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My messages to other peoples' addresses have started being bounced, and the fix I need is to set up my SMTP server use properly. I've got it to work in another (lesser) email client, but I've struggled with configuring Pegasus Mail.

It's not my SMTP server. The settings specified by the email provider are
Security - SSL
Outgoing Port - 465 or 587
Authentication - Password

I've tried various combinations of direct SSL or STARTTLS, port 465 or port 587. Haven't found one which works yet.

Here's the trace showing the SMTP transaction for direct SSL, port 465. What do I need to adjust?

10:07:28.687: [*] Setting SNI hostname to ''
10:07:28.750: [*] SSL/TLS session established
10:07:28.750: [*] ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, TLSv1.2, Kx=ECDH, Au=RSA, Enc=AESGCM(128), Mac=AEAD
10:07:28.750: [*] Peer's certificate name is '/'.
10:07:28.772: >> 220 ESMTP Postfix
10:07:28.772: << EHLO []
10:07:28.772: >>
10:07:28.772: >> 250-PIPELINING
10:07:28.772: >> 250-SIZE 31240000
10:07:28.772: >> 250-VRFY
10:07:28.772: >> 250-ETRN
10:07:28.772: >> 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
10:07:28.772: >> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
10:07:28.772: >> 250-8BITMIME
10:07:28.772: >> 250 DSN
10:07:28.787: << AUTH LOGIN
10:07:28.803: >> 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
10:07:28.803: << <REDACTED BY ME>
10:07:28.818: >> 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
10:07:28.818: << <REDACTED BY ME>
10:07:29.934: >> 535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6
recent by mhi  ·  Feb 10 at 6:10 pm

When I delete messages, I get the response that the file is overfull (up to 2 gigs apparently).... and nothing more can be copied/saved into it. Apparently the deleted file should be compressed to save space, that's what the message says.... Why can't the deleted file simply be emptied completely??
I have no idea about this, being a very naive user (have used Pegasus mail for years but have no idea how it works, sorry..).
Can anyone explain the problem to me in simple terms, and how to resolve it?
Or should I just take my device to a local geek and get him to fix it..?
Thanks for any advice...
Winston Roberts
(Lower Hutt, NZ)

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Feb 9 at 3:52 pm

Please help if you can. I have an issue with Gmail and only with some emails with attachments. I can only log in through webmail, find and delete the "bad" email and then its working again.

Edit 05.02.24: after trying to download the same email from different server, I have the same error...

Pmail runs on win10 and updated to latest Version 4.81.1154


end of Popup message

22:23:27.363: [!] OpenSSL reported a read error (1) - error queue follows:
22:23:27.364: [!] -------------------------------------------------------------------------
22:23:27.365: [!] error:1408F10B: SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number
22:23:27.366: [!] -------------------------------------------------------------------------
the Log file content:
22:23:22.680: --- 4 Feb 2024, 22:23:22.680 ---
22:23:22.683: Connect to '', timeout 90 seconds, flags 16842753.
22:23:23.708: [] Setting SNI hostname to ''
22:23:23.832: [
] SSL/TLS session established
22:23:23.833: [] TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLSv1.3, Kx=any, Au=any, Enc=AESGCM(256), Mac=AEAD<lf>
22:23:23.834: [
] Peer's certificate name is '/'.
22:23:23.895: >> +OK Gpop ready for requests from 146.255.180.*<cr><lf>
22:23:23.896: << AUTH XOAUTH2 <cr><lf>
22:23:25.321: >> +OK Welcome.<cr><lf>
22:23:25.336: << STAT<cr><lf>
22:23:25.593: >> +OK 3 4376538<cr><lf>
22:23:25.595: << LIST<cr><lf>
22:23:25.813: >> +OK 3 messages (4376538 bytes)<cr><lf>
22:23:25.814: >> 1 147634<cr><lf>
22:23:25.814: >> 2 147634<cr><lf>
22:23:25.815: >> 3 4081270<cr><lf>
22:23:25.816: >> .<cr><lf>
22:23:25.822: << UIDL<cr><lf>
22:23:26.081: >> +OK<cr><lf>
22:23:26.083: >> 1 GmailId187b1d665e4f9b4b<cr><lf>
22:23:26.084: >> 2 GmailId187b1e1d5ffd6a41<cr><lf>
22:23:26.084: >> 3 GmailId18d717a1617d3831<cr><lf>
22:23:26.085: >> .<cr><lf>
22:23:26.099: << RETR 3<cr><lf>
22:23:27.363: [!] OpenSSL reported a read error (1) - error queue follows:
22:23:27.364: [!] -------------------------------------------------------------------------
22:23:27.365: [!] error:1408F10BsmileSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number
22:23:27.366: [!] -------------------------------------------------------------------------

