Community Discussions and Support
Installing Pegasus folders on new hard drive

This message means that the server you're trying to talk to doesn't recognise you as an allowed sender. This may be due to a number of possible scenarios, though I can think of no reason that would be caused purely by your recent copying-across of old Pegasus files. If the settings worked before, they should work now (unless, by the most unlucky of coincidences, your ISP changed its mail server settings while your Pegasus was out of action).

Perhaps you could post some actual detailed information about the settings you're trying (although don't give us your username or password!). We can check them for obvious errors and perhaps cross-check with the published ISP settings.

<P>This message means that the server you're trying to talk to doesn't recognise you as an allowed sender. This may be due to a number of possible scenarios, though I can think of no reason that would be caused <EM>purely</EM> by your recent copying-across of old Pegasus files. If the settings worked before, they should work now (unless, by the most unlucky of coincidences, your ISP changed its mail server settings while your Pegasus was out of action).</P><P>Perhaps you could post some actual detailed information about the settings you're trying (although don't give us your username or password!). We can check them for obvious errors and perhaps cross-check with the published ISP settings.</P>

My hard drive crashed last week. The place I took it to be fixed managed to save all my data, but they had to install a new hard drive. I installed Pegasus on the new hard drive. The data (at least six years' worth) from my old Pegasus is all there and I managed to copy it into the newly installed program. But I can't Pegasus to pull it up. It still thinks there's only one message there (David Harris' welcome message). How can I get it to restore my desktop to what it was so that I can access my old mail through it?

 Thanks to anyone who can help. 

<p>My hard drive crashed last week. The place I took it to be fixed managed to save all my data, but they had to install a new hard drive. I installed Pegasus on the new hard drive. The data (at least six years' worth) from my old Pegasus is all there and I managed to copy it into the newly installed program. But I can't Pegasus to pull it up. It still thinks there's only one message there (David Harris' welcome message). How can I get it to restore my desktop to what it was so that I can access my old mail through it? </p><p> Thanks to anyone who can help.  </p>

Which files did you copy to the newly installed program and to which directory? The folder files are the *.pmm/*.pmi pairs, and they should be copied to the folder where the other *.pmm and *.pmi files are, normally x:\pmail\mail\ or, if you have a multiple user installation, x:\pmail\mail\username.


<p>Which files did you copy to the newly installed program and to which directory? The folder files are the *.pmm/*.pmi pairs, and they should be copied to the folder where the other *.pmm and *.pmi files are, normally x:\pmail\mail\ or, if you have a multiple user installation, x:\pmail\mail\username. </p><p>Cheers! Steffan </p>

Hi! Thanks for responding.

All my  old Pegasus files were copied onto my new hard drive and stored. All I did was install a new version of Pegasus and then drag all the old files over and copy them. Whatever they needed to replace they replaced.

Thanks for any assistance. 

 -- Carl


<p>Hi! Thanks for responding. </p><p>All my  old Pegasus files were copied onto my new hard drive and stored. All I did was install a new version of Pegasus and then drag all the old files over and copy them. Whatever they needed to replace they replaced. </p><p>Thanks for any assistance. </p><p> -- Carl</p><p> </p>

One thought that comes to me right now is that I think Pegasus stores its mail differently depending on what option you choose during installation. I may be wrong about this if things have changed in recent versions, but whereas in multi-user mode it uses a folder structure of pmail/mail/username, I think it uses something different if installed in single-user mode (i.e. only one person will EVER use this Pegasus).

If that still holds true, I wonder whether perhaps your new installation is of the opposite type and Pegasus is looking in the wrong place for the messages. That said though, if you overwrote all the files, surely the config files would point to the right place...?

Also, are you sure that the drive letter Pegasus is installed to is the same as it was before?

Wow, it's been a long time since I felt like I was helping less than I am now - I'll shut up.

