I'm sorry to say that if you re-indexed you may have emptied the folder and rewritten it. As such you are left with your PC backups.
If you want to be really sure, check the size of the folder file *.PMM for which-ever folder in your mail folder. If it is really big you have a good chance of getting them back. Run my utility Notsplit, available at this site at url address: http://community.pmail.com/files/folders/utils/entry3962.aspx. It will place all the notes it finds, in your newmail directory (so make sure your newmail directory is empty before attempting to do this).
Let me know if you need assistance in running my utility
<p>I'm sorry to say that if you re-indexed you may have emptied the folder and rewritten it. As such you are left with your PC backups.</p><p>If you want to be really sure, check the size of the folder file *.PMM for which-ever folder in your mail folder. &nbsp;If it is really big you have a good chance of getting them back. &nbsp;Run my utility Notsplit, available at this site at url address: http://community.pmail.com/files/folders/utils/entry3962.aspx. It will place all the notes it finds, in your newmail directory (so make sure your newmail directory is empty before attempting to do this).</p><p>Let me know if you need assistance in running my utility</p><p>Martin&nbsp;</p>