recent by Madis  ·  Feb 8 at 9:35 pm
0MrSkeezix143 posted Feb 6 at 7:23 pm

I wish to apologize for not getting back to all to let everyone know I'm back together as one of the other community members did a remote access to my computer and corrected problems for which I am extremely grateful.It seems this was the only way to solve the problem at hand and was very beneficial because as I feel it is so much better to look and see the problem than trying to read the many ways to fix.

Anyway I feel good and releaved the problem(s) have been solved and I'm back

Many thanks to all that tried to help


I'm really interested to know what David Harris' source of the news that Microsoft is phasing out support for Win32 applications is, since nobody else seems to know anything about it. It's true that Windows 11 and beyond will not have a 32 bit VERSION, and that free support for Windows 10 (which is available in both a 32 and 64 bit version) is ending in October 2025 (not "this year." ) But the 64 bit VERSION of Win 11 runs both 64 bit and 32 bit APPLICATIONS just fine and I've heard nothing from anyone else about any plans to change that.

Mr. Harris has been saying 32 bit applications are going away for years and that worries me.

recent by colorbars  ·  Feb 5 at 2:56 pm

Hi Everyone!

First-timer here so please pardon me if i miss any expected etiquette requirements smile

Currently, for emails that Pegasus Mail sends out, i noticed the raw headers of the received email has the field "X-mailer" which shows that the sender is using Pegasus Mail and the software version number.

In the interest of security and confidentiality, is there any way to remove or at least modify the abovementioned X-mailer field so anyone who intercepts the email in transit will not be able to see what the sender's email client software and/or version number is?

Modifying the pmail.ini file doesn't work, so hoping to find the answer here. Thanks in advance for any pointers you can give!

Oskar posted Jan 29 at 4:12 pm

Pegasus generally works fine for most messages. But some messages, typically from institutions, start off with pages of text relating to formatting such as margins, fonts, etc. After scrolling down I eventually find the message. I just updated to version 4.8 but find the same problem. This is on my desktop computer which is running Windows 7. If I view the same message on my laptop which runs Windows 10 but Pegasus is set up the same way, the problem disappears. How can I get rid of the garbage with these emails?

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Feb 2 at 3:57 pm

I receive emails ok but get this message when I send:
11:22:09.863: >> 550 5.1.0 sender rejected. The email address you are sending as must match the email address you used to auth. Please check your SMTP settings. AUP#Out-1500

This problem started late last year.

My setup looks fine.
I talked to Spectrum Support and since I can send and receive email via spectrum webmail they say its pmail problem.
The header looks like this:

X-cs: R
X-CS-Version: 1.0
From: Self
X-RS-ID: <Default>
X-RS-Flags: 0,0,1,1,0,0,0
X-RS-Sigset: 0
Subject: Test
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: 8BIT
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 11:23:46 -0500

I downloaded the latest version of PMail.
Pegasus Mail for Microsoft Windows
Copyright (C) 1992-2022, David Harris, all rights reserved
Electronic mail to

WinPMail version: Version 4.80.1028, Jan 16 2022, build ID 1028
Language resources: Standard UK English resources (EN,0,LL)
Extension Manager version: 1.14
Operating mode: Standalone
User name and ID: Single-user mode, 0
Windows version: 6.2
Windows flag word: 0
WINPMAIL.EXE directory: C:\Pmail\Programs
Home mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL
New mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL
TMP environment variable: C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\Temp
TEMP environment variable: C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\Temp
LAN-based SMTP support: N, N, N
NetWare MHS support: N, N, N
Built-in TCP/IP support: Enabled

