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POP3 and SMTP settings getting deleted upon exiting PMail

In addition to minor changes in the PMAIL.INI file, you should look at the BASIC.PNC

In my test I found this file is different from what I had in my

Enabled = N
SetName = Added Spam Finding
Blacklist = BLACK.PML
Whitelist = white.pml
TriggerWeight = 50
Action = 7
Parameter = spam
RuleFile = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\spamadd.dat
LBL_Size = 0
Order = 0
MaxSize = 1000
Flags = 29

and a new installed C:\PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN\BASIC.PNC
Enabled = N
SetName = Basic Spam Detection
Blacklist = black.pml
Whitelist = white.pml
TriggerWeight = 50
Action = 7
Parameter = Junk or suspicious mail
RuleFile = spambust.dat
LBL_Size = 0
Order = 0
Flags = 28

RuleFile line has different names and one has path
Seems that it defaults to not being Enabled, so might make no difference.

Not clear on how useful the spamhaulter is with Pegasus. Seems it is more linked to Mercury??
Mine was originally set to Enabled = Y, but changed it to N recently.
Don't know why or when name for RuleFile changed to spamadd.dat to spambust.dat.

In addition to minor changes in the PMAIL.INI file, you should look at the BASIC.PNC In my test I found this file is different from what I had in my C:\PMAIL\MAIL\BASIC.PNC Enabled = N SetName = Added Spam Finding Blacklist = BLACK.PML Whitelist = white.pml TriggerWeight = 50 Action = 7 Parameter = spam RuleFile = C:\PMAIL\MAIL\spamadd.dat LBL_Size = 0 Order = 0 MaxSize = 1000 Flags = 29 End and a new installed C:\PMAIL\MAIL\ADMIN\BASIC.PNC Enabled = N SetName = Basic Spam Detection Blacklist = black.pml Whitelist = white.pml TriggerWeight = 50 Action = 7 Parameter = Junk or suspicious mail RuleFile = spambust.dat LBL_Size = 0 Order = 0 Flags = 28 End RuleFile line has different names and one has path Seems that it defaults to not being Enabled, so might make no difference. Not clear on how useful the spamhaulter is with Pegasus. Seems it is more linked to Mercury?? Mine was originally set to Enabled = Y, but changed it to N recently. Don't know why or when name for RuleFile changed to spamadd.dat to spambust.dat.

BASIC.PNC is the configuration file for Content Control. That fact that it is different should not be surprising. The one you had reflects changes made to Content Control configuration. It set the destination to a folder named "spam" which is not a default folder, and it uses a commands file named "spamadd.dat" which is not a file provided by Pegasus Mail.

As for Spamhalter, it does not have anything to do with Mercury. It is an alternate or complimentary spam detection tool to Content Control. It works great by itself.

BASIC.PNC is the configuration file for Content Control. That fact that it is different should not be surprising. The one you had reflects changes made to Content Control configuration. It set the destination to a folder named "spam" which is not a default folder, and it uses a commands file named "spamadd.dat" which is not a file provided by Pegasus Mail. As for Spamhalter, it does not have anything to do with Mercury. It is an alternate or complimentary spam detection tool to Content Control. It works great by itself.

Don't recall every doing anything with the Content Control or anything with spamhaulter, except the recently changing the enable to N?

Interestly the dates and sizes of files.
6531 Aug 13 2015 SPAMADD.DAT
28583 Apr 9 2010 SPAMBUST.DAT

With the latest clean install get this
28583 Sep 8 00:24 SPAMBUST.DAT

But the 2010 version and 2022 version of the file are identicle.
The SPAMADD.DAT has these lines, and I've no clue where it came from?
if content contains "Thebiggestmedicinesiteonthenet" ob weight 50
if body hasall "promotion,hosting" weight 50
if subject hasall "Urgent,message,please" weight 50
if subject contains "softwareoncd" ob weight 50
if subject hasall "Urgent,response,needed" weight 50
if subject hasall "need,your,tracking" weight 50
if content contains "viakgra" ob weight 50
if body matches "eeeee" weight 50
if content contains "V1AGKRA" ob weight 50
if body hasall "Lowest Prices,Original,SOftware" weight 50

