I have an email adress with the length of 52. This is not accepted by the Mercury-Server.
The adress is cut after the 48th byte.
Can I change the maximal length of an email-adress?
There are all sorts of restrictions regarding the length of e-mail addresses. http://www.eph.co.uk/resources/email-address-length-faq/#emailmaxlength gives a reasonable overview, with references to the appropriate RFCs. However, the question is how long can address be for Mercury to handle it, and in what sense do you mean that it "is it not accepted by Mercury-Server". 52 characters seems rather low and I am pretty sure that I have received messages, for which the local-part + @ +domain is longer than this.
If the email-adress is '............@localhost' with the length of 52 bytes
Mercury sends the following error message.
"user <............@local> not known at this site
The last four bytes 'host' of the adress are cut and so it is normal that the adress does not exitst.
> If the email-adress is '............@localhost' with the length of 52 bytes Mercury sends the following error message.
> "user <............@local> not known at this site
> The last four bytes 'host' of the adress are cut and so it is normal that the adress does not exitst.
Not sure what you mean, Mercury does not limit the actual e-mail address, are you talking about a username and domain name exceeding 52 bytes? Could you show us exactly want you mean by show us the exact e-mail address? FWIW, the bounce message may in fact be limited the the number of characters returned in the bounce message. IIRC the limits on an e-mail address is 128 characters@128 characters.
I would not like to publish the adress here.
But ist is as I wrote it with letters and digits instead of the dots. And the length all in all is 52 characters. username has 42 characters, then @ one character and "localhost" 9 characters.
Is 'localhost' a local domain (Configuration / Mercury core / Local domains) ? Is the username known to Mercury (Configuration / Manage local users) ?
Paste your Mercury.ini file here.
[quote user="PaulW"]
Is 'localhost' a local domain (Configuration / Mercury core / Local domains) ?
[quote user="PaulW"]
Is the username known to Mercury (Configuration / Manage local users) ?
[quote user="PaulW"]
Paste your Mercury.ini file here.
# MERCURY.INI generated by Mercury Setup
# Sample Bindery Mode MERCURY.INI file (in fact, the one I use on
# my production server). This one implements most of the possible
# switches for each module, but you can edit it to do less if you
# wish. All the fields shown below are described in the file
# MGUIDE.HLP which is supplied in the Mercury archive.
# Anything after a '#' to the end of the line is a comment and
# is stripped out before parsing. Trailing and leading whitespace
# is also stripped before parsing. Many sample commands have been
# left in this file commented out for reference purposes.
myname: localhost # Canonical name for this server
timezone: +0000 # Time Zone to add to date fields
file_api: 1 # Use the file api instead of queues
mailqueue: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\QUEUE # Where mail should be put for delivery
smtpqueue: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\QUEUE # Where the SMTP client should look for mail
newmail_path: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\MAIL\~N # Where to find the users' WinPMail mailboxes.
failfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\FAILURE.MER # Delivery failure notification template
confirmfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\CONFIRM.MER # Delivery confirmation template
aliasfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\ALIAS.MER # System-wide alias file
synfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\SYNONYM.MER # User synonym database
listfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\LISTS.MER # List of lists
logwidth: 30 # Width of address fields in logfile
retpath: 1 # Do/Don't use 'return-path' for errors
maxhops: 30 # Used to detect mailing loops
gullible: 0 # If NZ, don't validate 'From' fields
bitnethost: cunyvm.cuny.edu # Relay host for '.bitnet' rewrites
poll: 10 # Seconds between queue polling cycles
scratch: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Scratch # Where we can write temp files
returnlines: 15 # How many lines of failed messages to return
postmaster: Admin # NetWare UIC of postmaster
