As this is a wishlist - kind of - then I would like to see in some next release the handling of IMAP mailbox and so called INBOX folder from user perspective much the same way as POP3 has been handled now in Pmail. I mean that the new mail filter set should apply to all new mails regardless is this an pop3 or imap and also what I miss most is the spamhalter working on imap inbox folder. For POP3 the spamhalter processed the incoming mail and classified content quite nicely but as I understand then there is no way to point the spamhalter to process the content of INBOX at imap mailbox.
<p>Hi!</p><p>As this is a wishlist - kind of - then I would like to see in some next release the handling of IMAP mailbox and so called INBOX folder from user perspective much the same way as POP3 has been handled now in Pmail. I mean that the new mail filter set should apply to all new mails regardless is this an pop3 or imap and also what I miss most is the spamhalter working on imap inbox folder. For POP3 the spamhalter processed the incoming mail and classified content quite nicely but as I understand then there is no way to point the spamhalter to process the content of INBOX at imap mailbox.