<P>One thought that comes to me right now is that I think Pegasus stores its mail differently depending on what option you choose during installation. I may be wrong about this if things have changed in recent versions, but whereas in multi-user mode it uses a folder structure of pmail/mail/username, I think it uses something different if installed in single-user mode (i.e. only one person will EVER use this Pegasus).</P><P>If that still holds true, I wonder whether perhaps your new installation is of the opposite type and Pegasus is looking in the wrong place for the messages. That said though, if you overwrote all the files, surely the config files would point to the right place...?</P><P>Also, are you sure that the drive letter Pegasus is installed to is the same as it was before?</P><P>Wow, it's been a long time since I felt like I was helping less than I am now - I'll shut up.</P>

I don't think I've ever installed anything other than a one-user configuration. How could I tell the difference?

The drive letter is different, but why would that matter? 

<p>I don't think I've ever installed anything other than a one-user configuration. How could I tell the difference? </p><p>The drive letter is different, but why would that matter?  </p>

You may have copied back some configuration files, which may be pointing Pegasus to a wrong mailbox location. Open pmail.ini in Notepad or another text editor and check the mailbox locations under [Pegasus Mail for Windows - Run Info], for example. Are these references correct? There may be more configuration files containing information that is no longer accurate / up to date. I don't  know exactly which files these are, so I would just run a new installation and copy only those files of which you know what they are. More information about file names and extensions can be found on, which may help you identify the files you want to preserve. Good luck!



<p>You may have copied back some configuration files, which may be pointing Pegasus to a wrong mailbox location. Open pmail.ini in Notepad or another text editor and check the mailbox locations under [Pegasus Mail for Windows - Run Info], for example. Are these references correct? There may be more configuration files containing information that is no longer accurate / up to date. I don't  know exactly which files these are, so I would just run a new installation and copy only those files of which you know what they are. More information about file names and extensions can be found on, which may help you identify the files you want to preserve. Good luck! </p><p>Cheers! Steffan </p><p> </p>

I don't know how to tell whether the references are correct.

I also didn't find the pmail.ini file. This is a file called pmail configurations. Is this what you're talking about? This is what it says (cut and pasted through Notepad): 

Personal name                             =
Home mailbox location                     =
Folder for copies to self                 = Copies to self
Commenting string                         = "> "
Default reply-to address                  =
MHS mailbox name                          =
MHS Application directory                 =
MHS address                               =
Scan MHS application directory            = Y
Copy to self                              = Y
Edit mail before forwarding               = N
Save deleted messages until exit          = Y
Leave read mail in newmail folder         = Y
Request confirmation of reading           = N