broadcast: 1 # Yes, we want broadcast notifications, but
receipts: 0 # ... no broadcasts for receipt confirmations
PM_notify: 1 # Do/Don't send errors to the postmaster
change_owner: 1 # Change message ownership to recipient
auto_tzone: 1 # If NZ, obtain timezone information from OS
LogLevel: 15 # System message reporting level
LogMax: 100 # Maximum number of system messages to store
RetryPeriod: 30 # Period between job retries (minutes)
MaxRetries: 16 # Maximum number of times a job can fail
TwoPasses: 1 # If NZ, process submission queue in 2 passes
Autoaddress: 0 # If NZ, auto-generate user addresses based on name
Daily_exit: 0 # If NZ, auto-restart each day after maintenance
No_Areply: 0 # If NZ, disable automatic replies system-wide
Alt_Forward: 0 # If NZ, allow alternate forwarding specification
Maint_hour: 2 # Hour for daily maintenance (24-hour clock)
Maint_min: 0 # Minute for daily maintenance
Retry_Mode: 0 # If NZ, use progressive backoff for queue retries
# Session_logging: G:\ # Directory to write session transcripts
host: # mail mail host which relays for us
scratch: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury # Where we can write temp files
poll: 30 # Seconds between queue polling cycles
returnlines: 15 # How many lines of failed messages to return
failfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\FAILURE.MER # Delivery failure template
esmtp: 1 # Yes, we want to use ESMTP extensions
Poll : 15
Timeout : 60
# Session_logging : o:\mail\mercury\melogs
# Session_logmode : 1
# Nameservers :
scratch : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury
# Timeout : 30
# Poll : 120 # How often to check hosts for new mail (seconds)
Debug : 1
Timeout : 30
Relay : 1
Strict_Relay : 0
Allow_Illegals : 0
SMTP_Authentication : 0
Compliance_Settings : 0
Maximum_Failed_Rcpts : 4
Max_Relay_Attempts : 4
SSL_Mode : 0
ST_Blacklisting : 288
No_VRFY : 0
Scratch : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury
Stack : 32768
Mark_Read : 1
SSL_Mode : 0
Login_Disabled : 0
Timeout : 60
# Cmd_Delay: 10
# Cmd_Wait: 1
# IE4_Dialling: 0
# Use_ETRN: 1
# Clients_only: 1
# Sunday: 0800,1800,3,15,30,60
# Monday: 0830,2100,5,15,60,60
# Tuesday: 0830,2100,5,15,60,60
# Wednesday: 1500,1900,2,30,5,30
# Thursday: 0900,1900,2,30,0,0
# Friday: 0830,2100,5,15,60,60
# Saturday: 1031,1035,2,45,-1,0
# [Groups]
# testgroup : TESTGRP
# NetWare Server Domain name
localhost : localhost
localhost : localhost.net
localhost : localhost.org
localhost : localhost.com
Maiser: Maiser # 'Username' of mail server account
Helpfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\MAISER.HLP # Help sent on failed maiser requests
Lookupfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\MAISER.LKP # Format file for the 'lookup' command
Send_dir: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\SENDABLE # Directory for the 'send' command
Logfile: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Logs\MAISER.LOG # Mail server log file
Notify: C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\TMP # Dir. for pending 'notify' commands
NoList: N # If 'Y', disable the 'list' command
Local_only: Y # If 'Y', local 'notify' commands only
# Administrator : postmaster@clio.pmail.gen.nz
Timeout : 30
Timeout : 120
Server_Port : 143
Idle_Timeout : 1800
SSL_Mode : 0
Login_Disabled : 0
# Logfile : o:\mail\tmp\mercuryb.log
Timeout : 120
Server_Port : 80
# Session_logging : o:\mail\mercury\mblogs
# Session_logmode : 0
Idle_Timeout : 1800
# URL_Base : enter_your_domain_here
StatFlags: 0 # Statistical reporting settings
STF_Hours: 24 # How often to write stat log files
STM_Hours: 24 # How often to e-mail stat log files
> I would not like to publish the adress here.
But ist is as I wrote it with letters and digits instead of the
> dots.
And the length all in all is 52 characters. username has 42 characters,
then @ one character
> and "localhost" 9 characters.
But the actual characters used in the address may be causing the problem. SMTP addresses must be all ASCII.
[quote user="Thomas R. Stephenson"]
But the actual characters used in the address may be causing the problem. SMTP addresses must be all ASCII.
They are in ASCII (a-z, 0-9, nothing else).
It must be a problem with the length because I have a lot of adresses which work without problems.
> > But the actual characters used in the address may be causing the problem. SMTP addresses must be all ASCII.
> They are in ASCII (a-z, 0-9, nothing else).
