[quote user="Brian Fluet"]
Help would be greatly appreciated regarding the following three questions about "421 Service Temporarily Unavailable"
Please explain what is occurring when "421 Service Temporarily Unavailable" is logged.
Does the sender receive a notification of the temporary failure?
Do the log entries below indicate the messages were actually sent (wondering what the "processing complete" entries actually mean)? Neither of these IP address appear later in the log yet the mail queue is empty.
T 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 Established ESMTP connection to
T 20151026 185534 562e0aaa Established ESMTP connection to
W 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 421 Service Temporarily Unavailable
E 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 TCP/IP error.
T 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 Job MO0000F1 processing complete.
W 20151026 185534 562e0aaa 421 Service Temporarily Unavailable
E 20151026 185534 562e0aaa TCP/IP error.
T 20151026 185534 562e0aaa Job MO0000EE processing complete.
More information would be useful!
I'm guessing these are outgoing messages and the log is from Mercury C or E - is that correct?
Any 4xx message from a server is a temporary failure of some kind and the attempted delivery should be retried. It doesn't usually result in a non-delivery notification.
In this case it appears that the messages were delivered sucessfully with no noticeable delay. A session log might help to give more information, but I usually associate 421 messages with greylisting or throttling of some sort.
[quote user="Brian Fluet"]
<P>Help would be greatly appreciated regarding the following three questions about&nbsp; "421 Service Temporarily Unavailable"
<P>Please explain what is occurring when "421 Service Temporarily Unavailable" is logged.</P>
<P>Does the sender receive a notification of the temporary failure?
<P>Do the log entries below indicate the messages were actually sent (wondering what the "processing complete" entries actually mean)?&nbsp; Neither of these IP address appear later in the log yet the mail queue is empty.
<P>T 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 Established ESMTP connection to
T 20151026 185534 562e0aaa Established ESMTP connection to
W 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 421 Service Temporarily Unavailable
E 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 TCP/IP error.
T 20151026 185534 562e0aa9 Job MO0000F1 processing complete.
W 20151026 185534 562e0aaa 421 Service Temporarily Unavailable
E 20151026 185534 562e0aaa TCP/IP error.
T 20151026 185534 562e0aaa Job MO0000EE processing complete.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>
<P mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>
<P>More information would be useful!</P>
<P>I'm guessing these are outgoing messages and the log is from Mercury C or E - is that correct?</P>
<P>Any 4xx message from a server is a temporary failure of some kind and the attempted delivery should be retried. It doesn't usually result in a non-delivery notification.</P>
<P>In this case it appears that the messages were delivered sucessfully with no noticeable delay.&nbsp; A session log might help to give more information, but I usually associate 421 messages with greylisting or throttling of some sort.</P>