[quote user="Eshtaol"]
I have tried both your suggested options and sorry to say they didn't work
As a matter of fact, Method 2 looked good BUT I can't even add another mailbox to dump all the messages to even try to send.
Still can't get these files sent
Are you saying that you could not add a directory to your Pegasus Mail folder list? If not, there is a caveat to Guy's instructions that you may not be aware. The Folder pull-down menu in Pegasus Mail is dynamic which means is changes depending on the Pegasus Mail window that is active at the moment. In order for the "Add mailbox to list..." option to appear in the Folder pull-down menu the Pegasus Mail Folder window must be open and active.
Once you get a windows folder (directory) added to the Folder list you can copy all of the messages into it. When you are done you right click on it and select "Disconnect this mailbox". That windows folder now contains all of the messages including the attachments. Each message will exist as it's own .cnm file. This may be a problem for the recipient if he/she does not use Pegasus Mail. In that case you might be better off forwarding the messages either individually or attached to a new message(s).