> It must be a problem with the length because I have a lot of adresses which work without problems.
1. Did you enter this username in Configuration | Manage users?
2. Did you reboot Mercury after making the entry or use CTRL+Configuration+Manage local users when entering the data?
[quote user="Thomas R. Stephenson"]> > But the actual characters used in the address may be causing the problem. SMTP addresses must be all ASCII.
> They are in ASCII (a-z, 0-9, nothing else).
> It must be a problem with the length because I have a lot of adresses which work without problems.
1. Did you enter this username in Configuration | Manage users?[/quote]
Yes, like with all my domains
[quote user="Thomas R. Stephenson"]2. Did you reboot Mercury after making the entry or use CTRL+Configuration+Manage local users when entering the data?
> > 1. Did you enter this username in Configuration | Manage users?
> Yes, like with all my domains
> > 2. Did you reboot Mercury after making the entry or use
> > CTRL+Configuration+Manage local users when entering the data?
> Yes
Ok, I have created a test address of 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890@tstephenson.com. This address is longer than the one you specified since the name is 40 characters and the domain is 15 characters for a total of 55 characters. I would have made the username longer but it's really a pain in the rear working with an e-mail address this long. Here's the headers of the message as received from Yahoo. This pretty much shows this is NOT a problem with the length of the e-mail address. You really need to look into other areas for the problem like a bad entry in the pmail.usr or maybe rights to the user directory.
Received: from spooler by tstephenson.com (Mercury/32 v4.74); 22 May 2012 08:06:16 -0700
X-Envelope-To: <1234567890123456789012345678901234567890@tstephenson.com>
X-CLAMWALL: Passed through antiviral test by ClamWall on tstephenson.com (102)
X-SPAMWALL: Passed through antiSPAM test by Spamhalter on
tstephenson.com (109)
X-SPAMWALL: probability - 0.0%
Return-path: <tstephensoncom@yahoo.com>
Received: from nm15.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com ( by
tstephenson.com (Mercury/32 v4.74) ID MG002562; 22 May 2012 08:06:10 -0700
Received: from [] by nm15.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP;
22 May 2012 15:03:30 -0000
Received: from [] by tm9.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP;
22 May 2012 15:03:30 -0000
Received: from [] by omp1044.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP;
22 May 2012 15:03:30 -0000
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3
X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 45834.38800.bm@omp1044.mail.bf1.yahoo.com
Received: (qmail 13145 invoked by uid 60001); 22 May 2012 15:03:29 -0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=yahoo.com; s=s1024;
t=1337699009; bh=BdTJKm6VLl4d9fY/q0oM5jAViWz8UjV4IC2iBfzbqqs=;
DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=yahoo.com;
X-YMail-OSG: ZThzw6UVM1mTRj.mNA85L8iOW9lhlP_1672aTdzUKEXqzGA
Received: from [] by web140401.mail.bf1.yahoo.com via HTTP;
Tue, 22 May 2012 08:03:29 PDT
X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
Message-ID: <1337699009.85058.YahooMailNeo@web140401.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 08:03:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: thomas stephenson <tstephensoncom@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: thomas stephenson <tstephensoncom@yahoo.com>
Subject: Test of long e-mail address
To: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890@tstephenson.com"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Rcpt-To: <1234567890123456789012345678901234567890@tstephenson.com>
X-Text-Classification: good
X-Recipient: <1234567890123456789012345678901234567890@tstephenson.com>
In the Internet Version I don't have the problem.
The problem exists only in my local Version (localhost).
The directory and pmail.usr has been verified x times by me and a friend of mine.
[quote user="Pemarc"]In the Internet Version I don't have the problem.
The problem exists only in my local Version (localhost). [/quote]
What are these 2 versions? And you have never told us what Mercury is doing when you get this error message. Whether it is an incoming or outgoing message; how you are receiving/sending it; if it is triggering any exception etc.
[quote user="PaulW"]
What are these 2 versions?
I don't know which mail program my provider uses in the Internet.
On my local version (where the problem occurs) I use Mercury/32 v4.01b
[quote user="PaulW"]
And you have never told us what Mercury is doing when you get this
error message. Whether it is an incoming or outgoing message; how you
are receiving/sending it; if it is triggering any exception etc.[/quote]
I send the message from a localhost-adress to a localhost-adress,
always in the format
from: anfrage.von.test@localhost
to: anfrage.an.vorstand.test@localhost
If the word replacing "test" is short enough there is no problem.