  • WINSOCK version: WinSock 2.0
  • WINSOCK path: WSOCK32.DLLCommandline: -roam -AActive -Z options: 32768PMR variable: (None)PML variable: (None)MAI variable: (None)NB variable: (None)Autofiltering folders: 1 (1 active, 0 inactive)Last new mail count: 325Message size soft limit: 0 bytesMessage size hard limit: 0 bytesAttachment size soft limit: 0 bytesAttachment size hard limit: 0 bytes

Any suggestions as to a solution of this problem?


Tom Jennings

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Jan 31 at 11:05 pm
Invictus posted Jan 30 at 7:51 am

Hello - I have a number of users with a huge amount of folders.
There is a problem with a few...I can use mbxmaint to repair but I'd really like to be able to quickly see what the 'long name' of the folder is cross referencing with it's 'filename' I need to be able to identify FOL02D7F.PMM for example in Pegasus without going through each folder & checking 'Folder info'
I'm sure I'm missing something simple!

recent by Invictus  ·  Jan 30 at 6:06 pm

Hi all,
I have a issue with IERenderer (even as of current
when pasting formatted text (maybe a headline from a PDF or something similiar), an additional NEWLINE is added to the pasted text:

hello world.


"Paste special..." with unformatted text works fine.

any clues?


hard to find the right category for IERenderer.
Hopefully I'm not totally wrong here ;-)

PMAIL 4.80de / IERenderer / W10 21H2 ENT LTSC

0MrSkeezix143 posted Jan 22 at 5:41 pm

As I had mentioned to a plea for help by a possible remote access, i was asked:

What is your domain for account? After the @ since it list different info for various domains.

ANSWER and any domain ending in not covered above

Incoming Email Server:
Outgoing Email Server:

I tried but not kicking in and asking if somebody would check my settings

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jan 23 at 3:46 pm
0MrSkeezix143 posted Jan 20 at 7:22 pm

Sorry folks but I continue to be most certainly NOT the sharpest tool in the shed as I keep trying to get the mail program back. i have all suggestions given but so confused you would not believe. I even tried to contact Spectrum for proper pop3 credentials and they tried to push the IMAP on to and saying they're getting away from POP3.....I have so many settings pushed into trying that I'm wondering if I'll evenmake it further into my 80s

I'm now requesting that maybe an honorable, respectable person or moderator can remote access my computer and straighten all my settings out so I can get back to normal instead of using the Spectrum webmail and going back and forth. i am so confused and i have no friends around me using Pegasus. I don't want to change as I always liked this program. so are there any takers? I want to stop bothering you folks that have been good to me but I'm lost

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jan 20 at 11:32 pm

Hi, all!

From this morning, display font in message composing is not working properly. Spacing between letters and between words is inconsistent, and spacing for the beginning of the line changes while typing new words.

There is also a smaller problem with line spacing : the blinking caret is shifted up and the next line overlaps the bottom of the previous one.

I changed font from the toolbar as well as the default, no improvement. In "To:" or "Subject" it works well, even if according to the .INI file, it should use the same font as in the body

I'm working on Windows 11.

I also tried to :

  • reboot the PC and install the latest system updates

  • force PM compatibility mode to Windows XP,

  • force my dual-screen display scale to 100% for both

  • Install a fresh copy of PM in another folder and check the editor

with no luck.