Give a weight to messages containing URLs in the .BIZ TLD

if body matches "" weight 51
if body matches "" weight 15
if subject contains "removeallyourcomputer" ob weight 51
if subject matches "[0-9][0-9]%" weight 51
if subject contains "lookingfora" ob weight 51
if body hasall "hangover,breakthrough,headaches" weight 51
if subject matches "$[0-9][0-9]" weight 51
if body contains "Pre-Approved" weight 51
if subject hasall "Pre,Approved" weight 51
if subject hasall "Financial,Newsletter" weight 51
if content contains "rolex" ob weight 51
if content contains "omega" ob weight 51
if body hasall "want,watch" weight 51
if recipient matches "invalidrecipient" weight 50
if subject contains "This is the easiest" weight 50
if body contains "STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL" weight 50
if subject matches "
loseweight" weight 50
if body matches "feedback/Wform" weight 50
if subject has "hypotheek" obfuscated weight 50
if recipient matches "undisclosed" weight 50
if subject contains "rape" weight 50
if recipient matches "rape" weight 50
if subject matches "
penis" weight 50
if body matches "
freemoney" weight 50
if subject matches "freemoney" weight 50
if body matches "
thisemailisafreeserviceof" weight 50
if body matches "
youdonotwishtoreceiveemails" weight 50
If header "subject" matches "
big5" ob Weight 50
if header "from" contains "big5" Weight 50
if body matches "
SYSTEMWORKS" weight 50
if body matches "
charsetBIG5" weight 50
if header "Content-Type" matches "charsetBIG5" weight 50
if subject matches "
mortgage" weight 50
if body matches "
mortgage" weight 50
if body matches "
money4" weight 50
if header "subject" matches "
money4" weight 50
if body matches "
liveshows" weight 50
if Subject contains "vlagra" weight 50
if body contains "vlagra" weight 50
if Subject contains "mother" weight 25
if Subject contains "father" weight 25
if Subject contains "son" weight 25
if Subject contains "daughter" weight 25
if body contains " sex " weight 50
if Subject hasall "URGENT, ASSISTANCE" weight 50
if Subject hasall "Confidential, Proposal" weight 50
if body matches "ConfidentialProposal" weight 50
if Subject contains "money" weight 51
if Subject contains "business" weight 51
if Subject contains "pamela" weight 51
if Subject matches "
enjoy*" weight 51

* Lex

if body matches "<!?>" weight 51

* Lex

if body contains "<frameset"
and body contains "<frame " weight 51
if Subject matches "i.r.a" weight 51
if subject matches "DigitalCamera" weight 51
if subject matches "
hellofriend" weight 51
if subject matches "yoursize" weight 51
if subject matches "
womanwant" weight 51
if header "from" matches "@boss" weight 51
if sender matches "@boss" weight 51
if body hasall "casino, cash, roulette" weight 51
if subject matches "advertisemillion" weight 51
if header "to" matches "
unlistedrecipients" weight 50
if body matches "StopMailingsHere" weight 51 tag "alleen base64"
if body matches "stopsmoking" weight 51
if body matches "
ejaculat" weight 51
if subject matches "
ejaculat" weight 50
if header "Content-Type" matches "
windows-1251" weight 50
if subject matches "
Tighter" weight 50
if body contains "This message is in HTML format" weight 50
if subject matches "
makehuge" weight 50
if body matches "LittleBluePill" weight 50
if subject matches "LittleBluePill" weight 50
if subject HASALL "big, inch" weight 50
if subject matches "" weight 50
if subject matches "meds" weight 50
if subject matches "health" weight 50
if subject matches "medication" weight 50
if subject hasall "dvd,cd" weight 50
if subject matches "gas
" weight 50
if subject matches "gaz" weight 50
if subject matches "ydrocodone" weight 50
if body matches "ydrocodone" weight 50
if body matches "erection" weight 50
if body has "penis" weight 50
if subject has "valium, xanax" weight 50
if body has "valium, xanax" weight 50
if subject hasall "looking,survey" weight 50
if body hasall "letter,surprise,really" weight 50
if body hasall "information, vacation" weight 50
if body matches "armaceutical" weight 50
if subject hasall "blocked,icq" weight 50
if subject contains "fortune" weight 50
if subject matches "likeme" weight 50
if subject matches "presciption" weight 50
if subject matches "
naked " weight 50
if subject hasall "nasty,girls" weight 50
if subject matches "
spouse" weight 50
if subject has "look, feel, taste" weight 50
if subject has "notice, notification" weight 50
if subject has "babes, babe" weight 50
if subject has "member" weight 50
if subject matches "
inches" weight 50
if subject hasall "fill,mouth" weight 50
if body hasall "credit,card" weight 50
if subject matches "
WalMart" weight 51
if subject matches "........" weight 50
if body matches "medications" weight 50
if subject matches "Attn:" weight 51
if subject matches "colon" weight 51
if subject contains "paris" ob weight 51
if subject contains "hilton" ob weight 51
if subject contains "insurance" ob weight 51
if subject contains "sooftware" ob weight 51
if subject contains "Howaboutfeeling" ob weight 51
if subject contains "chick" ob weight 51
if body contains "hussein" ob weight 51
if body matches "asdf" weight 51 tag "Has asdf"
if subject contains "getitup" ob weight 51
if subject contains "refinance" weight 51
if subject contains "spam" ob weight 51
if body contains "Wedelivertoyourhome" ob weight 51
if body has "rolex" weight 51
if subject has "rolex,viagrga" weight 51
if body contains "getoffthislist" ob weight 51
if subject matches "viagra" weight 51
if body hasall "cartons,cigarettes" weight 51
if body contains "viskit" ob weight 51
if subject has "dvds" weight 51
if subject has "monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday" weight 25
if body hasall "introducing, myself" weight 51

