &lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;&lt;A href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@; mce_href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@;&gt;GordonNew@;/A&gt;?&amp;nbsp; I don&#039;t see it in what I posted.&amp;nbsp; Also, I am not clear how I have exposed the real password.&amp;nbsp; Have you decoded some of the server transaction in some way?&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/P&gt; &lt;P&gt;&lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;Thank you for the tip about msendto.exe.&amp;nbsp; I wasn&#039;t aware of this.&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/P&gt; &lt;P&gt;&lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;Thank you&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/P&gt; &lt;P&gt;&lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;Gordon&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/P&gt; &lt;P&gt;&lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;&lt;U&gt;Edited &lt;/U&gt;.... Oh, I now see the &lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;&lt;A href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@; mce_href=&quot;mailto:GordonNew@;&gt;GordonNew@;/A&gt;&amp;nbsp;in the html, but I don&#039;t see the password (no real ones, anyway).&amp;nbsp; Have I missed something?&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/P&gt; &lt;P&gt;&lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;&lt;SPAN style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: -webkit-monospace; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap&quot; class=Apple-style-span&gt;Gordon&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/P&gt;

Rolf - I just tested msendto.exe and it seems that it is what I need to use.  I had a small problem sorting out the To/From addressing.  username@localhost caused a complaint that this isn't a fully qualified address and username@ apparently has "bad sender address syntax".  In both of these cases, the address was assumed to be non-local (presume because of the "@").  However, just using "username" was successful and was accepted as local.



&lt;P&gt;Rolf - I just tested msendto.exe and it seems that it is what I need to use.&amp;nbsp; I had a small problem sorting out the To/From addressing.&amp;nbsp; &lt;A href=&quot;mailto:username@localhost&quot;&gt;username@localhost&lt;/A&gt; caused a complaint that this isn&#039;t a fully qualified address and &lt;A href=&quot;mailto:username@;&gt;username@;/A&gt; apparently has &quot;bad sender address syntax&quot;.&amp;nbsp; In both of these cases, the address was assumed to be non-local (presume because of the &quot;@&quot;).&amp;nbsp; However, just using &quot;username&quot; was successful and was accepted as local.&lt;/P&gt; &lt;P&gt;Gordon&lt;/P&gt; &lt;P mce_keep=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/P&gt;
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