> How much time would you estimate for a clueless newbee to set up a GMail account ? Assume brains at the median level, no genius, no
> dunce.
This should take 5 minutes. The biggest problem I had just now was with entering the word verification. ;-) Why are you asking us anyway, just give it a shot and come back with questions if you have problems.
> Are there any special tricks or traps I need to observe ?
None that I can see. You have to go into the GMail settings and turn on POP3 access if you want to use it but that's pretty straight forward. Here's the POP3 settings, I would use the SSL direct connect as long as the ports are open where you are using it. This is especially true since GMail does not support STLS for POP3.
(a) -POP3-
Server host name: pop.gmail.com
User name: <your_user_name>@gmail.com
Password: <your_password>
Server TCP/IP port: 995
SSL/TLS: via direct SSL connect
Enable server certificate fingerprint tracking: unchecked
Server host name: smtp.gmail.com
Server TCP/IP port: 587
Enable server certificate fingerprint tracking: checked
SMTP Authentication: Login to the SMTP server using POP3
username/password (the GMAIL-POP3-definition has been chosen)
(c) - SMTP via SSL -
Server host name: smtp.gmail.com
Server TCP/IP port: 465
SSL/TLS: via direct ssl connection
Enable server certificate fingerprint tracking: unchecked
SMTP Authentication: Login to the SMTP server using POP3
username/password (the GMAIL-POP3-definition has been chosen)
(d) - IMAP4 via SSL -
Server host name: imap.gmail.com
User name: <your_user_name>@gmail.com
Password: <your_password>
Server TCP/IP port: 993
SSL/TLS: via direct SSL connect