On January 1, every year, I start a new Pegasus. What I do is (this is what I have just done a couple of days ago):
1.- I change the directory name MAIL to MAIL-2016.
2.- I make a copy (MAIL-new(2) ) of the directory name MAIL-new (a copy of the original MAIL directory which I saved for this purpose when I downloaded my Pegasus 4.70 about a year ago), and name it MAIL-new(2) ---> .MAIL
3.- My Pegasus starts like new and I start filing my 2017 mail in a NEW filing structure that I have to create all over again. and a new Address book which I also have to create all over again.
I would like to :
.(i) - Be able to copy my 2016 Address book AND my 2016 filing structure (without the emails stored in it) into my newly starting Pegasus for 2017. This way I have the same address book and continue filing my current year's mails into the same file structure.
THIS would be a tremendous saving in time. What this produces is a way to preserve my email in a way I can loaded into Pegasus and look back at any year in the past by simply changing back MAIL ---> MAIL-2017; MAIL-2016 ---> MAIL and I can browse through my last year's mail
NOW, my quetion is:
A - Is this a good way to doi it?
B- Is there another way to accomlish this ? Perhaps an easier way?
c.- Is this capability already built-in into Pegasusu which I haven't noticed?
This way, I pretend to create a File each year, labeled MAIL-2016, MAIL-2017, MAIL-2018, etc., which I can review when needed.
I will appreciate any comments
<p>On&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 10pt;">January 1, every year, I &nbsp;start a new Pegasus. What I do is (this is what I have just done a couple of days ago):</span></p><p>1.- I change the directory name MAIL to MAIL-2016.</p><p>2.- I make a copy (MAIL-new(2) ) of the directory name MAIL-new &nbsp; (a copy of the original MAIL directory which I saved for this purpose when I downloaded my Pegasus 4.70 about a year ago), and name it &nbsp; MAIL-new(2) ---&gt; .MAIL</p><p>3.- &nbsp;My Pegasus starts like new and I start filing my 2017 mail in a NEW filing structure that I have to create all over again. and a new Address book which I also have to create all over again.&nbsp;</p><p>I would like to :</p><p>.(i) - Be able to copy my 2016 Address book AND my &nbsp;2016 filing structure (without the emails stored in it) into my newly starting Pegasus for 2017. This way I have the same address book and continue filing my current year's mails into the same file structure.</p><p>THIS would be a tremendous saving in time. What this produces is a way to preserve my email in a way I can loaded into Pegasus and look back at any year in the past by simply changing back MAIL ---&gt; MAIL-2017; &nbsp; &nbsp;MAIL-2016 ---&gt; MAIL &nbsp; and I can browse through my last year's mail &nbsp;</p><p>NOW, my quetion is:</p><p>A - Is this a good way to doi it? </p><p>B- &nbsp;Is there another way to accomlish this ? &nbsp;Perhaps an easier way?&nbsp;</p><p>c.- Is this capability already built-in into Pegasusu which I haven't noticed?</p><p>This way, I pretend to create a File each year, labeled MAIL-2016, MAIL-2017, MAIL-2018, &nbsp;etc., which I can review when needed.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I will appreciate any comments</p><p>Jorge&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>