Thank's a lot, Brian, it works fine.
I can patch the Desktop.pm0 so pmail starts with desiered folder, so far.
I figuered out the needed paramerters and places/length for the fillename in Desktop.pm0,
but does anyone knows the whole correctly parameters / struktur of the file desktop.pm0?
<p>Thank's a lot, Brian, it works fine.</p><p>I can patch the Desktop.pm0 so pmail starts with desiered folder, so far.</p><p>I figuered out the needed paramerters and places/length for the fillename in Desktop.pm0,&nbsp;
</p><p>but does anyone knows the <span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span class="hps">whole correctly parameters / struktur of the file desktop.pm0?</span></span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>