Michael -- IERenderer's Homepage PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C
[quote user="bfluet"]IERenderer config has a cache-path setting so the question is whether changing this path will change where the images are cached.[/quote]
What kind of question is this supposed to be? Do you think I implemented it for fun and fooling users? Sorry ...
Michael -- IERenderer's Homepage PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C
I changed an entry in my display remote graphics exception list from auto to never but the remote graphics continued to display in messages already received from this sender (Pegasus had been restarted). The image handling cache in IERenderer is set at 7 days but messages going back 60 days show images. Further digging shows the IERenderer image cache folder containing files dating back to May 2011. Am I incorrect in my expectation to only see files dating back 7 days?
[quote user="bfluet"]
I changed an entry in my display remote graphics exception list from auto to never but the remote graphics continued to display in messages already received from this sender (Pegasus had been restarted). The image handling cache in IERenderer is set at 7 days but messages going back 60 days show images. Further digging shows the IERenderer image cache folder containing files dating back to May 2011. Am I incorrect in my expectation to only see files dating back 7 days?
The help flag for the "Cache-days" setting in IERenderer indicates that the setting is for the number of days to be cached "after last access." To me this says that an image that is more than 7 days old may remain in the cache if it accessed more frequently than every 7 days. Perhaps this is what you are experiencing.
As I read the help, functionalities of Windows (or Internet Explorer) will delete images, if they have not been accessed more than the amount of days you enter there. If you set to zero, Pegasus will try do delete them on end of session.
So - what was the date of last access to that images?
Did you - somehow - tell IE not to delete cache?
bye Olaf
All 2199 files in the image cache folder have been accessed within the last 24 hours. Further analysis shows the last accessed attribute coincides with scheduled AV scans. I don't believe it's wise to exclude this folder from on demand scans and don't see a way to disable the AV app from affecting the last accessed attribute. Interesting conundrum.
Hmm ... I don't do any scheduled scans with my AV. I only do manual full scans, if AV found something and I want to ensure, no other file is infected.
My AV does on access scans and if it will not find a virus that time it won't find it any time. So why not excluding the folder?
bye Olaf
[quote user="FJR"]
Hmm ... I don't do any scheduled scans with my AV. I only do manual full scans, if AV found something and I want to ensure, no other file is infected.
Do you know whether your manual full scan resets the last accessed attribute?
[quote user="FJR"]
My AV does on access scans and if it will not find a virus that time it won't find it any time. So why not excluding the folder?
I would consider excluding the folder for myself since I'm pretty cautious about the remote graphics I allow. I won't excluded it for most of my other users though. It's a confidence thing (or lack thereof).
The fact that all of my users have ever increasing image cache folders is concerning. I suspect many of them have way more than the 2199 files that I have. I may need to create a script that deletes files older than x number of days in order to keep image cache folders at a reasonable size. This would be easier if I had a single image cache folder in a share on a server. Any thoughts on whether that would impact how Pegasus & IERenderer work?
Another wrinkle to this...
It appears that the last accessed attribute of the image cache files is being reset only on the XP machines and not on the Win7 machines. This is based on a comparison of several XP machines to one Win 7 machine. The user of my other Win7 machine had his image cached days set to zero so I couldn't confirm that the two Win7 machines were behaving the same. Would love it if someone else can verifying or refute what I am seeing.
[quote user="bfluet"]Do you know whether your manual full scan resets the last accessed attribute[/quote]
It does ... did a full scan at my wife's PC some days ago. The scanned files all have same date of that day. I think all AVs doing a full scan will result in Windows changing last access date.
[quote]The fact that all of my users have ever increasing image cache folders is concerning. I suspect many of them have way more than the 2199 files that I have. I may need to create a script that deletes files older than x number of days in order to keep image cache folders at a reasonable size.[/quote]
Hmm ... in menue of IERenderer there an option to delete Cache ... now. I would tell my users and if their hardisks get full they remember that ... for shure :-)
[quote]This would be easier if I had a single image cache folder in a share on a server. Any thoughts on whether that would impact how Pegasus & IERenderer work?[/quote]
Don't know, but that may cause in problems. And how do you wanna tell IERenderer to use another cache-directory?
bye Olaf
[quote user="FJR"]
[quote user="bfluet"]This would be easier if I had a single image cache folder in a share on a server. Any thoughts on whether that would impact how Pegasus & IERenderer work?[/quote]
Don't know, but that may cause in problems. And how do you wanna tell IERenderer to use another cache-directory?
IERenderer config has a cache-path setting so the question is whether changing this path will change where the images are cached. I may test this on my single user install at home if I ever find myself sitting in front of the PC with a desire to play around. I tend not to spend much time on the computer when home though, I do enough of it at work.
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