[Pegasus Mail for Windows]
Default right margin                      = 70
Folder sort order                         = 0
Temporary files directory                 =
Activity flags                            = 768
Reply field settings                      = 010100000
Startup directory                         =
Open new mail folder at startup           = Y
Prompt to select copy to self folder      = N
Address book sort order                   = 0
Require password at startup               = N
Use MIME features                         = Y
Default MIME character set                = ISO-8859-1
Encrypt copies-to-self of encrypted mail  = N
Don't confirm message deletion            = N
Enclose attachments instead of separating = Y
Noticeboard sort order                    = 0
Lines to scan for message enclosures      = 20
Button panel mode                         = 2
Button panel is closed                    = N
Button panel window rectangle             = 0 0 0 0
New mail folder window rectangle          = 0 0 0 0
Default signature for outgoing mail       = 0
Request confirmation of delivery          = N
Application window frame is maximized     = N
Application window rectangle              = 110 145 768 530
Editor window default width and depth     = 0 0
Reader window default width and depth     = 0 0
Font to use in message reader             = Arial, 10, 0
Font to use in message editor             = Arial, 10, 0
Font to use in folder browser             = Arial, 14, 0
Font to use for printing                  = -, 0, 0
Offer advanced reply options              = Y
Top/bottom margin for printing            = 20 5476880
Left/right margin for printing            = 20 5476880
Local user list window rectangle          = 0 0 0 0
Reformat hard line breaks in replies      = 0
Printer device name                       =
Printer driver name                       =
Printer port                              =
Tab width in message editor (0-disable)   = 4
Logged-in user list window rectangle      = 0 0 0 0
Save desktop state between sessions       = Y
Wrap long lines in message reader         = 0
Built-in POP3 transport options word      = 208
Don't autoload WINSOCK.DLL if found       = N
Seconds between POP3 new mail checks      = 0
Seconds between regular new mail checks   = 10
Secondary organization name               =
Timezone for internal transport           = +0300
Refuse confirm-read requests (internal)   = N
Telltale window mode                      = 0
Telltale window control word              = 30
Location of TLC of telltale window        = 0 0
DList Manager window rectangle            = 0 0 0 0
Noticeboard Manager window rectangle      = 0 0 0 0
Header printing setting                   = 0
Extensions manager window rectangle       = 0 0 0 0
WAV file for new mail sound alert         =
Folder manager window rectangle           = 0 0 0 0
Omit message headers when replying        = Y
Use custom header when replying           = Y
Custom header format string               = On ~D at ~T, ~F wrote:
Font to use in folder manager window      = MS Sans Serif, 13, 0
Quick folder definition                   =
Quick folder definition                   =
Quick folder definition                   =
Quick folder definition                   =
Quick folder definition                   =
Quick folder definition                   =
Quick folder operating flags              = 0
MHS directory service window rectangle    = 0 0 0 0
Use system colours                        = Y
Display hot URLs in reader                = 3
Web browser commandline                   =
Message reader format options             = 4610
Message editor format options             = 33824
Message editor autosave interval          = 1
Default settings values                   = 00000001000040000000000000000000
New mail folder column widths             = 0 0
Combined multipart reader rectangle       = 0 0 0 0
General system flags                      = 0
Default mail folder name                  = Main folder
Last run version                          = 1105 1 1 0
Commandline for dialling                  =
Commandline for hanging up                =
Dialling flags                            = 0
System message reporting level            = 15
Message reader wrapping margin            = 0
Styled message editor margin (mm)         = 145
Styled message editor tab width (mm)      = 12
Automatic formatting settings             = 16
Reader hyperlink display limit            = 30
Margin for Ctrl-J operations              = 74
Preferred layout for normal messages      = 0
Integer preference block 1                = 12319 24000 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Colours                                   = 32768 32768 128 0 0 15400447 16775924 15400447 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Custom colours                            = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Printing banner                           = ~P
Default TCP/IP timeout value              = 30
Favourite directory                       =
Personal Name (UTF-8 version)             =
Whitelist max count                       = 500
Whitelist flags                           = 3

[Pegasus Mail for Windows - Run Info]
Program version                  = Version 4.51 (Win32), Jun 23 2009
Language resources               = Standard UK English resource set
Time and date run ended          = Thu, 15 Apr 2010 03:09:11
Running in standalone mode?      = Y
Internal username                = Admin
Working home mailbox location    = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin
New mailbox location             = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin
LAN-based SMTP gateway status    = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'.
MHS status                       = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'.
MHS directory path               = /
MHS operating mode               = SMF-70

[Pegasus Mail for Windows - Identities]

Thanks for any help you can give me. 