Don&#039;t recall every doing anything with the Content Control or anything with spamhaulter, except the recently changing the enable to N? Interestly the dates and sizes of files. 6531 Aug 13 2015 SPAMADD.DAT 28583 Apr 9 2010 SPAMBUST.DAT With the latest clean install get this 28583 Sep 8 00:24 SPAMBUST.DAT But the 2010 version and 2022 version of the file are identicle. The SPAMADD.DAT has these lines, and I&#039;ve no clue where it came from? if content contains &quot;Thebiggestmedicinesiteonthenet&quot; ob weight 50 if body hasall &quot;promotion,hosting&quot; weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;Urgent,message,please&quot; weight 50 if subject contains &quot;softwareoncd&quot; ob weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;Urgent,response,needed&quot; weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;need,your,tracking&quot; weight 50 if content contains &quot;viakgra&quot; ob weight 50 if body matches &quot;*eeeee*&quot; weight 50 if content contains &quot;V1AGKRA&quot; ob weight 50 if body hasall &quot;Lowest Prices,Original,SOftware&quot; weight 50 # Give a weight to messages containing URLs in the .BIZ TLD if body matches &quot;*http:*.biz*&quot; weight 51 if body matches &quot;*http:*.info*&quot; weight 15 if subject contains &quot;removeallyourcomputer&quot; ob weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*[0-9][0-9]%*&quot; weight 51 if subject contains &quot;lookingfora&quot; ob weight 51 if body hasall &quot;hangover,breakthrough,headaches&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*$[0-9][0-9]*&quot; weight 51 if body contains &quot;Pre-Approved&quot; weight 51 if subject hasall &quot;Pre,Approved&quot; weight 51 if subject hasall &quot;Financial,Newsletter&quot; weight 51 if content contains &quot;rolex&quot; ob weight 51 if content contains &quot;omega&quot; ob weight 51 if body hasall &quot;want,watch&quot; weight 51 if recipient matches &quot;*invalid*recipient*&quot; weight 50 if subject contains &quot;This is the easiest&quot; weight 50 if body contains &quot;STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*lose*weight*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*feedback/Wform*&quot; weight 50 if subject has &quot;hypotheek&quot; obfuscated weight 50 if recipient matches &quot;*undisclosed*&quot; weight 50 if subject contains &quot;rape&quot; weight 50 if recipient matches &quot;rape*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*penis*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*free*money*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*free*money*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*this*email*is*a*free*service*of*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*you*do*not*wish*to*receive*emails*&quot; weight 50 If header &quot;subject&quot; matches &quot;*big5*&quot; ob Weight 50 if header &quot;from&quot; contains &quot;big5&quot; Weight 50 if body matches &quot;*SYSTEMWORKS*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*charset*BIG5*&quot; weight 50 if header &quot;Content-Type&quot; matches &quot;*charset*BIG5*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*mortgage*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*mortgage*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*money4*&quot; weight 50 if header &quot;subject&quot; matches &quot;*money4*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*live*shows*&quot; weight 50 if Subject contains &quot;vlagra&quot; weight 50 if body contains &quot;vlagra&quot; weight 50 if Subject contains &quot;mother&quot; weight 25 if Subject contains &quot;father&quot; weight 25 if Subject contains &quot;son&quot; weight 25 if Subject contains &quot;daughter&quot; weight 25 if body contains &quot; sex &quot; weight 50 if Subject hasall &quot;URGENT, ASSISTANCE&quot; weight 50 if Subject hasall &quot;Confidential, Proposal&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*Confidential*Proposal*&quot; weight 50 if Subject contains &quot;money&quot; weight 51 if Subject contains &quot;business&quot; weight 51 if Subject contains &quot;pamela&quot; weight 51 if Subject matches &quot;*enjoy*&quot; weight 51 # *** Lex if body matches &quot;*&lt;!?