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I just set up Pegasus email. I used the same info that work with 2 other email clients. But when I tried to send a test email, i get:

"Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:

TCP/IP error while processing job
A network error has occurred while WinPMail attempted to send your message.

The SMTP server I use is "insecure."

Would appreciate suggestions. Thanks.

recent by msetzerii  ·  1 day ago at 2:59 am

I just received an email from MS stating that I will no longer be able to retrieve my email after 09/16/24 due their discontinuance of "Basic Authentication". I have also read that there is little chance (due to complexity) of Pegasus Mail for Windows ever incorporating "Modern Authentication" for Microsoft. I have also read the author's take on it and respect his opinion.

BUT... now I'm in trouble. I have used Pegasus Mail for around 20 years. I utilize it for my filing tray, keeping records of both personal and financial exchanges. It is my "GoTo" when a question regarding the past arises. I DON'T want to abandon PM but I don't see how I can stay with it.

I notice that PM v4.81 with OAUTH2 for Google was never moved from Beta. I don't care for GMail and their "labels" anyway... I like "folders".

First, my heartfelt thanks to David for providing such a fantastic email client for so many years.

Second, I am in need of options at this point. I have PM folders containing 20 years of info that I'd like to keep. I ALSO wish to continue to RETRIEVE my mail and store it locally as opposed to keeping it on a cloud. Internet providers have all but abandoned email services... at least in my location.

All thought would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

recent by Michael  ·  6 days ago at 3:24 am

Hi folks -

For a couple of years, I haven't been able to find a way to permanently set, as a default, the font size for the message body of outgoing messages.

The current default is 10 points which is smaller than I would prefer.

I can highlight the message body, click "f" for font, and scroll down to, say, 12 points, which does change the message font size, but I can't find a way to permanently change the default.

Does anyone have a suggestion?


Eleanor White

thomasjennings posted Jul 13 at 4:38 pm

I have a folder containing about 300 emails and I need to export the messages so that another person can read them in another email program. My version of PM does not have export or back up in its menu. Version info below.

How do I export the messages?


Tom Jennings

Version 4.80 Jan 16 2022 build 1028

Pegasus Mail for Microsoft Windows
Copyright (C) 1992-2022, David Harris, all rights reserved
Electronic mail to

WinPMail version: Version 4.80.1028, Jan 16 2022, build ID 1028
Language resources: Standard UK English resources (EN,0,LL)
Extension Manager version: 1.14
Operating mode: Standalone
User name and ID: Single-user mode, 0
Windows version: 6.2
Windows flag word: 0
WINPMAIL.EXE directory: C:\Pmail\Programs
Home mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL
New mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL
TMP environment variable: C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\Temp
TEMP environment variable: C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\Temp
LAN-based SMTP support: N, N, N
NetWare MHS support: N, N, N
Built-in TCP/IP support: Enabled

  • WINSOCK version: WinSock 2.0
  • WINSOCK path: WSOCK32.DLLCommandline: -roam -AActive -Z options: 32768PMR variable: (None)PML variable: (None)MAI variable: (None)NB variable: (None)Autofiltering folders: 1 (1 active, 0 inactive)Last new mail count: 453Message size soft limit: 0 bytesMessage size hard limit: 0 bytesAttachment size soft limit: 0 bytesAttachment size hard limit: 0 bytes

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Jul 13 at 6:02 pm
mstrwiz posted Jul 6 at 1:27 am

My Cox Email has been migrated to Yahoo. I have configured the Network Configuration in PMail for Yahoo. I am using POP. I can retrieve/delete my email for my Cox Account on Yahoo.

I've generated an APP password for PMail.

I'm unable to Send (SMTP) from PMAIL to Yahoo. This is the Trace showing end of transaction. I've masked the sending and recipient email address in the trace.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong in my configuration?

