Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:
Sending with my primary ISP sending email comes back with this error? Works fine if I use my gmail account?
Dig command validates the ip name to the ipaddress?
Raw view of mesage has no headers?? From: Mail Delivery System <> To: Self Subject: Mail Delivery Failure. Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 02:12:40 +1000 X-PMFLAGS: 128 0 1 9L3FJL4W.CNM
Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:
After restarting the computer I got the following problem: When starting a new message in PMail, the message window is now positioned in such a way that the upper part of this window is hidden behind the top of the PM window. How can I prevent this too high message window? A restart of the computer did not help. It is the first time I met this problem. I use v.4.80. The problem occurs not only with new messages, but also with replies.
I need to change the email server for both pop3 and smtp hosts for a group of email identities. They all use the same server. I open Receiving Pop3 or Sending SMTp for any one and click on edit, PMail crashes. Shouldn't I be able to edit the changes in place rather than adding a whole new host?
Hello, I use version 4.8 I need to stop Pegasus mail every day in some time by script scheduled in Windows scheduler. I use command : taskkill /IM "winpm-32.exe" /F DEL "<folder path>\pmail\MAIL\ADMIN\MAILBOXP.LCK"
its working well but problem with temp folder and files c:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp*.PM$
they still stay on disk and are not deleted. Probably because Pegasus mail was not stopped via GUI and click on File - exit
Does exist some better command to close program as "Graceful close" ? So Pegasus mail also should delete temporary files.
Simce pegasus is dead for the forseeable future for anyone using Microsoft email I need to move all of the emails to outlook. I came across this 15 year old thread talking about using mercury and IMAP to move pegasus folders to outlook. Never used mercury before. Anyone have any idea if this method would still work? Thx
I just setup Mercury on Xampp and I am trying to retrieve emails so I will have the emails on the Mercury server to read with Roundcube. I was able to download the emails but the original emails are deleted. I put a check on the MercuryP pop3 server setting to "ignore Pop3 delete commands", but the original emails were deleted on the client server. Apparently I have something set wrong. I do not want to delete the original emails.
Also, I cannot send emails to the original client now?
We have been using Pair Network to host our domains for a long time and we use their mail servers to send out our email. Now we're suddenly getting rejects from Outlook, Hotmail, and Yahoo. Pair tech support tells us there is nothing they can do about this, that those providers have changed their security and that the blocks will be removed within 24 hours, which has not happened!
Has anyone had similar experiences lately and if so, what did you do about it.
My email host Fasthosts has problems dealing with Distribution List (DL) emails but is OK with BCC. When I use a 30 address DL I get the error message: Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:
501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax 421 4.7.0 Error: too many errors
If I put the DL title in the BCC section would each one of the DL addresses get an email?
I have been reading up on this topic to disable auto black list check as it takes a long time to check addresse. (I only open mails from trusted sources) I note that there is some mention of security tab in renderer. There does not seem to be one. All options in this are greyed out. I am missing something really obvious? Thanks Doug
I recently created a POP3 rule set to (pre-)filter header text and "Delete from server". In the Download Controls for retrieving POP3 mail, the "Download only unread mail" is on and the "Default action after filtering" is set to Download. In the General settings for that profile, the "Delete mail ... once it has been retrieved" option is on. My intention is to not even download junk mail that I can identify, but load all the rest and then have Pegasus delete it from the server.
The POP3 rule set seems to work fine. I don't get any of the junk mail I don't want and it is deleted (moved to trash) on the server. The problem is that after the other mail is downloaded, it is not deleted from the server. If I attempt to Check the host for POP3 mail again from Pegasus, no messages are loaded (they have been read by Pegasus) but they still are on the server showing as unread in the inbox when I look at them directly on the web mail site. Prior to implementing the POP3 Rule Set, the downloaded messages were deleted properly from the server.
What am I missing? Why are they not deleted from the server now? Any help is appreciated.
I've noticed over the past few months that pmail (win 10 4.80) crashes sometimes when I try to forward email. This does not seem to occur when I use the forward "bounce" option, just when I try to forward it normally.
I have recently found that when I save the attachments from a message and return to the relevant folder, then visit another folder, when I return to the folder in which the message was sitting, it has vanished. It took me a while to work out what was happening and to be able to reproduce the problem.
This is proving awkward where I need to reply to the message. I don't know of any setting that would cause this behaviour. Any suggestions as to what might be the cause?
I am using the latest version of Pegasus. I wrote a long email today and ran the spell check. It flagged every work, including common words that were correct.
Yesterday my New Mail folder suddenly disappeared from view. I can't get it back by clicking on open/rescan new mail, nor with Ctrl-L. I can download a message into it, and it increments the total of new messages, I just can't see them! Can I restore it without removing Pegasus and reinstalling from scratch?
Thanks in advance, Ann
Sadly Brian this didn't work. I think you're right that it is opening off-screen, but I deleted the New mail= line and still not joy. Only references to new are