Trying to switch from Mozilla Thunderbird 24.40 to PMAIL 4.70:
My Email folders for PMAIL I converted from Thunderbird MBox format are here:
C:\Users\DonB\AppData\Roaming\Pegasus Mail\PMAIL Folders
1. Wherein PMAIL 4.70 do I point to these folders
2. ADDRESS BOOK Convert from Thunderbird; what format does PMAIL use?
3. Inbox Content Sorting Filters.From Mozilla..How to import to PMAIL use?
Thanks, Donald Bock
<p>HI:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Trying to switch from Mozilla Thunderbird 24.40 to PMAIL 4.70:</p><p>My Email folders for PMAIL I converted from Thunderbird MBox format are here:
C:\Users\DonB\AppData\Roaming\Pegasus Mail\PMAIL Folders</p><p>1. Wherein PMAIL 4.70 do I point to these folders
2. ADDRESS BOOK Convert from Thunderbird; what format does PMAIL use?
3. Inbox Content Sorting Filters.From Mozilla..How to import to PMAIL use?</p><p>&nbsp;Thanks, Donald Bock