As of last night, I can't send or receive via P-Mail through my Verizon account. I get...
"An network error occurred during connection to the host"
<< No trace information available >>
No settings have been altered. I have verified all settings and they are set correctly (see bottom of post for Verizon settings) and have been this way for a long time.
If I setup Vista Winmail or MS Outlook using the below settings all is OK and I can send and receive email. The problem is only with P-Mail which is on two computers and both are experiencing the same issue, with the same error on POP3 and SMTP
Since other email clients work and P-Mail was successfully negotiating email as of Yesterday, I have to presume its something that the Verizon server doesn't like (all of a sudden). But what ?
Verizon Settings:
Mail server settings
Verizon email settings
<p>As of last night,&nbsp; I can't send or receive via P-Mail through my Verizon account.&nbsp; I get...</p><blockquote><p>"An network error occurred during connection to the host"</p><p>&lt;&lt; No trace information available &gt;&gt;
</p></blockquote><p>No settings have been altered.&nbsp; I have verified all settings and they are set correctly (see bottom of post for Verizon settings) and have been this way for a long time.&nbsp; </p><p>If I setup Vista Winmail or MS Outlook using the below settings all is OK and I can send and receive email.&nbsp; The problem is only with P-Mail which is on two computers and both are experiencing the same issue, with the same error on POP3 and SMTP&nbsp; </p><p>Since other email clients work and P-Mail was successfully negotiating email as of Yesterday, I have to presume its something that the Verizon server doesn't like (all of a sudden).&nbsp; But what ?
</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Verizon Settings:</p><p>------------------------------
</p><p>Mail server settings
<font color="#000000">Incoming mail server (<a href="" id="LinkTo23472" title="What is POP3?">POP3</a>): <i></i></font></li><li><font color="#000000">
Incoming Server Port Numbers: <strong>995</strong></font></li><li><font color="#000000">
Outgoing mail server (<a href="" id="LinkTo16967" title="What is SMTP?">SMTP</a>): <i></i></font></li><li><font color="#000000">
Outgoing Server Port Numbers: <strong>465 &nbsp;</strong></font></li><li><font color="#000000">
Your Verizon Online user name</font></li><li><font color="#000000">
Your Verizon Online password</font></li><li><font color="#000000">
Make sure "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" is checked.</font></li></ul><p><a href="%20" mce_href=" ">Verizon email settings</a>