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One particular folder appears to be damaged : the error message indicates that I might be possible to reindex the folder in order to repair it. If I try to do that, I get an seemingly endless series of popups that require the user to press "OK" to close it. After having done that for 200 times, I decided to stop and kill the Pegasus process using the task manager. Is there a better way to repair or reindex a folder? The folder was fine yesterday, but is somehow damaged today.

bbProg posted Oct 23 '23 at 6:20 pm


I do not know when this has started, but lately we noticed that replying to a message with the reply button, including the original text message, works as expected, headers (from, to, subject and date sent) as well as the original email body are added properly

From: "B*"
To: "H*" h*****@h*****.com
Subject: Bitte Nicht Loeschen smile
Date sent: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:02:56 +0200


but when replying with a template results with a template it ends up with extra text:

Some body text here...insert "Some string..."

Block of text.
Block of text.
End block of text.

From: "B*" b*****@n*****.com
To: "H*" h*****@h*****.com
Subject: Bitte Nicht Loeschen smile
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:02:56 +0200

This is a multipart message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG-Antivirussoftware auf Viren gepr=C3=BCft.
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<html xmlns:v=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-micr=
osoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =
xmlns:m=3D"" xmlns=3D"http:=
//"><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=
=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"><meta name=3DGenerator content=3D"Micros=
oft Word 15 (filtered medium)"><style><!--
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" vlink=3D"#954F72" style=3D'word-wrap:break-word'><div class=3DWordSection=
1><p class=3DMsoNormal>Test<o:p></o:p></p></div><div id=3D"DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40=
BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2"><br /><table style=3D"border-top: 1px solid #D3D4DE;"=

<tr><td style=3D"width: 55px; padding-top: 13px;"><a href=3D"https://www.a=
email&utm_content=3Demailclient" target=3D"_blank"><img src=3D"https://s-in=
no-repeat-v1.gif" alt=3D"" width=3D"46" height=3D"29" style=3D"width: 46px;=
height: 29px;"/></a></td><td style=3D"width: 470px; padding-top: 12px; col=
or: #41424e; font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; li=
ne-height: 18px;">Virus-free.<a href=3D"
ailclient" target=3D"_blank" style=3D"color: #4453ea;"></a></t=
d></tr></table><a href=3D"#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2" width=3D"1=
" height=3D"1"> </a></div></body></html>

I tried to change some options under Tolls menu, but I'm not sure it has to do with it as the reply button works properly.

My template:

Title bb Test

set To = "~f"
set Subject = "~s"

Some body text here...insert "Some string..."

Block of text.
Block of text.
End block of text.


include message 0 quoted keyheaders

Any idea how to prevent the template from adding all this extra text?

Thanks in advanced.

recent by bbProg  ·  Oct 24 '23 at 4:06 pm

Emails are now taking about 20 seconds to leave Pegasus Mail on my computer. But if I send emails from an app on my phone, like Yahoo Mail or Gmail, or if I log into Yahoo Mail on my computer and send emails from there, emails are despatched instantly.

In the past year I haven't changed any of the Pegasus settings or other settings on my computer.

I recently changed broadband provider. The download and upload speeds provided by my new broadband provider are much faster than those provided by my previous broadband provider. However, the problem is not the time it takes to upload the contents of an email from Pegasus, but rather the time it takes for an email to BEGIN departing from my computer. It seems to me that there is some delayed "handshaking" or authenticity-checking going on before an email can begin to leave Pegasus Mail on my computer, but these are only guesses.

Can anybody suggest an explanation, or better still a remedy, for this?

recent by Orpheus  ·  Oct 21 '23 at 4:39 pm

Recently the Comcast mail servers have proven to be quite the issue but I have found a workaround

If you have express VPN and Pegasus Mail you occasionally get unable to connect authenticate and other VS messages back from our buddies at Comcast and I have traced the majority of the issue to the default settings in the VPN client to get a proper connection to their email servers you must set TCP in the client list otherwise you will not get a reliable connection to their servers

since ice spent a bunch of time troubleshooting this I wanted to pass on my experience and what seemed to be the best fix

Please excuse the grammar and spelling this is a speech to text program and wireless sometimes makes errors it still better than my typing



I switched e-mail provider and I cant mail using their smtp server. When trying to mail I get an error stating Connection timeout. Socket read timeout. See attached screenshot

According to my provider I need to use TLS 1.2 but I cant find that option in Pegasus.


I have been using Pegasus very happily for 30 years or so, I dont really want to switch.