<p>I don't know how to tell whether the references are correct. </p><p>I also didn't find the pmail.ini file. This is a file called pmail configurations. Is this what you're talking about? This is what it says (cut and pasted through Notepad): </p><p>[General] Personal name                             = Home mailbox location                     = Folder for copies to self                 = Copies to self Commenting string                         = "> " Default reply-to address                  = MHS mailbox name                          = MHS Application directory                 = MHS address                               = Scan MHS application directory            = Y Copy to self                              = Y Edit mail before forwarding               = N Save deleted messages until exit          = Y Leave read mail in newmail folder         = Y Request confirmation of reading           = N [Pegasus Mail for Windows] Default right margin                      = 70 Folder sort order                         = 0 Temporary files directory                 = Activity flags                            = 768 Reply field settings                      = 010100000 Startup directory                         = Open new mail folder at startup           = Y Prompt to select copy to self folder      = N Address book sort order                   = 0 Require password at startup               = N Use MIME features                         = Y Default MIME character set                = ISO-8859-1 Encrypt copies-to-self of encrypted mail  = N Don't confirm message deletion            = N Enclose attachments instead of separating = Y Noticeboard sort order                    = 0 Lines to scan for message enclosures      = 20 Button panel mode                         = 2 Button panel is closed                    = N Button panel window rectangle             = 0 0 0 0 New mail folder window rectangle          = 0 0 0 0 Default signature for outgoing mail       = 0 Request confirmation of delivery          = N Application window frame is maximized     = N Application window rectangle              = 110 145 768 530 Editor window default width and depth     = 0 0 Reader window default width and depth     = 0 0 Font to use in message reader             = Arial, 10, 0 Font to use in message editor             = Arial, 10, 0 Font to use in folder browser             = Arial, 14, 0 Font to use for printing                  = -, 0, 0 Offer advanced reply options              = Y Top/bottom margin for printing            = 20 5476880 Left/right margin for printing            = 20 5476880 Local user list window rectangle          = 0 0 0 0 Reformat hard line breaks in replies      = 0 Printer device name                       = Printer driver name                       = Printer port                              = Tab width in message editor (0-disable)   = 4 Logged-in user list window rectangle      = 0 0 0 0 Save desktop state between sessions       = Y Wrap long lines in message reader         = 0 Built-in POP3 transport options word      = 208 Don't autoload WINSOCK.DLL if found       = N Seconds between POP3 new mail checks      = 0 Seconds between regular new mail checks   = 10 Secondary organization name               = Timezone for internal transport           = +0300 Refuse confirm-read requests (internal)   = N Telltale window mode                      = 0 Telltale window control word              = 30 Location of TLC of telltale window        = 0 0 DList Manager window rectangle            = 0 0 0 0 Noticeboard Manager window rectangle      = 0 0 0 0 Header printing setting                   = 0 Extensions manager window rectangle       = 0 0 0 0 WAV file for new mail sound alert         = Folder manager window rectangle           = 0 0 0 0 Omit message headers when replying        = Y Use custom header when replying           = Y Custom header format string               = On ~D at ~T, ~F wrote: Font to use in folder manager window      = MS Sans Serif, 13, 0 Quick folder definition                   = Quick folder definition                   = Quick folder definition                   = Quick folder definition                   = Quick folder definition                   = Quick folder definition                   = Quick folder operating flags              = 0 MHS directory service window rectangle    = 0 0 0 0 Use system colours                        = Y Display hot URLs in reader                = 3 Web browser commandline                   = Message reader format options             = 4610 Message editor format options             = 33824 Message editor autosave interval          = 1 Default settings values                   = 00000001000040000000000000000000 New mail folder column widths             = 0 0 Combined multipart reader rectangle       = 0 0 0 0 General system flags                      = 0 Default mail folder name                  = Main folder Last run version                          = 1105 1 1 0 Commandline for dialling                  = Commandline for hanging up                = Dialling flags                            = 0 System message reporting level            = 15 Message reader wrapping margin            = 0 Styled message editor margin (mm)         = 145 Styled message editor tab width (mm)      = 12 Automatic formatting settings             = 16 Reader hyperlink display limit            = 30 Margin for Ctrl-J operations              = 74 Preferred layout for normal messages      = 0 Integer preference block 1                = 12319 24000 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Colours                                   = 32768 32768 128 0 0 15400447 16775924 15400447 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Custom colours                            = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Printing banner                           = ~P Default TCP/IP timeout value              = 30 Favourite directory                       = Personal Name (UTF-8 version)             = Whitelist max count                       = 500 Whitelist flags                           = 3 [Pegasus Mail for Windows - Run Info] Program version                  = Version 4.51 (Win32), Jun 23 2009 Language resources               = Standard UK English resource set Time and date run ended          = Thu, 15 Apr 2010 03:09:11 Running in standalone mode?      = Y Internal username                = Admin Working home mailbox location    = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin New mailbox location             = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\Admin LAN-based SMTP gateway status    = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'. MHS status                       = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'. MHS directory path               = / MHS operating mode               = SMF-70 [Pegasus Mail for Windows - Identities] Thanks for any help you can give me.  </p>

[quote user="cmsherer"]

I don't think I've ever installed anything other than a one-user configuration. How could I tell the difference?

The drive letter is different, but why would that matter? 


If you have an option on the Addresses menu called 'User management' then you're installed in multi-user mode. I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that option won't appear if you are using single-user mode.