19:18:15.371: >> 220 ESMTP ready
19:18:15.371: << EHLO []
19:18:15.402: >> 250-hermes--production-ne1-79ddd986d8-qbr42 Hello [] [])
19:18:15.402: >> 250-PIPELINING
19:18:15.402: >> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
19:18:15.402: >> 250-8BITMIME
19:18:15.402: >> 250-SIZE 41697280
19:18:15.402: << AUTH LOGIN
19:18:15.449: >> 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
19:18:15.449: << amN1cnRpczEzQGNveC5uZXQ=
19:18:15.480: >> 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
19:18:15.480: << eWFwYWtreWRqY2VlemdxeA==
19:18:16.105: >> 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
19:18:16.105: << MAIL FROM: SIZE=436
19:18:16.293: >> 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
19:18:16.293: << RCPT
19:18:16.324: >> 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK
19:18:16.324: << DATA
19:18:16.355: >> 354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
19:18:16.480: >> 550 Request failed; Mailbox unavailable

Really appreciate any help that I can get.

Thank in advance!

recent by mstrwiz  ·  Jul 10 at 10:32 pm
Steeley posted Jun 9 at 7:28 am

My wife has been using Pegasus for going on 30 years, and has created a unique message filing system.. nested folders within nested folders.. like hundreds of filing trays with filing trays below them, and many thousands (10's of thousands?) of emails in them.

Topic 1, with sub topics, May 2020, June 2020, July 2020, etc.
She may well have subfolders under each; Subject 1,Subject 2, etc. under May 2020, and again same or similar named subfolders under June 2020 folder, and July, etc. (The subfolder names make sense only to ). The messages are located under those subfolders (filing trays).

Well, it appears she did something in the course of "organizing emails" (not sure what. Moved, maybe?) and the folder/filing tray "Topic 1" can no longer be found.

I've expanded all the folders, but can not find the "Topic 1" folder anywhere.. smile

But I can text search (headers) for emails sent from a particular sender that would have been filed somewhere under "Topic 1", and have found about 4800+ messages that appear to be emails that would be under that topic 1, so they still exist somewhere. However, the displayed location folder/filing tray in the search results doesn't include the full path, so I can not locate the parent folder those messages are (now) nested in or under.

So the question is, can I/how can I locate precisely where the actual email message(s) that were found and listed in the search results folder, are now actually residing in the Pegasus folder list?

recent by Steeley  ·  Jul 10 at 3:33 am
Michael posted Jul 5 at 2:05 am

Since this doesn't fit into the thread about using App passwords in Pegasus Mail with MS mail accounts I'm posting this URL in a new thread: The page linked to provides further URLs to information about various other authentication issues related to MS mail accounts. It's for informational purposes as a starting point for figuring out more details since it primarily deals with Exchange related connection building:


Hello all

Preview of mail message, internal and over peer to peer network unreadable. This is an example - happening more often, but still erratic - How do I fix this?


-- snip ---

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"/>
<div align="left" style="min-height: 11pt; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10.0pt; ">05/06/2024 11:50 - May Vaccination List - Called Mr Pillay regarding</span></font></div>
<div align="left" style="min-height: 11pt; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10.0pt; ">Caesar's annual vacc and health check. Mr said he is not around and</span></font></div>
<div align="left" style="min-height: 11pt; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10.0pt; ">will call us when he gets back to JHB - probably towards the end of</span></font></div>
<div align="left" style="min-height: 11pt; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10.0pt; ">June. I offered to call him back but he did not know what date he will</span></font></div>
<div align="left" style="min-height: 11pt; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10.0pt; ">be back. He thanked us for the reminder. Recall set for 01.07.2024 in</span></font></div>
<div align="left" style="min-height: 11pt; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10.0pt; ">case he has not contacted us back by then. Harini.</span></font></div>

-- snip ---

recent by Steeley  ·  Jul 1 at 3:48 pm

My ten year old laptop got permanently knocked out of use recently by a catastrophic malware attack. The new laptop is running Windows 11. I copied across the PMAIL folder and contents to the C:\ drive, fired up C:\Pmail\Programs\winpm-32.exe and was delighted to see my old friend burst into life. I created a shortcut etc. to make it easier to start, and everything is working fine as far as I can see.