Harry van Horen



I have PMAIL 4.41 installed with tons of existing emails and custom folders and settings in it, and now need to update to PMAIL 4.80, because my mail provider requires newer mail protocols.

I am wondering how to do that.

Here is a snippet of the info about my current 4.41 installation, copied out of "About Pegasus" > "Info":

WINPMAIL.EXE directory: T:\PMAIL\Programs
Home mailbox location: T:\PMAIL\MAIL
New mailbox location: T:\PMAIL\MAIL
TMP environment variable: C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Temp
TEMP environment variable: C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Temp

Do I just need to install 4.80 and during the installation process 4.80 automatically detects the existing installation and its folders, and keeps it?

Or do I need to manually change paths in some PMAIL 4.80 file?

Or should I just install 4.80 into a new folder, and delete the files in the then created "PMAIL"-folder, and after that paste all files of the existing "PMAIL"-folder of my current 4.41 version into that new "PMAIL"-folder of 4.80?

Any help is much appreciated.


Hi, Wifey gets into an awful mess with pmail because she does very little 'housekeeping'.

Her pmail is set up for selective download because that allows anything suspicious to be deleted off the host server. However all her mail ends up in a single new mail mailbox.

I have setup identities for a)Personal mail and b) Business mail of higher importance. The problem at the moment is her new mail box is full of personal mail and she can't take in the important mail.

I'd like to filter on alias identity so downloaded mail goes into new folders called either e.g Personal or Business. From there she can move messages somewhere else or delete them.

I've played with filtering, but haven't got anything to work yet. maybe it's because we're using selective download? But mail still ends up in the New mail folder. I don't mind if it gets moved after pmail shuts down or when it's opened, as long as mail isn't appended into the New mail box.

pmail can work out what's spam and magically put it in the spam folder where you don't often look! I just want to direct wanted mail based on incoming email identity into new folders.

Is there a way I can do this? Thanks


This is, I think, a not-too-serious bug report for Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154, Jan 10 2023, build ID 1154. I have received an unexciting email message containing the nasty-looking header

Subject: =?utf-8?B?8J+QpyBJdCdzIHR1cm5pbmcgY29sZGVyIC0gQmUgcHJlcGFyZWQg?=

In the folder view top-right list of messages, the Subject column shows as completely blank. (I think it should show some text!)

In the folder view's bottom-right message preview pane, the subject appears, presumably correctly, as

 It's turning colder - Be prepared  for the ❄️ colder months ahead ❄️

Then when I open the message, its window title bar shows

<Sender>, ????????????????????????

That's almost as bad as completely blank, but at least I can tell there ought to be something there. The header section of the message itself shows the subject properly -- that's what I copied and pasted from to get the text earlier in this post.

The sender (trying to sell central heating radiators) has not made this subject text easy to display, but I firmly suggest Pegasus Mail ought to be able to do an equally good job in the window title bar and the message list as it does for the message window headers area.

This last bit isn't part of the bug report, but I'd guess it was an issue with character encoding.

recent by mhi  ·  Oct 18 '23 at 11:43 am

How do I get back the Junk or suspicious mail folder? I had a mail downloading glitch and as are result it was flooded with messages and proved quite resistant to reindexing, so I ended up deleting the whole thing.

Now I'd like to get the folder back but I don't know how. I've tried creating a folder with the same name and directing messages to it in 'Tools / Spam and content control / Content control definitions / Basic Spam Detection / Edit / Actions / Move the message to a folder' but this is not working, as the window does not seem to accept my folder selection -- when I click 'Set', it only reopens the 'Select a mail folder' window time and again,, and when I click 'OK' it does nothing.

Thanks for any advice. The version is 4.80.1028 Jan 16 2022 build 1028

recent by Jaakko  ·  Oct 17 '23 at 8:19 pm
rfh007 posted Oct 10 '23 at 1:12 pm

I recently got a new notebook (Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga). I managed to copy pmail and it works fine, now under Win11 (before Win10).

Also scrolling with my (external) mouse works almost everywhere (like in all other programs). Only in the text body on an email I am reading, scrolling with the mouse wheel does not work at all. Scrolling does not do anything. Note that scrolling in all other windows in pmail (including the header of the emails I am reading) works perfect. Just in the message body the problem exists.

By the way, I am using the German version.