The drive letter matters because of the folder paths in the config files. Assuming that you are installed in the same multi/single-user mode as before, but the drive letter has changed, Pegasus would get confused by looking in the wrong place for your messages. You'd have to run pconfig.exe. and check that your drive letters are right.

[quote user="cmsherer"]<P>I don't think I've ever installed anything other than a one-user configuration. How could I tell the difference? </P><P>The drive letter is different, but why would that matter? </P><P>[/quote]</P><P>If you have an option on the Addresses menu called 'User management' then you're installed in multi-user mode. I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that option won't appear if you are using single-user mode.</P><P>The drive letter matters because of the folder paths in the config files. Assuming that you are installed in the same multi/single-user mode as before, but the drive letter has changed, Pegasus would get confused by looking in the wrong place for your messages. You'd have to run pconfig.exe. and check that your drive letters are right.</P>

Yes, I have the "user management" option. My wife - who has a single user mode as I had before all this happened - does not have a "user management" option. How do I fix this? Wipe out and reinstall?

How do I fix the drive letter? How do I run pconfig.exe? Just click on it like any executable file? How do I tell Pegasus where the mailbox should be? 

Thanks for all your help!

<p>Yes, I have the "user management" option. My wife - who has a single user mode as I had before all this happened - does not have a "user management" option. How do I fix this? Wipe out and reinstall? </p><p>How do I fix the drive letter? How do I run pconfig.exe? Just click on it like any executable file? How do I tell Pegasus where the mailbox should be? </p><p>Thanks for all your help! </p>

Lots of questions there. Let's go through them slowly...

[quote user="cmsherer"]Yes, I have the "user management" option. My wife - who has a single user mode as I had before all this happened - does not have a "user management" option. How do I fix this? Wipe out and reinstall?[/quote]

Don't panic, there is no great disaster. You can fix it if you want but it will probably end up easier to simply make your new setup work. We'll get on to the details later. For the moment I am interested in how your wife has a different setup. Does she use a separate computer with its own install of Pegasus?

[quote user="cmsherer"]How do I fix the drive letter? How do I run pconfig.exe? Just click on it like any executable file? How do I tell Pegasus where the mailbox should be?[/quote]

You don't have to fix the drive letter. You merely need to account for the change by updating the Pegasus config files. Pconfig can do this but first we need to make sure all of your files are in the right place.

You say you have the data from your old hard drive all saved. We can easily sort you out, then. Below is one scenario. There are several other tacks to try.

If you have the whole original PMAIL folder from your old hard drive, I would simply uninstall Pegasus completely, then copy (don't cut/paste - always keep your backup separate and intact) the whole of the original PMAIL folder onto your new main drive. This will include all of your mail as well as the Pegasus program files while retaining their original locations. Then you have to run pconfig.exe to update the settings to the correct drive letter:

Check Pegasus isn't running, then go into the PMAIL folder and find pconfig.exe and double-click it. It opens an old-style program window. "Standalone configuration" should be highlighted, so just press the Enter key. A second window opens with two lines for home mailbox and new mailbox. They will probably say C:/PMAIL/MAIL/~N or something. All you need to do is change the "C" to whatever drive you have copied the PMAIL folder onto. Press the Enter key to jump to the next line and change that too. Press Enter until you get an "Accept this data?" box and then type "Y" and press Enter again. Finally, back on the first window, press the down cursor/arrow key to get to "Exit, saving settings".

Pegasus should now work fine but you'll need to make a shortcut to it on your desktop. The program to link to is called "winpm-32.exe" and is in the same folder as pconfig. Right-click it and choose Send to > Desktop (create shortcut).

If anything goes wrong with any of this (either you make a mistake or my instructions were somehow wrong), you'll still have your backup and can start again or use a different method. Whatever happens, you have all your stuff, so we can definitely get you back to normal one way or another.