Am I the only one to experience this problem?

recent by Michael  ·  Jan 19 at 12:20 pm
0MrSkeezix143 posted Jan 13 at 8:39 pm

I have somewhat an unorthodox question directed to Brian Fluet and wondered if he could contact me privately. No offense to anyone else but if I remember he also has Spectrum and I have questions regarding their specifications for set up as what they are suggesting as far as any credentials do not seem to be working. I would like to ask other questions

Thank you friends

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Jan 13 at 11:03 pm
0MrSkeezix143 posted Jan 12 at 3:58 pm

Sorry to keep bothering people with problems but I guess things are difficult to understand the older I,m getting but recently I seem to be receiving messages okay but when sending it says message has failed and get the following:
10:39:57.339: >> 250-8BITMIME
10:39:57.339: >> 250-STARTTLS
10:39:57.339: >> 250 OK
10:39:57.343: << STARTTLS
10:39:57.414: >> 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
10:39:58.612: [] SSL/TLS session established
10:39:58.612: [
] ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, TLSv1.2, Kx=ECDH, Au=RSA, Enc=AESGCM(256), Mac=AEAD
10:39:58.612: [*] Peer's certificate name is '/C=US/ST=Missouri/L=St. Louis/O=Charter Communications Operating, LLC/'.
10:39:58.613: << EHLO []
10:39:58.684: >> hello [], pleased to meet you
10:39:58.684: >> 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
10:39:58.684: >> 250-SIZE 30000000
10:39:58.684: >> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
10:39:58.684: >> 250-8BITMIME
10:39:58.684: >> 250 OK
10:39:58.684: << AUTH LOGIN
10:39:58.745: >> 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
10:39:58.745: << ZHNnaWxsQHJvYWRydW5uZXIuY29t
10:39:58.812: >> 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
10:39:58.812: << MTlDTE1BNjA=
10:39:58.886: >> 535 5.7.0 ...authentication rejected

I've called a couple of people to see if msg is received and they seemed to have received ok so I'm wondering what gives. I find myself going to the Spectrum webmail in order to send

[2] Also on another matter I was asked if my renderer had latest version.....where do i go to check this?

[3] also I still want to raise my default print when reading and/or composing messages as my sight not that great and everything is so small to read.....never seemed that way before.

As mentioned before, i hate to bother people but I'd like to square these away

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Jan 12 at 6:34 pm
sjmullock posted Dec 21 '23 at 10:35 am

I have used Pegasus for many years and am now on 4.63. Once a year I make use of the mail merge facility to send Christmas cards to our clients. I went to a lot of trouble to keep the graphic small so as not to irritate anyone and feedback has been very positive.

We also personalise them with a brief message, stored with the address and name in the merge data file. In past years the messages have all bee in English, but this year a colleague thought it would be extra friendly to provide Chinese and Korean script.

I know I can send Chinese script successfully, I have chosen to use UTF-8 as the default for all my mail.

I also know that the data file successfully contains the Chinese characters, encoded UTF-8.

Sadly the merge fails, the Chinese script is garbled. So I suspect that the code which reads the merge data file assumes ANSI and cannot cope with anything else. I cannot find any guidance on the subject in the help file.

Two questions:

  1. Is it possible to use a non-ANSI data file, i.e. is further experimentation futile ?

  2. What encoding will work, or how do I flag the presence of wide character data to the process which reads the merge data?

I guess an answer would require someone to know the OS command used to read strings in from the data file. To keep the answer short and not too onerous, just knowing the function used might allow me to figure it out.

Many thanks to anyone who can throw light on it.

recent by Michael  ·  Jan 8 at 10:46 am


I've been using Pegasus for about 30 years, and have a number of problems which I've not been able to solve. So I joined the community in the hope that I could resolve them. One at a time, this is the first.

If I open a new email ("N", say) received into my "New mail" folder, then press F6 and click into another folder (eg "Copies to self"smile then click back to my "New mail" folder, N is no longer present. I f press F6 and return to the window having N open, then close that window, I have lost N forever: it is no longer in my "New mail" folder, nor my "Deleted messages" folder, nor anywhere else I can see. It appears to have has entirely disappeared without my wanting it to, simply because whilst it was open I clicked into another folder before returning and closing N.

This has caused considerable difficulties in the past, losing important emails. It is a reliably reproducible behaviour.

Do you know what the cause is, and a solution?

This has been a persistent and mysterious problem for years, and remains a problem for me in v4.80.1028, Jan 16 2022, build ID 1028, under Windows 7.

recent by Brian Fluet  ·  Jan 6 at 7:34 pm
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