None of my colleagues or technicians at my university can help me here. Any ideas or suggestions or workarounds?

recent by rfh007  ·  Oct 10 '23 at 4:08 pm

Hello The Forum,
Wondering if there is a way to Save my preferred font settings in the Pegasus Mail message composition box?
When I start a new message (or reply to a message) the font defaults to Courier New size 10. I know I can select other fonts and change the font-size, but I'd love to be able to set at the very least font-size 12 instead of 10...
All and any help most welcome.


0MrSkeezix143 posted Oct 5 '23 at 3:27 am

Recently I have friends sending me messages with attachments named MP4 and I am unable to open/view what they are sending me. My question (although not super major) is there some type of setting that needs to be implemented in order to view that I don't have already established? I just don't don't what they are sending and I do know it is not spam or junk as they are my regular friends

As usual thanks for the time (and help)

recent by Michael  ·  Oct 5 '23 at 10:29 pm
Vox posted Oct 1 '23 at 10:40 am

Hi all, I've accumulated many messages in my mailbox going back to 2005. I've always had the same problem, pruning the mailbox of old messages to keep a manageable size. I know i can create new mailboxes and painfully copy mesages, but this is really waht i wanted to work but didn'T:

  1. Search for all messages in the date range 2005 to 1017 .. it did that.
  2. Highlight all messages found. It did that.
  3. Delete all highlighted messages.

It appeared to do (3) but when I searched again, the same old messages were found and the MAIL folder didn't decrease in size. I also expected and didn't see the pmail housekeeping message to re-compress the mail folder which i expected for such a large delete.

help, what am I doing wrong, are the old mail messages write protected or incompatible with latest release of pmail?


recent by msetzerii  ·  Oct 2 '23 at 12:18 pm

Hello all, maybe there is a simple solution or workaround, but I cant find it. Problem is:

I have correspondence with company - so I have mails from them in my RECEIVED folder und I have mails to them in my SENT folder.

Searching each folder generates sth like 500 Emails, which is correct - but I would like to have the result in ONE folder, i.e. can easily see who responded from them or what I responded on the time line.

I think it will be sth like filtering, but I dont want to MOVE the result, but just see them in ONE folder seperately as search result.

How can that be done - thanks in advance

rgds hans

PeBi posted Sep 29 '23 at 2:12 pm

Hi all,

I have a problem that somehow must have come up with using two monitors, or maybe some other reason I do not know (but it occured also with another program in a similar way).

I seems that in some cases (concrete: when I want to create a new folder in my mailbox or also, when I get asked if I want a copy of my outgoing mail) the pop-up window must be displayed somwhere, but not on my visible monitor. Pmail gives a "gong" goes in the background and every klick on the screen leads to another "gong". In the two cases the pop-up window for the folder to be created, or the folder where it should be saved, respectively should appear on the screen. When I type <esc> the pmail screen returns to normal.

However, not all pop-ups from inside pmail have the same behavior.

Any clue? Thanks for any help.


Michael posted Sep 9 '23 at 2:59 am

Since the Auto-Update functionality is broken in IER I'm posting this announcement here for once:

  • The usual after-release fixes: Copying incomplete sections of HTML formatted message parts to clipboard would result in HTML code pasted instead of formatted contents if not pasting them as plain text. This has been fixed now.

  • And the update check was broken due to some changes applied to remote file download checks for avoiding privacy issues connected to font downloads from third party providers behind the scenes. Fixed as well.

  • Additionally I've applied some enhancements to the online help for not missing the embedded images when launched outside of Pegasus Mail immediately after install.

For IER's history page providing the download link please see my sigature below.

recent by Michael  ·  Sep 25 '23 at 9:56 pm


I just updated to the beta. All is well except for an annoyance. Whenever I start Pmail I have to re-add my hosts for both POP3 and sending SMTP. Then it works fine.

More detail:
When I upgraded, Pmail forgot my Hosts for POP3 and SMTP. Fortunately, when I selected 'add' my whole list of Hosts was there. Even my very old disabled ones. I was able to select my current host for both POP3 and SMTP and went on my merry way.

Unfortunately, when I next opened Pmail I had to re-add both the hosts.

If I edit a host, it remembers the edits between sessions. Everything else seems to be working just fine.

I am willing to try anything (within reason) to help trouble shoot this.

Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated.

TYVM for your time.


We recently set up a new installation and when I enumerate a list it fails to run.

The core process window shows “* Transient error - job deferred for later processing.”

The mercury system messages window shows “Core: Error getting
mailbox information for MercAdm”

MercAdm is an alias with the mercury software.

recent by snow2023  ·  Sep 15 '23 at 3:21 pm
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