<P>Lots of questions there. Let's go through them slowly...</P><P>[quote user="cmsherer"]Yes, I have the "user management" option. My wife - who has a single user mode as I had before all this happened - does not have a "user management" option. How do I fix this? Wipe out and reinstall?[/quote]</P><P>Don't panic, there is no great disaster. You can fix it if you want but it will probably end up easier to simply make your new setup work. We'll get on to the details later. For the moment I am interested in how your wife has a different setup. Does she use a separate computer with its own install of Pegasus?</P><P>[quote user="cmsherer"]How do I fix the drive letter? How do I run pconfig.exe? Just click on it like any executable file? How do I tell Pegasus where the mailbox should be?[/quote]</P><P>You don't have to fix the drive letter. You merely need to account for the change by updating the Pegasus config files. Pconfig can do this but first we need to make sure all of your files are in the right place.</P><P>You say you have the data from your old hard drive all saved. We can easily sort you out, then. Below is one scenario. There are several other tacks to try.</P><P>If you have the whole original PMAIL folder from your old hard drive, I would simply uninstall Pegasus completely, then copy (don't cut/paste - always keep your backup separate and intact) the whole of the original PMAIL folder onto your new main drive. This will include all of your mail as well as the Pegasus program files while retaining their original locations. Then you have to run pconfig.exe to update the settings to the correct drive letter:</P><P>Check Pegasus isn't running, then go into the PMAIL folder and find pconfig.exe and double-click it. It opens an old-style program window. "Standalone configuration" should be highlighted, so just press the Enter key. A second window opens with two lines for home mailbox and new mailbox. They will probably say C:/PMAIL/MAIL/~N or something. All you need to do is change the "C" to whatever drive you have copied the PMAIL folder onto. Press the Enter key to jump to the next line and change that too. Press Enter until you get an "Accept this data?" box and then type "Y" and press Enter again. Finally, back on the first window, press the down cursor/arrow key to get to "Exit, saving settings".</P><P>Pegasus should now work fine but you'll need to make a shortcut to it on your desktop. The program to link to is called "winpm-32.exe" and is in the same folder as pconfig. Right-click it and choose Send to > Desktop (create shortcut).</P><P>If anything goes wrong with any of this (either you make a mistake or my instructions were somehow wrong), you'll still have your backup and can start again or use a different method. Whatever happens, you have all your stuff, so we can definitely get you back to normal one way or another.</P>

Sorry it took me so long to respond - I'm sure what you wrote was simple, but to me it is daunting.

My current drives are actually still labeled C and D. I installed Pegasus originally on the new C drive by copying all of the files onto that drive. 

I started to follow your instructions, but when I went to uninstall, it told me that it was going to uninstall a Pegasus (the only one it apparently recognizes) that is on my current D drive and is labeled with an E. That's the copy that was made from my old drive (they put all the copied files on my D drive and labeled them as having come from "D" and "E"). 

Also, when I tried to use pconfig.exe, it showed the mailbox as being located in C. 

Now totally confused and leaving for an overseas trip on Sunday morning.... 

<p>Sorry it took me so long to respond - I'm sure what you wrote was simple, but to me it is daunting. </p><p>My current drives are actually still labeled C and D. I installed Pegasus originally on the new C drive by copying all of the files onto that drive. </p><p>I started to follow your instructions, but when I went to uninstall, it told me that it was going to uninstall a Pegasus (the only one it apparently recognizes) that is on my current D drive and is labeled with an E. That's the copy that was made from my old drive (they put all the copied files on my D drive and labeled them as having come from "D" and "E"). </p><p>Also, when I tried to use pconfig.exe, it showed the mailbox as being located in C.  </p><p>Now totally confused and leaving for an overseas trip on Sunday morning....  </p>


My wife took a crack at the messages I was sent and managed to reinstall my folders. But now I cannot send mail. The message I am getting is: 

Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following
reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail
relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:

   554 5.7.1 <email address>: Relay access denied

I tried running Internet Options setup but it didn't help. Any ideas?

&lt;p&gt;Progress!&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;My wife took a crack at the messages I was sent and managed to reinstall my folders. But now I cannot send mail. The message I am getting is:&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module: &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; 554 5.7.1 &amp;lt;email address&amp;gt;: Relay access denied &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I tried running Internet Options setup but it didn&#039;t help. Any ideas? &lt;/p&gt;
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