> I'm cleaning up my hard disk and I've found some old directories with Pegasus FOL*.PMM and PMI files (not my current PM mail directory).
> I'd like to look in them. I've tried making them Public Folders (under Tools menu) and I've tried adding new mailboxes (under Folders
> menu) with just a little success. A couple folders appeared in the new mail box. It seems that there are many more folders in the
> directory which I pointed to. How can I get Pegasus to look at them? Deleting the PMI (index?) file doesn't cause a reindex and
> recognition. Thanks for Pegasus Mail and for this forum; it's great.
These may be copies of folders in you current mailbox and if so they will not show up in the folder list. Try using the following utility.
PMRestArch - Pegasus Mail Restore Mail Folder Archives:
PMRestArch SourceDir DestinationDir
Pegasus Mail cannot display two mail folders with the same internal ID even if they are in separate mailboxes. Mail folders also have to be Read-Write.
This causes problems when trying to view mail folders which have been archived by copying them to backup media.
This utility:
1. Copies all .PMM and .PMI files in the source directory to the destination directory and renames them as BAKxxxxx.PMM
and BAKxxxx.PMI.
2. Ensures that the resulting file is Read/Write.
3. Creates a different internal unique ID for each file.
Once you have run this program to restore archived folders to a directory you can attach that directory using the Pegasus Mail 'Add mailbox to list' option and access the archived folders in this new mailbox.