Here the log-file and the error-message sent to the postmaster:
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a5 Connection from
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a5 HELO LS
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a5 MAIL FROM:<anfrage.von.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a5 RCPT TO:<anfrage.an.vorstand.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a5 DATA - 17 lines, 406 bytes.
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a5 QUIT
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a5 Connection closed with, 0 sec. elapsed.
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a6 Connection from
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a6 HELO LS
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a6 MAIL FROM:<anfrage.von.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a6 RCPT TO:<anfrage.an.webmaster.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a6 DATA - 86 lines, 2720 bytes.
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a6 QUIT
T 20120523 132255 4fbce4a6 Connection closed with, 0 sec. elapsed.
Mail from admin@localhost to postmaster@localhost:
Received: from spooler by localhost (Mercury/32 v4.01b); 23 May 2012 13:23:18 +0200
X-Envelope-To: Electronic Postmaster <Admin@localhost>
To: Electronic Postmaster <Admin@localhost>
From: Electronic Postmaster <postmaster@localhost>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:23:07 +0200
Subject: Postmaster Notify: Delivery Failure.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=22655.15376343
This message is in MIME format. If you are seeing this text,
then your mailer does not understand this format properly.
Content-type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Disposition: Inline
Content-Description: Reason for delivery failure.
The attached message has failed delivery and has been referred
to you as postmaster. The following error report or reports
were given to explain the problem:
*** <anfrage.von.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
User <anfrage.von.1234567890123456789012345678901@local not known at this site.
Content-type: Message/RFC822
From: Mail Delivery System <postmaster@localhost>
To: <anfrage.von.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:22:56 +0200
Subject: Delivery failure notification
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Multipart/Report; boundary=Part_Boundary-EA74C0
Content-type: Text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-description: Mail delivery failure report
Content-disposition: Inline
With reference to your message with the subject:
"Anfrage über Kontaktformular"
The local mail transport system has reported the following problems
it encountered while trying to deliver your message:
--- Problems not related to specific addresses in the message:
Job has invalid or illegal from address.
*** <anfrage.an.vorstand.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
Your mail message is being returned to you in the next part of this
Should you need assistance, please mail postmaster@localhost.
Content-type: Message/RFC822
Content-description: Contents of original mail message
Return-path: <anfrage.von.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost>
Received: from LS ( by localhost (Mercury/32 v4.01b) ID MG000001;
23 May 2012 13:22:55 +0200
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:22:55 +0200
Subject: Anfrage über Kontaktformular
To: anfrage.an.vorstand.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15
From: anfrage.von.1234567890123456789012345678901@localhost
Anrede: Herr
Name: Schmidt
Mitteilung: Irgendetwas
Kontakt: keine Antwort notwendig
> In the Internet Version I don't have the problem.
> The problem exists only in my local Version (localhost).
> The directory and pmail.usr has been verified x times by me and a friend of mine.
As you can see from my message it is not the length of the e-mail address that is the problem when received via MercuryS. I have also tested this using MercuryD, again no problem. I do not know what you mean about the local version. As long as the domain "localhost" is in the domains listing then there is no difference between local and internet, an SMTP e-mail address is an SMTP e-mail address.
What specifically is happening? I have been assuming you are receiving the message via MercuryS and it is being rejected at MercuryS as a non-local user. Show us a session log with the error.
> On my local version (where the problem occurs) I use Mercury/32 v4.01b
Upgrade to the latest version, this version is so old maybe it did have some sort of e-mail address limit.
looking for the latest version of Mercury mail I founf on the site http://www.pmail.com/downloads_s3_t.htm:
Mercury/32 Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v4.74
Pegasus Mail v4.63 for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win7
About Mercury there you can find:
Mercury has currently only had limited testing under Windows
7, but to date no obvious problems have been found other
than those already present on Windows Vista*.
So, I have more other questions:
Is Pegasus mail a moderner system than Mercury?
If I install Pegasus instead of Mercury, do I have to change
pmail.usr, the folders and the php-programs?
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