A few questions have come to mind:

  1. I haven't actually installed the program so it does not get listed as an app. Does Windows know about it? I do know that the program is using Appdata\Local\Temp for environment variables. Does it matter that the program hasn't actually been installed?
  2. I am currently running Version 4.70 (win32), Feb 27 2014, build 546 which is waaaay out of date but does everything I want. I believe that I should be able to install the current (beta) version over the top of it to bring it up-to-date. Is there any particular reason why I should do this, given that I don't have any issues with 4.70? I'm getting old and work along the lines of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
  3. Is there anything I can do to move the program into the Program Files (x86) folder? I'm not keen putting stuff at the C:\ level. I know that I cannot just move the PMAIL folder and contents there because the configuration file will still point to C:\paths so the program will not be able to find what it needs. Would installing the up-to-date version somehow give me the option of getting stuff in the right place?

I have been using Pegasus mail for over 25 years and am still hooked on it. Many thanks to David and everyone else involved in producing and supporting this wonderful piece of software! smile

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Jul 1 at 2:08 pm

I want to move or copy files out of my "Copies to self" folder to save space but every tie I do I get an error, must re-index the folder, and they come back.

My "copies to self" default is collecting thousands of emails over time as I keep them for historical purposes and records. There are so many that it now take over 20 minutes to open and list.

How can I move them to another folder/message tray to clear out the "Copies to self folder" and save space without geeting the error that requires me to "re-index" only to have them all come back?

recent by Agentx42  ·  Jun 30 at 10:49 pm

It's possible that my Google account got hacked. I'm not sure. The situation was very confusing. It's supposedly OK now, but as a precaution, I changed my Google password. I changed it in PM, but I forgot that PM blocks showing the actual PW, and evidently, I had put in the application specific PW for PM for OAUTH2. So, I no longer have that entry. The error msg from Gmail says "Application specific password required". Can someone tell me how to fix that?

My mobile phone (Android) seems to be working OK for Gmail.

recent by HTR  ·  Jun 21 at 3:59 am

This version fixes two crashes emerging just after the previous release:

  • The first one would occur immediately after launching Pegasus Mail if IER's Auto Update option is enabled via its toolbar button menu.

  • The second one would occur if BearHtml is invoked for displaying complex HTML messages after IER has been disabled via its toolbar button menu.

Please click the link to IER's homepage down below in my signature for downloading.

Michael posted Jun 12 at 12:58 am

IERenderer has been released

· This version fixes the new hyperlink auto-detection feature which would accidentally remove text formatting including line breaks or existing hyperlinks in certain messages and in rare cases even cause crashes.
· It also restores the timeout notification dialog for cancelling image downloads on user request if downloads keep on failing.
· Then it enables the fallback enable dialog for using non-secure image downloads if no https addresses are supplied.
· And it fixes and simplifies the background picture handling.

Please click the link to IER's homepage down below in my signature for downloading.

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jun 14 at 5:34 pm

When I installed the latest update for IERenderer Version , Pegasus Mail will not open. I get the error message "Pegasus Mail for windows has stopped working" (A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available).

How can I UN-install Version and get my primary email back up and running? Thanks for your help in advance.

recent by Michael  ·  Jun 13 at 6:57 am

Hello & good day. I have a user who sends out finance info in pdf form - recently he's started sending out over 10 attachments. When this happens Pegasus is splitting the email into two separate messages...this has resulted in other users deleting one of the emails believing it to be in error.
Can I change what looks like a default max no of attachments or is it a size issue...they do seem to be coming it at 5mb.
Mercury is used as mail server.
Look forward to any info

recent by Invictus  ·  Jun 11 at 8:12 am
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