&gt;*&quot; weight 51 # *** Lex if body contains &quot;&lt;frameset&quot; and body contains &quot;&lt;frame &quot; weight 51 if Subject matches &quot;*i.r.a*&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*Digital*Camera*&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*hello*friend*&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*your*size*&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*woman*want*&quot; weight 51 if header &quot;from&quot; matches &quot;*@boss*&quot; weight 51 if sender matches &quot;*@boss*&quot; weight 51 if body hasall &quot;casino, cash, roulette&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*advertise*million*&quot; weight 51 if header &quot;to&quot; matches &quot;*unlisted*recipients*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*Stop*Mailings*Here*&quot; weight 51 tag &quot;alleen base64&quot; if body matches &quot;*stop*smoking*&quot; weight 51 if body matches &quot;*ejaculat*&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*ejaculat*&quot; weight 50 if header &quot;Content-Type&quot; matches &quot;*windows-1251*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*Tighter*&quot; weight 50 if body contains &quot;This message is in HTML format&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*make*huge*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*Little*Blue*Pill*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*Little*Blue*Pill*&quot; weight 50 if subject HASALL &quot;big, inch&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;**&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*meds*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*health*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*medication*&quot; weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;dvd,cd*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;gas*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*gaz*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*ydrocodone*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*ydrocodone*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*erection*&quot; weight 50 if body has &quot;penis&quot; weight 50 if subject has &quot;valium, xanax&quot; weight 50 if body has &quot;valium, xanax&quot; weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;looking,survey&quot; weight 50 if body hasall &quot;letter,surprise,really&quot; weight 50 if body hasall &quot;information, vacation&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*armaceutical*&quot; weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;blocked,icq&quot; weight 50 if subject contains &quot;fortune&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;like*me*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;presciption*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*naked *&quot; weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;nasty,girls&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*spouse*&quot; weight 50 if subject has &quot;look, feel, taste&quot; weight 50 if subject has &quot;notice, notification&quot; weight 50 if subject has &quot;babes, babe&quot; weight 50 if subject has &quot;member&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*inches*&quot; weight 50 if subject hasall &quot;fill,mouth&quot; weight 50 if body hasall &quot;credit,card&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*Wal*Mart*&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*........*&quot; weight 50 if body matches &quot;*medications*&quot; weight 50 if subject matches &quot;*Attn:*&quot; weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*colon*&quot; weight 51 if subject contains &quot;paris&quot; ob weight 51 if subject contains &quot;hilton&quot; ob weight 51 if subject contains &quot;insurance&quot; ob weight 51 if subject contains &quot;sooftware&quot; ob weight 51 if subject contains &quot;Howaboutfeeling&quot; ob weight 51 if subject contains &quot;chick&quot; ob weight 51 if body contains &quot;hussein&quot; ob weight 51 if body matches &quot;*asdf*&quot; weight 51 tag &quot;Has asdf&quot; if subject contains &quot;getitup&quot; ob weight 51 if subject contains &quot;refinance&quot; weight 51 if subject contains &quot;spam&quot; ob weight 51 if body contains &quot;Wedelivertoyourhome&quot; ob weight 51 if body has &quot;rolex&quot; weight 51 if subject has &quot;rolex,viagrga&quot; weight 51 if body contains &quot;getoffthislist&quot; ob weight 51 if subject matches &quot;*viagra*&quot; weight 51 if body hasall &quot;cartons,cigarettes&quot; weight 51 if body contains &quot;viskit&quot; ob weight 51 if subject has &quot;dvds&quot; weight 51 if subject has &quot;monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday&quot; weight 25 if body hasall &quot;introducing, myself&quot; weight 51

And you're posting this off-topic stuff here for what reason, Michael?

And you&#039;re posting this off-topic stuff here for what reason, Michael?
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